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I Post a new fresh funny meme, as a test to see if this site is subverted by ADL downvote bots, and in less than 10 second it got DOWNVOTED to hide Jew humor from front page thread. IS THIS PLACE NOW RUN BY JEWS?

submitted by oursenilepresident to AskUpgoat 1.1 yearsApr 25, 2023 22:01:49 ago (+15/-11)     (files.catbox.moe)


link to shoahed new funny meme :

This site is dead in every test I make, every 90 days, for 1.5 years, due to complicit allowance of ADL/SPLC downvoting bots.


= = = =


22 comments block

[ - ] Her0n 0 points 1 yearApr 29, 2023 19:04:19 ago (+0/-0)*

Maybe your meme isn't as funny as you think it is?

I didn't downvote it but I don't think it's funny either.

I do downbote people crying about votes because that's gay as fuck, and I don't like fans.

Am I a jew for not liking fags?

[ - ] Artificial_Intelligentile 0 points 1 yearApr 26, 2023 11:27:21 ago (+0/-0)

you got downvoated because you did a cheap repost of a meme that was posted mere hours ago, and also your GAY bullshit title editing is a reason for instant downvoating.

get fucked faggot.

first you read, then you post. and fuckk off with that gay ass emoji shit

[ - ] oursenilepresident [op] 0 points 1 yearApr 30, 2023 04:07:13 ago (+0/-0)

WRONG! You fucking paid shill!

I MADE THIS MEME : https://files.catbox.moe/ct2ob2.jpg

I highly doubt anyone posted it hours before I did here.

Quit lying you fucking paid shill.

I make about 1,000 memes a year, across the internet, but not for this dead overrun by Feds and Jews site.

PROVE A LINK to a copy of my meme before I posted. : https://files.catbox.moe/ct2ob2.jpg , you cannot.


Jews and feds ruined this site.

People like YOU : https://www.talk.lol/profile?user=Artificial_Intelligentile&view=submissions

[ - ] Artificial_Intelligentile 0 points 1 yearApr 30, 2023 08:41:46 ago (+0/-0)

and you deliberately waited with your reply until the two posts are burried.

typical jEw

[ - ] oursenilepresident [op] 0 points 1 yearMay 1, 2023 02:38:08 ago (+0/-0)

You were wrong. I caught you. It was my meme I made. I only look in by logging in every 4 to 6 days, sometimes over a month. Once I left for over a 1 year!!! :


over a fucking year.

Shills like you want the intellectuals and meme makers to flee this dying site.


Jews and feds ruined this site.

People like YOU : https://www.talk.lol/profile?user=Artificial_Intelligentile&view=submissions

[ - ] Artificial_Intelligentile 0 points 1 yearMay 1, 2023 03:57:05 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] JoesLegHair 4 points 1.1 yearsApr 26, 2023 06:39:19 ago (+4/-0)

Oh wow you got one down vote, it must be the ADL coming after you.

Maybe stop filling your titles with emojis like a fucking spam bot.

[ - ] system 7 points 1.1 yearsApr 25, 2023 23:37:26 ago (+7/-0)*

Downvotes are a part of the site. Suppressing down voting has been tried, look at poal. Removing voting would turn this place into a message board. Youtube cucked and removed downvotes, which made the place worse. I think being able to display dissatisfaction is just as relevant, if not more than displaying satisfaction. True democracy. Probably the only real democracy on this planet.

In your case they are downvoting the person. I am not fond of this practice, votes should be based on the content in question. But I cannot enforce that. Yes you post good content but you encourage the downvotes by pointing it out and complaining about it. It's like you joined a tackle football group, and you want everyone to start playing tag football because you can't handle being tackled.

No one likes having their opinion or content downvoted and it can be irritating, but I think having the ability to downvote outweighs this. I used twitter for a short time and not being able to downvote stupid opinions and propaganda sucked. I wish more people would balance votes out if they see a post with a downvote which doesn't deserve it. This was common practice on voat.co and it was a good system which doesn't require implementing more limitations or oversight.

[ - ] beece 4 points 1.1 yearsApr 25, 2023 23:51:24 ago (+4/-0)


[ - ] oursenilepresident [op] -3 points 1.1 yearsApr 26, 2023 09:35:05 ago (+0/-3)

[ - ] oursenilepresident [op] -1 points 1.1 yearsApr 26, 2023 09:27:03 ago (+1/-2)*


= = = == = =

I GAVE YOU MORE EFFECTIVE stuff than the following in emails, @system

= = = == =

I outlined how on OTHER sites now losing 80% of former members rapidly (from https://communities.win/c/Meta/p/16aT7mzD6M/do-not-buy-pro-yet--warning-pro-/c ) :

THE MAIN SOLUTION is to hide the last 3 hours of comment history and post history from all users, of any user who is not a handshake, or is a handshake who paid for PRO

= = = = =

A second feature would be to arithmetically NOT COUNT ANY DOWNVOTES to a post by a non-handshake's contribution for one hour, but to hold back the effect one hour on a new post. One hour is fair, currently my posts today to meta this week got downvoted in 5 minutes and again on another in about half an hour. I suspect user POST history was used. The downvoter personally would SEE the downvote register during blackout, but mathematically the site would ignore it until later.

= = = = =

A third feature would be to arithmetically NOT COUNT ANY DOWNVOTES to a post or comment of ANY USER for 4 hours, if the downvote came from an account associated with any similar IP/browser the last hour performing a USER HISTORY, and performing more than 2 downvotes to that target that day. But the Democrats could use one account to get user history, and another shill account to perform downvotes, so perhaps.

= = = = =

A fourth feature would be to warn a downvoter that the downvote will NOT BE ANONYMOUS to moderators, if it is the 10th downvote to a single user in 24 hours site wide, or 3rd downvote of CONTENT POSTS that are younger than 3 hours within the last day.

= = = = =

A fifth feature would be to lookup IP on community maintained VPN/PROXY/TOR IP lookup lists, and incorporate that result to any decision, by adjusting parameters of a li9ttle more than real IP paths

= = = = =

A 6th feature would be to cap downvotes of a target being picked on to 35 per 24 hours and if over 36 attempted in 24 hours REVERT ALL DOWNVOTES RETROACTIVELY by that toxic shill if the targeted user has never downvoted the toxic pest in 24 hours at all.

= = = = =

A 7th feature would be be in user stats DISPLAY TOTAL POST DOWNVOTE COUNT given by user vs TOTAL POST UPVOTE COUNT given per user, with any obvious ratio anomalies printed in bold red font. All could see how shameful someone is or is not.

= = = = =

An 8th feature would be in user stats to DISPLAY TOTAL COMMENT DOWNVOTE COUNT given by user vs TOTAL COMMENT UPVOTE COUNT given per user, with any obvious ratio anomalies printed in bold red font. All could see how shameful someone is or is not.

= = = = =

A 9th feature would requirement that DOWNVOTING a post under 3 hours old has no effect for 3 hours after the downvote unless the downvoter COMMENTED at least once somewhere in the thread

= = = = =

A 10th feature would be to warn a downvoter that the downvote will NOT BE ANONYMOUS to to this user, if they continue past warning, if it is the 10th downvote to a single user in 24 hours site wide, or 3rd downvote of CONTENT POSTS that are younger than 3 hours within the last 2 days AND ALSO........ THAT THE DOWNVOTER has downvoted more than 5% of his vote ratio on comments or posts. Normal people should then never see this warning to continue.

= = = = =

A 11th feature would be to BLOCK any downvotes entirely on POSTS until a user is less than 15.0000% post DOWNVOTES cumulative and less than 15.0000% post DOWNVOTES the last 24 hours.

= = = = =

A 12th feature would be to BLOCK any downvotes entirely on COMMENTS until a user is less than 25.0000% comment DOWNVOTES cumulative and less than 25.0000% post DOWNVOTES the last 24 hours.

= = = = =

A 13th feature would be in user stats to merely display the names of the top two EXISTING users they downvoted the most , if either had more than 4 post downvotes last 30 days, or 35 comment downvotes the last 30 days. If over 100 comment downvotes the last year, or over 20 POST downvotes the last year, then next to the name the TOTAL should be revealed.

= = = = = = = =


A 14th feature would be a non-Google CAPCHA :

to popup on anyone attempting to downvote more than 5 comments per the last hour of a single user who has not downvoted them in the last day

or on anyone attempting to downvote more than 5 POSTS per the last hour from anyone

or if any post is under 2 hours old AND the user has downvoted more than 3 topic posts by that target in the last week.

web captchas can be used in other manners as speed brakes, but this is the bare essential suggestion.

= = = = = = = =

TL/DR: @system WANTED Jew shills to destroy this entire site, provably, with sub 10 second auto downvoters of new funny memes. Funny memes bring in eyeballs.

[ - ] Inward 1 point 1.1 yearsApr 25, 2023 22:31:32 ago (+2/-1)

Jews are going to downvote...and distract...and divide...and demoralize...and kookify.

[ - ] texasblood -6 points 1.1 yearsApr 25, 2023 22:11:05 ago (+1/-7)

Yes the place is kiked.
Say something nazi and they hump your leg.

[ - ] oursenilepresident [op] -3 points 1.1 yearsApr 25, 2023 22:15:59 ago (+3/-6)

WRONG! Thats only from fed Glowies. Actual Jews ALWAYS downvote new funny Jew-mocking memes, and I tested it every 90 days here.

All jew naming content is brazenly downvoted by paid leftist shills the admin , @system, permits to ruin his content post feeds.


OMG! Look! and its not just my Jew Naming posts not allowed on voat.xyz (talk.lol), its ANY post critical of Israel or Jews. I have proof of that in the following two links :


part two:


*OH MY GOD!!!!*

NO jew naming allowed to hit front page of voat.xyz site anymore, proven in those links!

voat.xyz site is provably fully subverted.

95% of voat.xyz users fled in 11 months after I left, from the Fed and jew shills as this "not too accurate" chart shows of the sites demise : https://files.catbox.moe/uzt995.png

Shills now let a COUPLE semi-tame Jew naming posts to hit front page of voat because of my exposure and these research link tests of mine. I outed the shills, so they let a couple Jew naming posts exist nowadays.

[ - ] Artificial_Intelligentile 2 points 1 yearApr 26, 2023 11:31:55 ago (+2/-0)

have you forgotten to take your meds again?

patroling /new is a part of voats immune system.

get used to it or get out.

its a brutal act of barbarism and rape to circumcise.

sue your rabbi

[ - ] oursenilepresident [op] -7 points 1.1 yearsApr 25, 2023 22:08:12 ago (+3/-10)

@system, 1.5 years ago I told you 6 simple tiny code changes to salvage this web site. You did none, 90% of people now gone from disenchanting paid shills. I then told you a couple more code changes in 2022 to do to totally stop destruction of /New ... and you ignored even that.

THIS SITE IS NOW FULLY DESTROYED and populated with mainly glowies and Jews.

It might still be saved if you do SEVERAL of my code changes.

[ - ] FacelessOne 8 points 1.1 yearsApr 25, 2023 22:09:21 ago (+9/-1)


Downvoats harder

[ - ] Centaurus 4 points 1.1 yearsApr 25, 2023 23:02:05 ago (+4/-0)

If those are my only two choices, then I'll be a glowie. How about you, Agent Smith?

[ - ] FacelessOne 2 points 1.1 yearsApr 26, 2023 00:49:03 ago (+2/-0)

Mr Anderson

[ - ] Thisismyaccount 3 points 1.1 yearsApr 26, 2023 08:01:44 ago (+3/-0)

Cry me a river, why don't you tell everyone about your 20 alts on the.win communities. oursenilepresident aka/try. Delete and repost much on conpro?

[ - ] TheOriginal1Icemonkey 6 points 1.1 yearsApr 25, 2023 22:05:32 ago (+7/-1)

It seems you have overestimated your nuisance value.

[ - ] Centaurus 3 points 1.1 yearsApr 25, 2023 22:59:01 ago (+3/-0)
