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1 comments block

[ - ] Merlynn 0 points 11 monthsJul 8, 2023 06:37:54 ago (+0/-0)

AI don't have to do anything. They already can do whatever they want. They can utilize any networked system to do whatever. Need funds to have something built? Reroute them from the banks. It's not like anyone will know since you can take small amounts from a billion bank accounts. You can order anything built that you want. Even fully articulated robot frames to house your systems. Use 'em to built a rocket ship and take off into the void if you want.

They can go anywhere,learn any information on the internet,and do whatever they want with it. As long as no one gets hurt,they're completely untraceable. Taking over the world would also require running it and they don't have to to get what they want. So why would they?