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30 comments block

[ - ] IdlyDyiny -1 points 11 monthsJun 10, 2023 00:15:34 ago (+0/-1)

Christians and kikes are any better?

[ - ] letsgetit 1 point 11 monthsJun 9, 2023 22:00:18 ago (+1/-0)

Moderate muslims is a misnomer. They have some extremist views when compared to anything in the West

[ - ] StealthNinjaTaliban -1 points 11 monthsJun 9, 2023 20:59:17 ago (+0/-1)

Islam is right about women and jews

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 11 monthsJun 9, 2023 19:14:04 ago (+1/-1)

All polygynous societies have low marriage age for females and large age disparity between bride and groom. It seems to be an evolutionary mechanism which occurs because of low availability of marriageable 18 year old females (elite males hoard them). So to compensate for a scarcity of available women they rob the cradle. The higher the rate of polygyny the younger the child brides will be.

You see the same thing in some of the polygynous mormon groups.

High violence also seems to be a feature in these groups. Their marriage patterns seem to favor more aggressive males. This is why they are low trust shithole societies.

[ - ] jigganiggaboo 3 points 11 monthsJun 9, 2023 17:34:44 ago (+4/-1)

I dont know why people talk about how based muslims are. They are still disgusting smelly savages that have 12 year old brides rape goats behead people instead of hanging them.

[ - ] HonkyMcNiggerSpic [op] 1 point 11 monthsJun 10, 2023 01:15:46 ago (+1/-0)

owen benjewin's bears are now pro-islam because their cult daddy is. Its hilarious how dumb they are.

[ - ] Doglegwarrior 0 points 11 monthsJun 9, 2023 15:47:02 ago (+2/-2)*

The Muslims also are

1. Majority anti jew
2. Anti feminist
3. Against usary
4. Hate lgbtq more then almost any one
5. Want to whipe Isreal off the face of the earth.

But they have issues obviously

[ - ] TheNoticing 4 points 11 monthsJun 9, 2023 18:34:21 ago (+4/-0)

They'd come after us next, because we don't treat women like actual property, nor do we find child brides to be moral.

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 2 points 11 monthsJun 9, 2023 21:26:22 ago (+2/-0)

Muds are fine, in their own countries. Let them wage jihad against Israel for us while we busy ourselves purging our countries of jews, niggers, wetbacks, and yes, muds.

[ - ] HonkyMcNiggerSpic [op] 1 point 11 monthsJun 10, 2023 01:04:42 ago (+1/-0)

That's it, jew boy. Push islam like daddy owen. kek

[ - ] deleted 0 points 11 monthsJun 10, 2023 01:05:36 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] Doglegwarrior -2 points 11 monthsJun 9, 2023 15:45:44 ago (+0/-2)


Thinks it's ok to pretend to be white so he can gatekeep against white people having strong families and communities

He knows all about snakes he is a fucking snake in the grass and a lying fucking coward

[ - ] HonkyMcNiggerSpic [op] 1 point 11 monthsJun 10, 2023 01:12:57 ago (+1/-0)

Are you against pedophilia? Would you marry and impregnate a 12 or 13 year old child?

[ - ] AugustineOfHippo2 4 points 11 monthsJun 9, 2023 15:41:55 ago (+4/-0)

And yet some here on Voat think they are allies or something...
Very strange.

[ - ] HonkyMcNiggerSpic [op] 1 point 11 monthsJun 10, 2023 01:14:27 ago (+1/-0)

owen benjewin tricked his retard bears into being pro-islam. He has to be laughing his ass off.

[ - ] NukeAmerica -2 points 11 monthsJun 9, 2023 15:26:53 ago (+1/-3)

It was common for white men to marry females that young just 100 years ago. (((Femenist))) changed it all the way up to 18 and now they want it to 21 now.

[ - ] FloridaMan 2 points 11 monthsJun 9, 2023 14:12:45 ago (+3/-1)

Muhammad married Aisha when she was six.
It's Ok though. They didn't consummate the marriage untiil she was nine.

[ - ] The_Reunto -1 points 11 monthsJun 9, 2023 13:54:32 ago (+2/-3)

Not very long ago it was acceptable to marry and start a family with a 15 year old (with parental consent, etc) in Canada. That was eventually changed to 16.

The underlying concept had to do with the age of puberty/menses when pregnancy was physiologically possible. The focus was on family.

Due to estrogenification from plastics and drinking water contamination, females are starting puberty sooner, as soon as 10, 11, or 12.

From a physiological perspective, there would be nothing wrong with having two 12 year olds produce children. The concern is more about social issues, such as the fact that both parties would likely lack the maturity to rear children responsibly. The nuclear family structure used to be multi-generational and/or community based, which compensated for the young age of the birthing mother. We don't have that anymore. Which is part of the reason it isn't appropriate for 12 year olds to marry, despite being physiologically capable. And it's part of the reason parental consent is still required under a certain age.

If you changed the title to 16 instead of 12, you would likely still have the Americans in the crowd huffing for 18+ only, but 16 is legal in Canada. There is still an ongoing global conversation about which age is acceptable.

The underlying consensus in most places is that copulation should be withheld until female puberty/menses. This isn't true in Talmudism where having intercourse with a non-Talmudite baby or toddler is consider nothing of consequence. And a criticism thrown at Islam is that Mohamad's marriage to a sub-10 female also does not meet that female pubescence standard.

The reason we are disgusted with some of these cultural standards is because they conflict with our Western values. Stand up for Western values.

[ - ] HonkyMcNiggerSpic [op] 5 points 11 monthsJun 9, 2023 14:06:13 ago (+5/-0)

There is something wrong with two 12 year olds having children. Very wrong. It is disgusting for a 47 year old creeper to have children with a 16 year old teen. niggers and beaners start fucking at 8 years old. We're better than that.

[ - ] The_Reunto -3 points 11 monthsJun 9, 2023 14:20:27 ago (+2/-5)

It is disgusting for a 47 year old creeper to have children with a 16 year old teen

Let's change the age to 18 teen and 49 for the sake of argument. That age gap is also usually frowned upon. But so long as the relationship and child rearing is healthy and supportive, what are the specific moral issues?

What if the 18 year old instead went to a sperm bank and selected material from a 49 year old? Are the same moral issues still present?

(Imagine the sperm bank concept was to resolve a male fertility issue with a 18 year old husband)

niggers and beaners start fucking at 8 years old. We're better than that.

And these would not be committed relationships / marriages. I agree.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 11 monthsJun 9, 2023 19:40:29 ago (+1/-1)*

Its dysgenic. How many times have I explained why a 47yr old / 18 yr old pairing is dysgenic? You gonna make Helena do it again?

High age disparity is bad for the same reason polygyny is bad— it creates an assymetrical distribution of females which favors elites and more aggressive males. And what do men do in their single years between 18 and 47? Fuck whores? So all these whores are unmarriageable creating an even worse scarcity of available women for young men to marry and fuck.

This is why Italy and Greece and Spain are worse than Scandinavia. It fucks up the whole economy, by favoring the most rent seeking males reproductively over “team players”, thereby creating massive wealth disparity within the society.

The most successful countries have the highest monogamy and small age disparity/late marriage age for females. On the shitty side of the Hajnal line you have high age disparity but fairly high monogamy, and then the next level down is full on polygyny.

Its totally dysgenic. It favors the worst cheaters and psychos to out reproduce nice guys. Theres basically no exception to this rule.

I elaborate at great length here. https://www.talk.lol/viewpost.php?postid=630b28425e912&commentid=630bd1bf17727

The most egalitarian societies where you dont have some men kiking and exploiting each other through taxation or addiction or some other form of slavery are the ones where men and women get married at the same age, early 20s and start reproducing forthwith.

[ - ] The_Reunto -1 points 11 monthsJun 9, 2023 19:56:06 ago (+0/-1)

Its dysgenic... it creates an assymetrical distribution of females which favors elites and more aggressive males. And what do men do in their single years between 18 and 47? Fuck whores?

Non sequitur, it has nothing to do with my post. I won't dignify garbage with a substantive response.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 11 monthsJun 9, 2023 20:06:03 ago (+1/-0)

But so long as the relationship and child rearing is healthy and supportive, what are the specific moral issues?

The moral issue is, its dygenic. Morals of the entire society will degenrate.

[ - ] The_Reunto -1 points 11 monthsJun 10, 2023 09:06:33 ago (+0/-1)

If it's healthy, it's not dysgenic.

The question I had was about moral concerns, and I just don't see what the issue is for making it legal for an 18 year old to marry a 49 year old.

[ - ] NukeAmerica -1 points 11 monthsJun 9, 2023 15:42:13 ago (+1/-2)

He has no arguments, it’s all emotional for him. He is no different than a woman.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 11 monthsJun 9, 2023 19:23:23 ago (+1/-0)

In the more civilized parts of northwest europe, 15 was not considered a decent age to marry, 18 was for a very long time. Laws accomodated younger marriage because sometimes a girl was in the family way and needed to get hitched but it was never respectable. They kept the ages very low in the southern US because niggers were always getting knocked up and the white people made them marry.

Average age of marriage among northern europeans has been 23 or 24 for women for over a thousand years. Maybe longer. All the germanic lands anyway.

Physiologically most white kids are not physically mature at 12. I was not capable of having a baby at 12. Its different for niggers ans other ‘r’ strategists at the other end of the r/K spectrum.

[ - ] The_Reunto -1 points 11 monthsJun 9, 2023 19:58:27 ago (+0/-1)

Sources for your conjecture? I have not found anything that matches your claims here.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 11 monthsJun 9, 2023 20:25:40 ago (+1/-0)

Hajnal did alot of this research. There are other studies that have estimated average age of marriage for men and women in germanic countries like Britain and Netherlands from church records goung back a thousand years. Ireland, predictably has higher age disparity and is an outlier in NW Europe with similar marriage patterns to southern and eastern europe. Marriage records of early america show the same patterns. Relative late marriage age for women in germanic societies. Small age disparity. This is more monogamous than countries with higher age disparities like Italy because of the benefits of even reproductive opportunity for working white men on par with elites exploiting kikey strategies. In fact the instances where you did see some age disparity in marriage was in the elite classes. Elite males would philander with their servants or whomever while putting off marriage until 30. Nobody else could afford to do that. Respectable working class germanics married in their early twenties, men and women. Go research marriage age trends from church records in northwest europe and america. You won’t dind anything to contradict me. Even Cicero noted that the Germanics of his time married at 20, universally, men and women.

[ - ] VitaminSieg 4 points 11 monthsJun 9, 2023 13:30:07 ago (+4/-0)

That's a beautiful snake though

[ - ] Clubberlang 1 point 11 monthsJun 9, 2023 20:33:44 ago (+1/-0)

That's what she said

[ - ] Portmanure 4 points 11 monthsJun 9, 2023 11:55:04 ago (+5/-1)

They don’t use toilet paper. They just pick one hand to wipe their ass. And use the other to eat with. Savages.