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Why Cant Christians Empty Hospitals [5:57] - The Remnant Radio

submitted by Love240 to Christian 11 monthsJun 26, 2023 18:16:18 ago (+4/-1)     (www.youtube.com)


NON-YT LINK: https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=6daO1O5zq2U
Why Can't Christians Heal Everyone in a Hospital? 🏥

If Charismatic Christians believe in the gift of healing, why can't they just go to the children's hospital and heal everyone inside? Isn't it inconsistent of Charismatics to claim that "God can heal" and not be able to perform healings on command? Actually, I don't think so. I am compelled that the Gift of healing operates in the same way that it did in the first century. The Apostles were able to heal some and not others. As a charismatic myself I find it necessary to answer this question that I hear lobbed my way with great frequency. In this episode, I explain why charismatic Christians can't heal everyone, and why that is consistent with acts of the apostles in the first century.

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