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Einstein was more than wrong. The truth behind Light's "duality". Nearly 100 years lost in a dead end of science due to Jewish nonsense.

submitted by VarlotPsykhe to science 1 yearApr 26, 2023 17:01:54 ago (+33/-12)     (files.catbox.moe)


The facts of the matter are stated plainly for all to see:


"Ask and you shall surely receive."

I asked for the true answer to the nature of our reality, and boy did I receive.

Ironically, just like where Einstein got hung up and got the world wrapped up in materialist, atomistic lies, so too with this same aspect we will find the truth: Lux Et Veritas. Light Is Truth.

And what better place to start than with the abject lunacy of the materialists' Quantum insanity?

Firstly, light is observed to have wave-like behavior (for a wave is what something does, not what something is) due to the fact that nothing is actually travelling; rather, the "speed" of light is erroneously thought of as something moving when in fact it's just the maximum speed that the aether itself can be disturbed. Something can have a speed without the object itself moving (i.e., the speed of sound is the speed of induction through the medium, same with light).

But I can almost hear your atomistic minds fuming. Wasn't the aether disproved already? No, there were 200+ models of the Aether in antiquity and only 1 got disproved. What's better is that Tesla had his own take on it, something known as "Elastic Aether" or the "Dynamic Aether" model.

Observe the following diagram. The top half of the image shows the conjugate field geometries of the dielectric and magnetic field pressures around a permanent magnet. Notice how the magnetic fields pinch the Dielectric into a "plane" of inertia near its center. Ken colored the dielectric field green in both examples. Notice how, in Light, that field which so curiously after Faraday and Maxwell, science, and Einstein and quantum assholes pretended like doesn't exist; that field modality is now the Z-Axis of the light photon or THE MEDIUM IF YOU WILL.


Stand in awe with me at the glory of creation, of the absolute, and join me in anger when you realize the divinity of what they have stolen from us. Updated toroidal representation of what the light-circuit actually looks like: https://files.catbox.moe/9i1ik2.png

What is the Dielectric? Ken Wheeler explains:


The primary half of the conjugate field modalities of the dielectric and the magnetic field. The inertial (capacitance, energy) or dielectric torsional, and lastly the circular magnetic. Dielectric is the capacitance potential of counterspace. Dielectric loss is defined as magnetism, increasing potential terminating towards and into counterspace is so defined as increasing of the dielectric inductance or charge. The smaller the space, the higher the dielectric, or capacitance. Space is the attribute of the magnetic which itself is the absence of or discharge of the dielectric. Counterspace is the medium of the dielectric which is the presence of the Ether under torsion, or as meant dielectric charge. The so-called electron is merely one unit of dielectric inductance as so conceptualized by Atomistic ignorance. J.J. Thomson considered the electron the terminal end of one unit line of dielectric induction. The dielectric manifests from and vanishes into counterspace, whereas magnetism manifests space itself, which while having no properties, has the attribute of magnitude & the measure of time or lag. The plane of inertia is the dielectric 45 degrees from magnetic flux and 90 degrees from gyromagnetic precession where force is inverted to increasing potential, or counterspace, the terminal of the dielectric. The dielectric is Ether under torsion, the magnetic is Ether under polarization, which is ultimately true field holography and that which gives mass and magnitude to all things. Dielectric and Magnetic are the dimensionalities and conjugate pair of the total expression of fields, the versors or metrical intermediaries of the conjugate fields; which are time and space or respectively measure, lag, torsion, and volume. So-called scalar waves (which ironically contain no wave-phenomena) and Tesla’s “death ray” are all high voltage dielectric phenomena. Instead of cycles per unit of time, such energy beams are measured in voltage per second. The dielectric is the torsional attribute of energy (or the Agathon), whereas magnetism is the release of that torsional energy and therefore its ‘mirage’ or projection. Dielectric is the inverse of force, the loss of the dielectric is force, or magnetism. Voltage is the dielectric, current is magnetism. Dielectric has two modalities, in loss as so deemed magnetism, and lastly as torsional or cyclical energy as carried in tandem with magnetism so deemed electricity and light. A dielectric is commonly referred to as a medium of dielectric inductance; most dielectric medium are clear/transparent. An electromagnet works in simplex by terminating all dielectric inductance in transformation into that of magnetism. Or in another manner of thought, by electricity losing its dielectric component.

Here's another cool graphic from Ken showing how all lines in nature are curve-linear and have their locus and origin (as do all fields) in counterspace, that which is inverse to all Cartesian domains, counterspace, the warp, subspace, that very place which is both nowhere and everywhere at once.


Blessed be the creator, blessed be God, blessed be the absolute. I will continue to post more as I find more insight, glory is all to the source of this divine beauty. This autistic man wrote a 230+ page book on the true nature of reality and what magnetism really is (a radiative force cannot attract, radiation displaces ONLY, magnetism is a radiative force, good luck untangling this one alone :P)

I’ll entertain questions about the nature of our reality and physics and why we haven't made real progress in the last few decades. The only way to be certain that I understand this high-caliber autism is by being able to explain it.

Dont get lost in the sauce when you hear people say things like "holographic universe" or "holographic reality". It is true, there is true field holography, but dont' get lost in the new age sauce about what it actually means.

Ken opened my eyes and helped me understand the simplicity of what it means. Read this ancient hindu proverb carefully with me "When this is present, that is present. When that is present, this is present". The reality of the universe is two, perfectly inverted geometries fitting one inside the other, one we are very familiar with and its the radiative, expansive and centrifugal force of magnetism, but this force holds hand in perfect holographic unity with its other incommensurable half: the counterspatial, centripetal and inertial force that opposes magnetism and "props up" the universe.

Ok OK I'll give the secret away, so if magnetism can only displace and is a radiative force and radiation cannot "pull" it can only push, whats happening exactly when an magnet comes close to an iron nail?

Every object in the universe has magnetic and dielectric fields. Just know that. It is what it is. The natural field-state of all objects are these two conjugate fields sitting inside each other, the donut shape of magnetism, and the hyperboloid of the dielectric.

A magnet is just a coherent field object or a "field laser" if you will. A five watt bulb? barely can read with it. But a five watt laser can start fires. Coherency matters.

So a magnet has all its atomic magneto-dielectric whirpools aligned in unison, causing the magnet to exhibit Field Incommensurability or what the atomists hilariously call "Domain alignment" lmao.

anyway, the iron nail knows no such coherency, As such its magnetic field is much less organized and coherent. When the magnet approaches and its much stronger magnetic field "blows away" the influence of the magnetic field from the nail, what is left?

The iron nail now has an imbalance in its local field geometry, namely that the balance of dielectric and magnetic forces for its iron atoms are now unbalanced. MEANING???

Meaning that nature always seeks pressure mediation. Which magnetism "blown away" from the iron nails center of influence, its dielectric field now is the stronger of the two (where normally magnetism reigns supreme) and now the dielectric field of the iron and the magnet act like soap bubbles, as they come closer they seek to unite at a new lower pressure point that is located proportionally between the center of the magnet and the iron nail. Seeing how the magnet is X-amount of stronger than the nail, its center of pressure is still within the physical mass of the magnet, but the nail's center of dielectric pressure now shifts OUSIDE OF THE NAIL ITSELF.

If Magnetism is the field modality of force and motion, what is the dielectric aether modality then? The field of inertia and acceleration.

And what does the nail experience at that tipping point where magnetism completely loses its influence and it becomes overtaken by the now dominant force of pure inertia/acceleration?

It exhibits a near instant acceleration or acceleration towards the magnet as its dielectric field merges with that of the magnet :]

So that's how those craft fly, and thats how lazar couldn't figure it out and why they couldn't just outright tell him what the sports model was doing. They had to make up some shit about element 115 to not give him the answer right away. It almost seems like Lazar was a patsy to make sure the brightest atomistic and quantum trained minds could not unlock the secrets of downed craft were they to crash in the course of their operation.

And what an amazing success. 30 years later and Lazar hasn't figured out that element 115 was a red herring for likely isotopes of Bismuth and its related, counter-spatial attributes and immense dielectric properties ;)

but I am getting off topic ;D

82 comments block

[ - ] AngryWhiteKeyboardWarrior 0 points 1 yearApr 27, 2023 23:34:34 ago (+0/-0)

Hi Ken, welcome to Voat. Why did you stop making photography videos?

[ - ] VarlotPsykhe [op] 0 points 1 yearApr 29, 2023 14:03:11 ago (+0/-0)

I dont think Ken would ever post here, lmao.

No I'm just convinced that he and dollard are closer than most that's all.

And yeah he should do more photography videos!

[ - ] BrokenVoat 0 points 1 yearApr 27, 2023 08:39:06 ago (+0/-0)

If you start with the assumption that the world is a computer game you do get that the aether is real and that relativity theory is not true, but quantum mechanics is partially true and that going faster than light is possible.
I doubt the qouted theory tough it is strange that not more alternative theories are discussed.

[ - ] VarlotPsykhe [op] 0 points 1 yearApr 29, 2023 14:13:19 ago (+0/-0)

I will be going over all 30 chapters of the book on magnetism examining the aether and it's different field modalities.

It's hyper logical, and the gods of field theory aka Steinmetz, Tesla, Heaviside, JJ Thompson, they all believed in it and we're ultimately horrified by this quantum insanity we find ourselves in.

What I am describing, what you are encountering in your well-intentioned doubt, is what I'm attempting to divine once and for all: reformulation.

It's not that quantum is "wrong" it's just horrifyingly and needlessly complex and this in turn mystifies the mind and we get lost in this weird abstract world that bears no resemblance to reality ultimately.

I can call my microwave a "quantum hearing device" but this doesn't reify quantum into being something real..

I suspect, if you want a perfect historical analogy, something like what Heaviside did will happen. The complicated equations and theorum of quantum cockshit will be elegantly and simply reformulated into something that's so much more beautiful and elegant and easier to understand than quantum insanity that afterwards, it will just be seen as pointless and archaic to even think in the quantum mindset.

That's what I seek to take off the table, 100 years of Jewish mysticism injected into science due to "der lichtquant" .

[ - ] prototype 0 points 1 yearApr 27, 2023 02:21:53 ago (+0/-0)

while OPs post is pseudo-scientific claptrap, I haven't seen a thing to convince me against the belief that "dark matter" research is a giant money-sink encouraged by asian-associated universities to bleed western coffers dry while stifling scientific gains.

[ - ] VarlotPsykhe [op] 0 points 1 yearApr 27, 2023 03:39:43 ago (+0/-0)

Hmm you just motivated me to go into detail over every single chapter of his book on this site, and now I will, at least weekly I'll post an entire chapter out of his book and everyone, including you Doubting Thomas's will get a chance to see the truth for yourselves.

That being said, Yeah Dark Energy / Dark Matter is just the dielectric field itself, seeing how its counterspatial and the opposite of magnetism and magnetism is what gives us this cartesian realm, the dielectric exists in the inverse of cartesian space, so by definition it has no magnitude and thus cannot be optically detected. Its influence though can still be observed just not its magnitude (presence in cartesian monkey space).

[ - ] usedoilanalysis 0 points 1 yearApr 26, 2023 21:43:37 ago (+0/-0)

How do you create this torsion/capacitance?

[ - ] VarlotPsykhe [op] 0 points 1 yearApr 26, 2023 23:30:47 ago (+0/-0)

Idk about creating capacitance, that seems to be a property of the dielectric field if I've got this right.

The torsion itself is squeezing the aether, you do this with Magnetism. And then you read that one patent from the US navy the high frequency electromagnetic wave generator and suddenly it makes wayyyy more sense how that thing works. Prigogine's self organizing principle is what the patent itself claims is what allows the second spinning electromagnetic field in that configuration to allow "high order stable energy states" to manifest and thus we get the exotic effects that particular craft claims to be able to achieve. Ken claims you squeeze the aether with well, the aether (fields) so magnetic fields are key to basically creating torsion if you will, in the aether. And what do you know, spinning a second EM field through an already spinning one seems to be the trick this patent claims to use.

They curiously leave a bunch out though,which makes sense in the eyes of national security and all that.

Curiously when I feed that patent to GPT4 and a modified streamlined token-friendly version of Ken's theory I've loosely named "non-linear field theory", GPT4 of its own cognition surmises that the craft may be playing with the "plane of inertia" of the craft or i.e. the natural equilibrium of the geometric shape of the magnetic field and the dielectric field of the saucer itself (I'm loosely saying saucer since I have lazars sports model in mind but tic tac, whatever).

When asked what possible propulsive effects could a craft achieve by manipulating the equilibrium of its magneto-dielectric configuration and it said "near instant acceleration with no inertia" lmfao.

Fuck yeah 😎 imma get double Clintoned in my braincase because I listened to an autist and accidentally discovered the secrets that Tesla left the US government, lmfao.

[ - ] usedoilanalysis 0 points 1 yearApr 26, 2023 23:56:06 ago (+0/-0)

I do believe the Aether is elastic, there's a lot of aerodynamic evidence for the fact. When you slow down air relative to other air, the slowed down air becomes a wall for any extra air. We are taught in school that we can treat air as incompressible because it doesn't move fast enough, and it's a good approximation. But those same air theories rely on the math of electromagnetism to work, so if air can be squeezed so can magnetic fields. In fact the air is largely dielectric material, it has insane capacitance as evidenced by a lightning bolt that strikes nearby.

[ - ] VarlotPsykhe [op] 0 points 1 yearApr 27, 2023 00:10:57 ago (+0/-0)

I have a deeply intuitive feeling that the math could be correct but it's just describing a partial aspect of the entire picture.

Tesla himself asked an amazing question which seems to take out quantum BS by the weight of it's own ask: how can a lowly candle output particles with the same velocity as the mighty sun if light is not a disturbance in the medium?

page 176 from kens book on Magnetism:

[ - ] Her0n 0 points 1 yearApr 26, 2023 21:17:35 ago (+0/-0)

This is suggesting light is simply electromagnetism? Why doesn't the electromagnetic field around the copper coiled around a nail produce light?

Are you talking about nanoplasmons? Because those are different from a photon, nanoplasmons are what you create when you use light to manipulate magnetic fields. Still not proof that magnetism can produce light.


I think I may be lost here, that's why I'm asking this shit. This is interesting, but it's not clicking yet.

[ - ] VarlotPsykhe [op] 0 points 1 yearApr 26, 2023 21:30:01 ago (+0/-0)

Close but not quite I think...

Light is just an ether perturbation modality, i.e. it's just a ripple in the aether.

Kenny recently (less than a month ago) released a new PDF where he unifies the forces under one theory.


From that PDF, here is the entry on light:

Let us first wipe away a century of nonsense about light by stating that light is not 1. A particle 2. A wave 3. A wave-particle
duality 4. An emission 5. Nor does light have a speed. Oh heavens! Heresy! This will be heard screamed by many a brainwashed
Light in short is a coaxial circuit (see coax cross section image below). Light is not a material emanation or projection, rather a
sheer induction containing two axial and one longitudinal/radial components. By true definition, the very nature of all
electromagnetism is a split wheel (like a vortex antenna), as is the co-axial geometry of light. Spatial electrical and magnetic
components, induce each other via the dielectric center axial and radial point.
In very simplex illumination say what light is, is akin to (see images below) dropping a stone into the water in which two
phenomena manifest, perpendicular to one another, the radial waves of the water, and what rises out in the line of propagation, which is a drop, and this water drop is what the Atomists conflate in their ignorance, as a ‘photon’. The higher the power the light, the
smaller the waves and the bigger the (of power) drop, this is why Gamma radiation is so dangerous, its literally quasi-matter; but also
still merely light. Remember, smaller the space, the higher the capacitance.
Tesla is right (see quote below) in saying light is merely a ‘sound wave in the Ether’; light is not an emission at all, nothing emits
light (heresy!!), nor does anything literally emit sound, since sound is a perturbation in the nitrogen and oxygen of the air, which has a
rate of induction or propagation, but this rate of induction is not fixed for light nor for sound, since sound changes rates (or wrongly
“speeds”) depending on elevation, humidity and temperature.
The same is true of light which changes its rate of induction in air, glass, water etc. All notions of speed regarding light are false
ones, since speed infers something is moving from A to B, and this is utterly false. As for light ‘waves’, well waves do not exist, for
waves are what things do, not what things are. Light likewise cannot be a duality for nature has no dualities implying an inherent
contradiction. Light in most simplex explanation is coaxial circuit Ether perturbation modality. The most simplex of field phenomena
along with the dielectric and magnetic. Literally by their own admission, all of Quantum is based on their understanding of the nature
of light, and they have not a single clue what light is whatsoever, ergo all of Quantum is built upon a lie and fantasy which does not
reflect nature.


[ - ] beanbagWizard 1 point 1 yearApr 26, 2023 20:54:54 ago (+1/-0)

Interesting. I'll have to dive into this at some later date.

I recently watched a vid by some tripped out musician who noticed torridal patterns in vapour forming around a crystal and magnets. He investigated it himself and found some intriguing tidbits, such as high frequency matter manipulation for example.

Heres the youtube link You might, as I did, watch this at x1.5 (or more) speed. He can be a little dreary.

The reason for sharing is that I think it relates to the content you're describing. If I'm wrong, my bad. But, from my understanding, this aligns with the whole matter is just a wave through the aether concept.

Edit: Forgot to say, thanks for sharing. I appreciate the effort post, regardless of my, or anyone elses, opinion on the subject matter.

[ - ] VarlotPsykhe [op] 1 point 1 yearApr 26, 2023 21:04:23 ago (+1/-0)

Matter is just condensed aether you are correct. Also he's seeing a torus because that's the shape of a magnetic field :)

I'm actually working right now so this is perfect, Ken is streaming at the moment so once he starts talking about photography or something else outside of field physics again, I will watch your video and get back to you.

Kens livestream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1TurHV0WUE

And I agree, when I was 11 my uncle left a physics textbook for a university class on the dining room table and I ate that shit up. No way in hell I could understand the math, but I could read very well and having this description of reality mesmerized me and set me on a path for discovery that obviously hasn't ended yet.

[ - ] Cantaloupe 1 point 1 yearApr 26, 2023 20:25:40 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] VarlotPsykhe [op] 0 points 1 yearApr 26, 2023 20:34:18 ago (+0/-0)

My first reaction was one of disbelief and rejection and to call my friend flat earth adjacent for this heresy.

So i understand.

I ask nothing of you but to read the source lmao:


Just keep in mind he's autistic but he DOES eventually cover every single crazy thing he says lmfao. I'm beginning to notice that most people panic on page one or two and instantly can't read any more due to Jewish programming.

It took me 4 read throughs, a little over two years in my spare time etc, and GPT4 powered analysis to help fully break apart the autismo and have it make sense.

But it's downright beautiful, and not only that, but you find evidence of the Absolute if you look hard enough. The CCs might call that God, sure. I won't argue with you. I just think it's really cool.

[ - ] chrimony 0 points 1 yearApr 26, 2023 23:07:51 ago (+1/-1)

It took me 4 read throughs, a little over two years in my spare time etc, and GPT4 powered analysis to help fully break apart the autismo and have it make sense.

Or maybe it's just gibberish that you wasted two years of your spare time on, and you're just a beleeber repeating the gibberish now.

[ - ] VarlotPsykhe [op] 0 points 1 yearApr 27, 2023 00:16:53 ago (+0/-0)

Nah, you mistakenly presume that I spent 2 years constantly attempting to crack this time like I was Tommy Brits and the Enigma.

Nah, it was bathroom reading, and keeping the pDf on my phone so when I was bored or stuck, if have something fun to ready.

Two years and reading it 4 time and I could barely comprehend it, but in working it through GPT and by slimming it down into a set of condensed Cornell style notes, i could feed it into GPT4 and have enough tokens so that I could ask a questions and get meaningful replies back. That helped tremendously, especially since I could ask GPT4 to use metaphors to explain some of the autismic word salad Ken puts out.

Look, you can be a subversive all you want, I'm just going to go ahead and light the way and the two mathematicians I've been working with recently both agree this is simultaneously a good exercise for how science approaches things, and I'm excited for it to be disproven or proven right, I dont care either way. I only care for the truth.

Now, you're a filthy consensist. Be gone. Your place is with Listers peers who would t wash their fucking hands and also tried taking his medical license for washing his. That's you :)

[ - ] chrimony 0 points 1 yearApr 27, 2023 00:43:19 ago (+1/-1)

i could feed it into GPT4 and have enough tokens so that I could ask a questions and get meaningful replies back

Garbage in, garbage out. GPT will make best guesses replies to anything.

I only care for the truth

Same. Which is why I don't waste my time on gibberish manufacturers like Ken Wheeler.

[ - ] VarlotPsykhe [op] 0 points 1 yearApr 27, 2023 01:57:53 ago (+0/-0)

Gibberish doesn't make logical sense, lmfaoooo

Oh well, I can't please everyone and I dont care to. i also dont care if this ends up being true or not, I care only about ultimate truth - and this more elegantly explains all the forces in nature and unifies them in a better framework than the standard model. Now there's just a bunch of homework to do, big whoop :)

[ - ] VarlotPsykhe [op] 0 points 1 yearApr 27, 2023 01:59:48 ago (+0/-0)

Also, lmfao, it made an inference that Ken had spoken about and I hadn't added yet to my notes It was using, that was an amazing moment. Kens theory cannot be this logically sound without having at least some truth for it, and seeing how he's basing all of this on the demigods of field theory and not the one marbled One Stone "Ein Stein" I'm gonna to go on the easiest bet of my life and say he's probably closer to the truth than Jewish mysticism.

[ - ] chrimony 0 points 1 yearApr 27, 2023 02:40:18 ago (+0/-0)

Also, lmfao, it made an inference that Ken had spoken about and I hadn't added yet to my notes It was using, that was an amazing moment. Kens theory cannot be this logically sound without having at least some truth for it

All the AI does is predict patterns. That doesn't mean the patterns are true.

Current theories work. The speed of light is based on a simple calculation.

The first step to proving your new theory is true is to demonstrate it can reproduce established results.

[ - ] VarlotPsykhe [op] 0 points 1 yearApr 27, 2023 03:02:47 ago (+0/-0)

Congratulations, after much kikery and stubbornness on your part, you have now reached the part of the journey where I'm at, using my spare time to formalize his theory into a proper one, so its something we can check for fallibility and come up with experiments to test for the theory.

eh i'm casting pearls before atomistic swine.

[ - ] chrimony -1 points 1 yearApr 27, 2023 07:44:26 ago (+0/-1)

Congratulations, after much kikery and stubbornness on your part, you have now reached the part of the journey where I'm at, using my spare time to formalize his theory into a proper one, so its something we can check for fallibility and come up with experiments to test for the theory.

Nope. I rejected gibberish straight off the bat. You're just wasting your time trying to decipher bullshit. Just read your original post, claiming this is the "truth". But here you are admitting it doesn't even pass the first test I laid out -- reproducing basic, known results. Why is it your job to decipher his bullshit and make it a proper theory? What makes you think it's true in the first place? You just got bamboozled by bullshit.

[ - ] VarlotPsykhe [op] 0 points 1 yearApr 29, 2023 14:16:10 ago (+0/-0)

Accurate field theory study as defined and outlined by the demigods that humbly lifted mankind into the age of electricity, those are my guides.

To say I was duped by people whose intelligence dwarfs your ability to understand reality is probably the funniest thing I've read this entire year.

Thank you come again

The next few weeks are really going to piss you off, we're going to go back past Einstein and find out where the ball was dropped

[ - ] VarlotPsykhe [op] 0 points 1 yearApr 29, 2023 14:17:31 ago (+0/-0)

Thomas wasn't cast out of heaven for doubting, so that to me tells me the doubters are important amongst the faithful.

As such, I dont care if you dont believe, but I'm warning you from personal experience, humble yourself or the universe will do it for you ;)

[ - ] TankTinker 1 point 1 yearApr 26, 2023 19:49:00 ago (+1/-0)*

The bs extends outwards ..

Cosmology on Microsoft Picture Manager.
Big Bang .. Big BS, Astronomical Redshift is an Artifact of Distance.

"Dialectics" like we have here are designed to confute the truth by using big words and incomprehensible arguments, the Big Bangers and the Flat Earthers no less.

"Albert Einstein is held up by the Jewish liars as a rare genius who drastically changed the field of theoretical physics, who has been made into an idol to young people and whose very name has become synonymous with genius .. the truth is very different, Einstein was an inept, moronic Jew who could not even tie his own shoelaces, who contributed nothing original to the field of quantum mechanics or any other science, who stole the ideas of other men while the Jewish media made him into a hero. The Einstein Myth."

[ - ] VarlotPsykhe [op] 0 points 1 yearApr 26, 2023 20:03:18 ago (+0/-0)

this isn't a fucking dilectic you hermetic cocksucker, I'm not here to erase distinctions and play any magic nonsense. Cut that out. I'm here purely for the truth, utterly purely for the truth. If your linear mind either can't comprehend or is ordered or compelled to subvert, that seems like a bigger problem now doesn't it.

[ - ] TankTinker 1 point 1 yearApr 26, 2023 20:23:42 ago (+1/-0)

"Hermetism" is bs as well. The 7 Hermetic Principles.

[ - ] VarlotPsykhe [op] 0 points 1 yearApr 26, 2023 21:04:57 ago (+0/-0)

Yes, it's magic. Or sorcery

[ - ] Osmanthus 0 points 1 yearApr 26, 2023 20:09:25 ago (+0/-0)

Oh cool, you can recognize that guy as a moron nutter.

Now just realize this is you too.

If you want people to believe you, why? How is it useful?
Can you accomplish something with your special knowledge besides pontificate? Hmmm?

[ - ] VarlotPsykhe [op] 0 points 1 yearApr 26, 2023 20:19:19 ago (+0/-0)

Lmfaooo, to answer you directly I'm actually working with two mathematicians to properly formalize Kens theories and hypothesis.

But you didn't answer me, which is a massive red banner indicating subversive behaviour on your part.

I ask nothing, i am selling nothing, and offering nothing. I am simply lighting the way so that others may find it, like I did when I wanted to learn the deep mysteries of the universe.

Took me three years to shake off the consensus conditioning.

[ - ] Osmanthus 3 points 1 yearApr 26, 2023 19:29:54 ago (+4/-1)*

You must know deep down inside that this is schizo ranting not insight into physics.

This whole diatribe is a misunderstanding of..everything.

Understand that the reason light is quantized is that atoms only absorb and emit at certain energies.
There could certainly be energies/frequencies of electromagnetic waves that don't align with this, but they would never interact with matter, and thus, might as well not exist.
So the quantization is not a property of light, but a property of matter that absorbs it.
Anyway, physics cannot really be understood at all without copius math, English cannot at all describe it.

[ - ] VarlotPsykhe [op] 0 points 1 yearApr 26, 2023 20:07:09 ago (+0/-0)

HAH, Pure quantum mysticism but I -- I am the insane one. Or ken is for thinking about these concepts for over ten years and writing a 230+ page book that not only overs his hypothesis but the scientific history in great detail from faraday through maxwell, steimetz, tesla, and shows how the world got derailed with quantum mysticism and jewish magic.

You only have to read, but either by programming, inability, or genetic disposition, you MUST subvert. Mmkay:

---The erroneous Einstein mental failure as currently thought of as a “wave packet” is in fact a dielectric pulse in the radial center of EM propagation. This pulse is proportional to the frequency, the intensity of the EM being emitted as the Z-axis radial-dielectric (wrongly called photo-electric) charges indicate from experimentation. The Quantum notion of a “wave packet” and the ‘photon’ do not exist in the electromagnetic-dielectric model of the EM spectrum. They are phantom misunderstandings of electrodynamics, dielectric capacitance and reciprocating mutual conjugation by and thru magneto-spatial and dielectric-counterspatial co-axial energy formations.

The test and results of the photoelectric experiment are, of course, completely accurate and valid, the explanation however (where myopic pseudo-science fails typically) is a pure insane fantasy, both illogical, irrational, absurd, and purely the insane conclusion of Einstein’s idiocy and his atomistic proclivities. Einstein had absolute NO training or study in electrical theory ala Tesla, Faraday, Maxwell and others. His only acclaim, his Nobel Prize for the photoelectric effect (not its results, but its explanation!) is a complete lie, fabrication and utter farce in the extreme.

Insanity defined in pure rarified form: “Photons have no mass, but they have momentum and they have an energy”. A massless mass/particle is an absurd premise in the extreme, in defining the so-called photon, which in reality is a radial dielectric Z-axis component of the so-called “electromagnetism”. It has inertia (not momentum, which is applicable to mass/matter), it of course has energy and is the only component of light that is the source for the energy of both its discharge as magnetism, and its magneto- dielectric mirror in transverse composition as electricity in the dielectro-electromagnetic true nature of light. This applies to the entire ‘electromagnetic’ spectrum. Light itself (as this work expands in form and editions) cannot exist without a Z-axis radial dielectric component, absolutely no different than the coaxial cable.

Dielectricity has the attributes of a refractive index depending on the field or material encountered (dielectric, diamagnetic, ferrous, etc.), dielectric inductivity and a luminal velocity when bounded by a co-axial electromagnetic geometry. This dielectric nature explains photoelectrical effects, refraction, dispersion, wave-particle dualities, diffusion, slow down in a dielectric medium, polarization phenomena, and high frequency power in electromagnetics.

In the magneto-electric-dielectric geometry of “electromagnetism”, all magnetic lines are closed in upon themselves and likewise induce the dielectric conductor to electrification. Likewise the dielectric lines of force are counterspatially self terminating in radiating thru space and are the ‘crankshaft’ for electrical and magnetic reciprocation and inductance, which cannot, may not, as is commonly believed “self induce” each other.

The so-called “photoelectric effect” explains why the energy of the charging dielectric was dependent only on the frequency of the incident light and not on its intensity: a low-intensity, high-frequency source could supply a few high energy dielectric pulsations, whereas a high-intensity, low-frequency source would supply no radial dielectric pulsations of sufficient energy to cause charge upon the striking surface.

Einstein’s unintelligent conclusions were that this wrongly conceived “photoelectric effect” contradicted the wave theory of light that followed by J.C. Maxwell’s equations for electromagnetic behavior, however the truth of course is that this observed effect is the resultant of charging from dielectric inductance from the radial center-co-axial nature of high-energy and frequency light which is dielectro-electromagnetic. Contrary to belief, they did not contradict Maxwell's equations in the observed results, rather proved the central axial conductor of electromagnetism, the dielectric, however wrongly interpreted and understood by the lesser mind of Einstein.

The prediction that the energy in charge created in this effect increases radially with the frequency of the light was accurate, its interpretation however was wholly inaccurate.

The wrongly conceived photoelectric effect helped to propel the then-emerging quantum mysticism forward in a radical fashion. Light simultaneously possesses the characteristics of both waves and particles, each being manifested according to the circumstances, however horribly misunderstood by Einstein and his henchmen, and likewise their blind followers.

The effect was impossible to be understood in terms of the classical wave descriptions of light obviously, since the energy of the charge did not depend on the intensity of the incidental EM radiation.


[ - ] recon_johnny 2 points 1 yearApr 27, 2023 10:30:22 ago (+2/-0)

You must be a blast at parties.

[ - ] VarlotPsykhe [op] 0 points 1 yearApr 29, 2023 14:18:42 ago (+0/-0)

There is a time and place for everything, sasa ke?

[ - ] zr855 5 points 1 yearApr 26, 2023 19:23:04 ago (+7/-2)

This is a bunch of hogwash. Don't upvote this bs. Download that "paper" and just look at one sentence, "Below: These popular images of iron filings over bar magnets are mostly wrong, we will learn why a bit later"

That's literally what every iron filing poured over a magnet literally does. Anyone can go do that and repeat those same "images" countless times.


This is some kike bullshit like flat-earth or hollow earth designed to make "conspiracy theorists" look crazy.

Jesus, don't upvote this bs.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1 yearApr 26, 2023 19:41:43 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] VarlotPsykhe [op] -1 points 1 yearApr 26, 2023 19:49:29 ago (+2/-3)

you call a 236 page book a paper? it shows you didn't read it, Goldsteinberg.

you read one thing that triggers your subversive mind "NO , my jewish programming tells me it cannot be so!"
and so you can't be fucked to go down to page 26 where he makes his position brilliantly and logically clear:

Iron dust fails to accurately represent a magnetic field because the iron filings are deeply immersed in the magnetic field's fluctuating waves. While they can display the magnetic flow's direction, they do not reveal its spiral or vortex characteristics. In contrast, hydrogen bubbles and pyrolytic graphite, among other materials, can demonstrate these features, as they are positioned on the peaks of the vortex magnetic flow. The iron filings cannot form a vortex because they become miniature magnets themselves when magnetically induced, and are held in place by their own polarization. Surprisingly, 3D models of magnetism using iron filings are actually 2D misrepresentations that cannot demonstrate magnetic field architecture.

Relying on iron filings to model a magnetic field's architecture is fundamentally flawed. A substance that can be magnetized is unsuitable for this purpose, as it creates numerous tiny magnets locked into the 2D constraints of the magnetic field geometry, offering no insight into the 3D spatial-counterspatial magnetic vortex architecture of a magnet or magnetism. Instead, diamagnetic materials should be used. Ferrous 'field demonstrators' can show polarized direction but fail to display 3D spatial-counterspatial field architectures. While it may seem that suspending a magnet in the air and sprinkling iron filings on it would produce a genuine 3D model of magnetism, the field geometries of magnetism dictate that only materials that cannot be magnetized themselves can reveal magnetism's 3D spatial-counterspatial nature and its flow.

To truly observe magnetism's field architecture, a diamagnetic material that operates in time and is not fixed in a spatial vector is necessary. Recognizing that a field is a non-local attribute, not separate from the object it encompasses, can be challenging for those with a linear mindset. A diamagnetic material is needed to observe a spatial-counterspatial field that reciprocates spirally and in pressure gradients without any phenomenal quantity. A snapshot of a tornado, for example, merely shows a curve of wind with unusual phenomena occurring outside of the curve. This is the issue with using iron dust to model magnetic fields—it is highly inaccurate at best.

so your stupid subversive faggot ass instead of bothering to do a keyword search or to read 26 pages and realize that this autist is simply saying "a picture of a tornado would at best provide highly inaccurate data about the conditions of the curve of the wind shown in that snapshot" and that's why magnetic filings produce an at best, incomplete understanding of magnetism.

God chose you but we're done with your majiiiiiickkkkk ;}

[ - ] VarlotPsykhe [op] 1 point 1 yearApr 26, 2023 19:54:03 ago (+1/-0)

[ - ] zr855 0 points 1 yearApr 26, 2023 19:52:14 ago (+2/-2)

Makes total sense now. That must be why all the leading scientists doing actual engineering of things like processors at the 1nm level are using his theories...derp.

Wait, I found something else created using his theories. In fact, is this him giving the speech?

[ - ] VarlotPsykhe [op] 2 points 1 yearApr 26, 2023 19:55:00 ago (+3/-1)

yeah thats why we're at a dead end in physics. He simply set the tone and we have to do a million other theories and explanations an models to make it all work. lmfao but Ken is the insane one, lmfaoooo

keep subverting, berg. Imma fly that tic tac one day and there isn't much your handlers can do about it because godwilling, i'll build my fucking own :)

[ - ] Belfuro 2 points 1 yearApr 26, 2023 23:36:05 ago (+2/-0)

From 1927 Copenhagen physics stopped being experimental and observation based a d became theoritical mathematics.

And so whenever they failed to make a prediction or their observations didn't match the maths.

They normalized the data.

Or ignored infinities.

Or added new made up constants of unknown origins.

Just to balance the maths.

But all of the universe is explainable with the plasma electric universe model

[ - ] VarlotPsykhe [op] 2 points 1 yearApr 27, 2023 02:03:43 ago (+2/-0)

Ken hates the plasma electric universe model btw. From his framework it makes sense, since magnetism and the dielectric are already fired pressure modalities and electricity is a hybrid so it can't be the main aether modality of all Cartesian spacetime

[ - ] zr855 0 points 1 yearApr 26, 2023 20:00:56 ago (+1/-1)

Hey, I'm on your side. Ken also created another version. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fjcJp_Nwvk

[ - ] VarlotPsykhe [op] 1 point 1 yearApr 26, 2023 20:09:07 ago (+1/-0)

Again, your inability to understand him doesn't make him wrong. You've been noticed!

[ - ] zr855 -1 points 1 yearApr 26, 2023 20:12:21 ago (+0/-1)*

Ken's influence and great intellect continues to this day! It's increasing the practical bounds of our realities and everyone would surely be using his theories to gain an advantage. No way would they cast them aside so their competitors could win. Clearly he's made a profound change.


[ - ] zr855 -1 points 1 yearApr 26, 2023 20:08:05 ago (+0/-1)

Don't think it stopped there. Ken Wheeler's influence continued in the following decades. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXJKdh1KZ0w

[ - ] chrimony -1 points 1 yearApr 26, 2023 23:03:41 ago (+0/-1)

we have to do a million other theories and explanations an models to make it all work

So it's unverifiable bullshit then. The standard theory works, without excuses.

[ - ] VarlotPsykhe [op] 0 points 1 yearApr 27, 2023 01:10:17 ago (+0/-0)

Exactly, I was talking about how the standard model is a Hodge podged assembly of theorums working together. Good shit, mathematically checks out but just like those demigods of science said, Ugh you've wandered away from reality into an insane realm of equations that bear no resemblance to ultimate reality.

And so thusly it must be so that the model is flawed and something new will supercede it :)

Instead of arrogantly assuming we were right, I'm merely "returning to form" and going back to where we dropped the thread, and picking it up again.

Your choice to follow or not, subversive.

[ - ] albatrosv15 0 points 1 yearApr 27, 2023 02:55:15 ago (+0/-0)*

1nm? What are you smoking?
"Since 2009, however, "node" has become a commercial name for marketing purposes[1] that indicates new generations of process technologies, without any relation to gate length, metal pitch or gate pitch."
Fun fact: " As of 2022 it is the largest supplier for the semiconductor industry and the sole supplier in the world of extreme ultraviolet lithography (EUV) photolithography machines used to manufacture the most advanced chips"
Once white people are gone, we can say goodbye to everything below 10nm(although that's a marketing term).

[ - ] zr855 0 points 1 yearApr 27, 2023 09:37:19 ago (+0/-0)*

Nvidia is headed to 2nm now using their new gpus to help speed along the computation for the lithography process. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJROlT_ccFM

Scientists and engineers are already working on 1nm. There are many, many teams. If Ken Wheeler's bullshit theories held any weight, these people would have already used them to get to where they are going. They don't give two shits about Einsteins weight in the world of physics or his popularity in jew publications.

[ - ] albatrosv15 0 points 1 yearApr 27, 2023 16:24:27 ago (+0/-0)*

I don't care about Wheeler atm, it's obviously bullshit. What i'm telling is that even the 1nm is bullshit. It's a commercial term.
Here, have a cutie explaining this - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdLRSF5wZpE

[ - ] zr855 0 points 1 yearApr 27, 2023 17:37:19 ago (+0/-0)

I don't have to watch some dumb bitch tell me what a nm is. It's the size of the fucking transistor. You're flat wrong if you think we aren't working on 1nm transistors now. You don't know what you're talking about.

[ - ] albatrosv15 0 points 1 yearApr 27, 2023 17:43:32 ago (+0/-0)

It's the size of the fucking transistor.
So those are talking ass? - https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-size-of-a-transistor-on-a-5nm-chip

[ - ] zr855 0 points 1 yearApr 27, 2023 17:55:13 ago (+0/-0)

It's not marketing you crackhead. Hell even in your video this dumb teleprompter reading bitch told you what's going on. The structure of the transistor has changed. You can essentially fit the same number of finfet types in a theoretical planar type of 1nm, 2nm, 3nm. Here, learn from your own fucking sources.


Going by your dumb ass logic, processors aren't shrinking and getting more powerful at the same time. Use some common fucking sense man before you mouth off to someone actually working in the industry.

Then later she even referenced the same thing I said from the very beginning. Stop pretending you know any fucking thing about my domain.


[ - ] albatrosv15 0 points 1 yearApr 28, 2023 01:25:05 ago (+0/-0)*

4:57 - imaginary device.
I'm asking again, what are you smoking? Now it's YOUR domain? Good joke. Doctors also recommend you to get the vaxx.
"Going by your dumb ass logic, processors aren't shrinking and getting more powerful at the same time. "
Not telling that. I'm telling that nm is a marketing term and doesn't mean anything physical. Except that those processors get more powerful through complexity.

[ - ] Belfuro -1 points 1 yearApr 26, 2023 23:33:17 ago (+1/-2)


Go study this topic.

General relativity is a lie.

Quantum physics is a lie.

The standard model is a lie.

All deliberately so.

Once you study it from an outside perspective you'll see where the lies are.

It stopped us reaching the stars

[ - ] zr855 2 points 1 yearApr 26, 2023 23:41:02 ago (+3/-1)

This is hogwash pseudoscience. There are real non-jew scientists all over the world working on physics. Nothing has stopped us from reaching the stars. I'm not saying that Einstein figured it all out. Clearly he didn't BUT people are working on it and this bunk ain't it. If it were, it would already be used in many engineering applications. Engineers don't give a shit about Einstein. They just want to make shit work. This ain't it.

This is what this is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ac7G7xOG2Ag&pp=ygUMY29uZmFidWxhdG9y

[ - ] VarlotPsykhe [op] 0 points 1 yearApr 27, 2023 01:08:19 ago (+0/-0)

Yup the secrets are divinely simplex, almost beautifully so. It's not that difficult and the part he devotes 30+ pages showing how literally all the Greats, the literally GOATED Demigods amongst men: Heaviside, Steinmetz, Tesla, JJ Thompson, Maxwell, lmao literally ALL of them believed in a type of aether and it's this belief that gave them the necessary FRAMEWORK to advqnce and find The next leap!!

And along comes Einstein and claims nah fam, the force intersection of electricity and magnetism - by this means Vee shall redefine all of physics, to now be relative!!! Lmfaooooo

Fucking clowns.
I can't wait to have equations and a plausible experimental pathway. I'll make you eat those equations, if only I could - and cared enough. You clearly enjoy this world so much so like Tesla did, I'll sit back and let you have it ;)

[ - ] ReformedNPC 0 points 1 yearApr 27, 2023 04:53:41 ago (+0/-0)

What do you mean by 'Quantum physics is a lie'?

[ - ] deleted 1 point 1 yearApr 26, 2023 18:17:20 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] VarlotPsykhe [op] -1 points 1 yearApr 26, 2023 19:32:39 ago (+0/-1)

You are correct. Nature doesn't do math :) nature only knows pressure and pressure mediation.


[ - ] Osmanthus 2 points 1 yearApr 26, 2023 20:03:49 ago (+2/-0)

This is retarded. Humans do math and use it as a language. It is a way of describing complex phenomenon that english and drawing cannot. It's used by physicists to describe their theories, not a straight jacket for reality.

This whole topic is schizo stuff. You are not in the club of wise insiders, just another idiot spouting inanities.

[ - ] VarlotPsykhe [op] 0 points 1 yearApr 26, 2023 20:42:05 ago (+0/-0)

Incorrect this is all logically consistent and checks out.

You are correct in the first half of your sentences it is used to describe their theories - yes. This does not by any stretch of the imagination mean it explains reality.

Virtual photons? Are you fucking kidding me? Aaaaaaaahahahahhah

No, nature doesn't do math nature is a dirty hippie with her armpits full of hair. All she knows is pressure and pressure mediation.

For example, human monké brains have reified H2O into three separate things: water steam and ice. But with a more comprehensive approach, it's understood to be three pressure modalities of H2O.

Likewise, we have reified the ether into being different, unique things but that's beyond incorect.

Tell me, what is a field? Lines of force and measurement taken across a grid are not only unacceptable, but horrifyingly wrong.

The aether is undeniable and it's removal just causes problems and requires nonsense quantum mysticism to make up for its absence.

[ - ] Trickthegoyim 6 points 1 yearApr 26, 2023 17:59:45 ago (+8/-2)*

K stop getting lost in the bs. Einstein copied his theories from european scientists and gave no sources

Edit: block OP

[ - ] NaturalSelectionistWorker 3 points 1 yearApr 26, 2023 23:08:12 ago (+3/-0)

The things he stole he got right, the things he got wrong were original and intentional.

[ - ] VarlotPsykhe [op] 1 point 1 yearApr 26, 2023 23:22:47 ago (+1/-0)

Bingo. Except that he almost got it right, then dropped the ball massively. Like Eric Dollard says, Einstein and the quantum mystic fuckheads that followed created meaning and significance out of the intersection of the force vectors of electricity and magnetism and somehow we're supposed to divine the secrets of the universe because these two forces intersect or something. Pure insanity.

[ - ] Belfuro 1 point 1 yearApr 26, 2023 23:31:34 ago (+1/-0)

Did you know that his first wife was actually a physicist that claimed she wrote much of Einstein early papers?

[ - ] VarlotPsykhe [op] 0 points 1 yearApr 26, 2023 19:25:05 ago (+1/-1)

Henry Poincaré. At least name the guy that One Stone stole it from ;)

[ - ] Trickthegoyim 0 points 1 yearApr 27, 2023 20:00:56 ago (+0/-0)

Pfft its your post. I shouldnt have had to comkent at all

[ - ] VarlotPsykhe [op] 0 points 1 yearApr 29, 2023 14:05:00 ago (+0/-0)

You didn't say anything meaningful so nothing was gained or lost in your comment

Thank you come again

[ - ] chrimony 0 points 1 yearApr 26, 2023 22:58:35 ago (+0/-0)

You know the equations are called the Lorentz transformations because Hendrik Lorentz came up with them first.

[ - ] VarlotPsykhe [op] 0 points 1 yearApr 27, 2023 02:57:52 ago (+0/-0)

If someone slapped you right now, would you call that strike a "Slap particle"? Atomists everywhere, they really want to know.

Holy shit I learned today about the phonon too, a quasi-particle (lmfao) in sound. CHRIST these people are insane AND their hubris blinds them to their own insanity.

All the better, the more pride, the mightier the fall ;D

[ - ] Trope 0 points 1 yearApr 26, 2023 17:47:48 ago (+1/-1)

You should make a video about this.

[ - ] VarlotPsykhe [op] 0 points 1 yearApr 26, 2023 19:21:55 ago (+1/-1)

Ken Wheeler has several thousand videos on the topic, no joke. I stumbled across his channel 3 years ago. Any video i would make would directly be theft of his ideas. The man is a brilliant polymath and any question you have just look up his YouTube channel "Theoria Apophasis" and type whatever you want, he's made more than one video about it likely.

But i am working on formalizing his idea into a proper scientific theorum that I can properly play and challenge. This has been my favorite side quest I've ever embarked on. I dont even care if it's proven wrong -- in fact I welcome it. But it's infuriatingly logically consistent.

[ - ] Trope 0 points 1 yearApr 29, 2023 21:15:38 ago (+0/-0)

I subscribed to the fellow after seeing this comment the other day. Shame his wife is gone. I will day, he seems a bit jaded and blackpilled in his persona but it’s a personality I’m familiar with. Dude has some great things to say so far.

[ - ] mxcviel 1 point 1 yearApr 26, 2023 17:30:36 ago (+1/-0)

element 115 is Moscovium, damnit

[ - ] VarlotPsykhe [op] 0 points 1 yearApr 26, 2023 17:40:00 ago (+1/-1)

yeah but it wasn't known as Moscovium when Lazar was introduced to it. My point is if they were to do this again today with a new scientist etc in an attempt to ascertain if the tech was still safe from being reverse-engineered by the public, they would have some new carrot, some new Unobtanium that would be designed to give the scientist a bit of a clue but also be just not the truth enough to not instantly give it to the scientist under examination.

Why do I say this??

Well, look what I found when digging into research on lazar and element 115:

The maximum theoretical atomic mass isotope of Element 115 Moscovium that could be produced in the reaction, above, 115Mc291, would only have 176 neutrons in its nucleus. This isotope of Element 115 is shy 8 neutrons from containing the magic number of 184 neutrons. The two actual isotopes of Element 115 produced by this reaction, 115Mc288 and 115Mc287 contain 173 neutrons, shy 11 neutrons from the magic number of 184, and 172 neutrons, shy 12 neutrons from the magic number of 184, respectively.

This latest scientific breakthrough, however, provides significant credibility to Bob Lazar’s claims rather than discrediting his claims. Bob Lazar’s Element 115 discs used to make the wedge for the “Sport Model” Flying Disc Anti-Matter Reactor would have to have been the isotope of Element 115 containing the magic number of 184 neutrons, therefore, having an atomic mass of 299. The nuclear configuration of this isotope of Element 115 would be identical to the nuclear configuration of the only known stable isotope of Element 83, Bismuth, 83Bi209, containing the magic number of 126 neutrons, except that the Element 115 isotope would have one more energy level completely filled with protons and neutrons. 82 protons and 114 protons are magic numbers for protons because 82 protons completely fill 6 proton energy levels and 114 protons completely fill 7 proton energy levels. The 83rd proton for Bismuth is a lone proton in the 7th proton energy level and the 115th proton for Element 115 is the lone proton in the 8th proton energy level. 126 neutrons completely fill 7 neutron energy levels and 184 neutrons completely fill 8 neutron energy levels. Refer to the Nucleon Energy Level Table for Bismuth and Element 115, below, for the nuclear configurations of Bismuth and Element 115. This stable isotope of Bismuth, Element 83, has very unique gravitational characteristics. Refer to the Henry William Wallace Patent: U.S. Patent 3,626,605, “Method and Apparatus for Generating a Secondary Gravitational Force Field.”

Source: https://www.gravitywarpdrive.com/Element_115.htm

And Ken Wheeler repeatedly talks in his book on magnetism how Bismuth will be the secret to unlocking new methods of power generation and will be the new "oil" of the future not in terms of scarcity but in terms of how revolutionary its use will become and how ubiquitous Bismuth powered tech will be. So as soon as I saw what these scientists found about Element 115 and its relationship with Bismuth I went "oh no fucking way"


The truth is out there! Lux Et Veritas!

[ - ] mxcviel 3 points 1 yearApr 26, 2023 17:45:20 ago (+3/-0)

haha okay, I'll read this tomorrow, its a bit late here where I am :) very interesting.

[ - ] VarlotPsykhe [op] 0 points 1 yearApr 26, 2023 17:48:37 ago (+2/-2)

all good! Here's a copy of Ken's 230+ page book on magnetism if you wish to peruse it in the future ^_^