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40 comments block

[ - ] yesiknow 16 points 12 monthsJun 4, 2023 23:33:45 ago (+16/-0)

John F Kennedy was about to declare israel had undeclared weapons of mass destruction and cut them off of American aid right up until he was murdered. His family all sold out.


[ - ] NationalSocialism [op] 10 points 12 monthsJun 4, 2023 23:43:28 ago (+11/-1)

I’m pretty sure he was trying to get rid of the fed.

Executive Order 11110 was an effort by Kennedy to transfer power from the Federal Reserve to the United States Department of the Treasury by replacing Federal Reserve Notes with silver certificates.

[ - ] Fascinus 11 points 12 monthsJun 4, 2023 23:53:01 ago (+12/-1)


Just two months after Kennedy's assassination, in his first economic report to Congress, Johnson reversed Kennedy's path and recommended that America "expedite the release of silver from the coinage." Johnson discontinued the issuance of silver certificates in 1964, and the process of retiring the outstanding certificates began.


[ - ] Special_Prosecutor 1 point 12 monthsJun 5, 2023 02:58:46 ago (+3/-2)

EO 11110 was merely an optional transitional step to end minting real silver coins and replace them with $1 and $2 federal reserve notes to be backed by a small percent of gold as what had already occurred when $50 federal reserve notes replaced $50 gold Treasury Certificates.

Kennedy wasn't gonna do shit about the Federal Reserve.

[ - ] Leeroythebiglippednigger 7 points 12 monthsJun 4, 2023 23:38:29 ago (+7/-0)

Yes. He was going stop Vietnam too. That's why the Jews killed him.

[ - ] Rowdybme -1 points 12 monthsJun 5, 2023 21:59:24 ago (+0/-1)

Jfk was a Demonrat. You live in a relatively free country. With plenty of space to do whatever you want. If we really end up tossing all the jews. The chinks will be happy. It's what they want. Alot of the people on here are Chinese bots trying to make us mad at the filthy jews. So they can sneak up behind us and slit our throats. Wake up. You're being bamboozled. Same tactic we use on them. Try to divide the different cultures of China to make them collapse. Truth is jews are a HUGE part of our success. Chinks know this.

[ - ] yesiknow 1 point 12 monthsJun 6, 2023 04:06:44 ago (+1/-0)*

Hahaha. the jews are getting tossed and the chinamen are going back to a life of communist no oil.

Jews are Zero part of our success you joker.

And nobody's allowed to protest if the government doesn't agree with it, so how is that free? THe cost for a small manufacturing company for each employee is $36,000 a year. That's not free.

People are beat and killed for supporting Trump or being White and teachers are deciding what sex your kid is and parents are threatened with jail for disagreeing. Some kind of free shithole.

[ - ] NationalSocialism [op] 13 points 12 monthsJun 4, 2023 23:38:33 ago (+13/-0)

That picture above him is the last chabad rebbe that died back in 94. He despised White, gentiles and there are lots of quotes and recordings around the internet that I’ve seen/heard. It’s definitely meant to be symbolic.


[ - ] Fascinus 7 points 12 monthsJun 4, 2023 23:45:44 ago (+7/-0)

Appreciate the background.

Something about those particular kikes in the photo evokes an instinctively repulsive reaction... So fucking jewish

[ - ] Nosferatjew 7 points 12 monthsJun 5, 2023 04:22:57 ago (+7/-0)

A jew, a shabos goy, and a tranny. May they all die in a horrific fire. Amen.

[ - ] Peleg 4 points 12 monthsJun 5, 2023 07:23:22 ago (+4/-0)

I was wondering if anyone was going to point out the tranny!

[ - ] KyleIsThisTall 7 points 12 monthsJun 5, 2023 02:20:56 ago (+7/-0)

dear lord they look like retarded toads

[ - ] oyveyo 6 points 12 monthsJun 5, 2023 03:14:31 ago (+6/-0)

I like how that picture is crooked, just like the jews.

[ - ] HonkyMcNiggerSpic 6 points 12 monthsJun 5, 2023 01:08:39 ago (+6/-0)

Its like all politicians have to lick alien kike ass or else.

[ - ] TheOriginal1Icemonkey 6 points 12 monthsJun 4, 2023 23:37:07 ago (+8/-2)

No one gets close to becoming president without first taking jew cock balls deep. Trump, all of them. Just look for the tiny hat at the wailing wall. That picture tells all.

[ - ] Fascinus 6 points 12 monthsJun 4, 2023 23:39:29 ago (+6/-0)

That's kind of where I was going with this.

[ - ] TheOriginal1Icemonkey 5 points 12 monthsJun 4, 2023 23:46:19 ago (+6/-1)

Yeah, it’s really just blatantly obvious now that they have all been doing this charade for quite some time. Remember when they used to have to “kiss Kissinger’s ring”?

[ - ] Fascinus 8 points 12 monthsJun 4, 2023 23:53:46 ago (+8/-0)

Perfect example.

What a disgusting fucking vampire.

[ - ] TheOriginal1Icemonkey 1 point 12 monthsJun 5, 2023 00:01:29 ago (+3/-2)

He really is a very smart guy, totally knows everything about foreign relations and such, having been Secretary of State during the Vietnam war and all. He’s been the elder statesmen for over fifty years now and everyone has come to him for advice. I always admired him in this role, respected him even. Then I learned about the jew. I see differently now.

[ - ] deleted -1 points 12 monthsJun 5, 2023 05:52:58 ago (+0/-1)


[ - ] UncleDoug 4 points 12 monthsJun 5, 2023 07:55:46 ago (+4/-0)

What a good goy.

[ - ] DoctorK 5 points 12 monthsJun 4, 2023 23:31:15 ago (+6/-1)

But @gaperglory said

I cant reveal how i know this, but I have a (VERY) personal connection to the Kennedy family, and i can assure you... They are well aware of the the Judenproblem.

How can my lying eyes be deceived?

[ - ] NationalSocialism [op] 7 points 12 monthsJun 4, 2023 23:31:59 ago (+7/-0)

Lots of shills on here.

[ - ] PencilLeadSyringe 1 point 12 monthsJun 5, 2023 21:23:19 ago (+1/-0)

That's true but Gaper ain't one. Take it from a lurker who may or may not know him. His wording wasn't perfect, but he's just saying JFK and the their line almost certainly knew/know about the Jew problem (consider the "controversial" audio clip of JFK talking about a worldwide conspiracy that threatens every man, woman, and child- I say controversial because it's validity is debated). Gaper is a good dude.

[ - ] gaperglory -1 points 12 monthsJun 5, 2023 05:22:49 ago (+2/-3)

Again, not a shill. Stop seeing the world in black and white. Politics is chess, and sometimes pawns are sacrificed to take the king down.

[ - ] chrimony 10 points 12 monthsJun 5, 2023 07:13:56 ago (+10/-0)

Oh, just what we need. More Qanon-level 4d chess underwater chess. So he can stand up to Big Pharma and the Military Industrial Complex, but when it comes to rewtweeting Roger Waters about something that has nothing to do with Israel -- woah there, not so fast, cowboy! Time to go on a rabbi-led apology tour!

[ - ] DoctorK 3 points 12 monthsJun 5, 2023 08:52:22 ago (+4/-1)

This gaperglory queer personally messaged me....lol

It's not smart to throw rocks in glass houses. Share your opinions, not mine, friend.

I didn't know I was sharing opinions when you spout them off as facts.

[ - ] gaperglory 2 points 12 monthsJun 5, 2023 21:05:19 ago (+2/-0)

Dude all I ever said was that the Kennedys know about the jew problem... why are you so laser focused on my quotes anyway? Did I offend your delicate sensibilities? I tried sending you a kindly worded message in an attempt to steer you away from making an enemy in a small community. That makes me a queer? I've been nothing but kind to everyone on this site but known pedos and particular assholes. Which one are you?

[ - ] Fascinus 4 points 12 monthsJun 4, 2023 23:37:42 ago (+4/-0)

No dog in this particular fight and it does seem likely that the family would have an opinion on kikes considering how uncle John met his untimely end.

Would you permit the possibility that this is an example of realpolitik in action?

[ - ] deleted 0 points 12 monthsJun 5, 2023 07:56:07 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] deleted -2 points 12 monthsJun 5, 2023 05:16:59 ago (+0/-2)


[ - ] PhimoticEmbrace 4 points 12 monthsJun 5, 2023 03:30:10 ago (+4/-0)

Holy shit. That woman is a giant midget.

[ - ] Nosferatjew 6 points 12 monthsJun 5, 2023 04:23:50 ago (+6/-0)

Woman? I just see 3 dudes.

[ - ] observation1 3 points 12 monthsJun 5, 2023 03:25:17 ago (+3/-0)

That thing under his left arm is absolutely disgusting.

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 3 points 12 monthsJun 5, 2023 01:53:15 ago (+3/-0)

I am reminded of a scene in Unbreakable where Mr.Glass talks about how a villain's eyes are of different shapes and sizes. Search engines and jewtube being what they are now, I simply cannot find it for the life of me.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 12 monthsJun 5, 2023 09:06:41 ago (+1/-1)


[ - ] Rowdybme -1 points 12 monthsJun 5, 2023 05:38:50 ago (+0/-1)

Who gives a fuck idiots. Accept you are a jew pet. The chinks want to kill us. The jews just want us to be their bitch. Decide which fate you think you can fight against.

[ - ] gaperglory 4 points 12 monthsJun 5, 2023 05:54:48 ago (+4/-0)

Have another blackpill sunshine.

[ - ] Rowdybme 0 points 12 monthsJun 5, 2023 22:02:23 ago (+0/-0)

Get a yellow pill. It's the chinks laughing at us fighting with each other.

[ - ] uvulectomy 0 points 12 monthsJun 5, 2023 19:54:09 ago (+0/-0)

Oy vey just accept your jewish masters! The chinaman wants to kill you, so go to war and die fighting the chinaman! Then you can be comfortable under our nice kosher yoke as a slave!

[ - ] Rowdybme 0 points 12 monthsJun 5, 2023 21:52:27 ago (+0/-0)

If we die. So does the jew. They understand this. So does the chink. The chink is just trying to divide and Conquer. Like it or not. The jews gave us the nuke. Without it we would probably still be fighting the chinks. Jews see us as useful and the bottom line is they as a small group of people and chinks as a large group of people are both smarter than us. The chinks know if we revolt against our brain center the jews. Then we are screwed. The jews are trying to make money from us. The gooks want us under their boots. Although society is a cesspool of shit. I still rather live here than under the rule of 1.5 billion chinks. Hitler flew too close to the sun.