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The Wreck of the Titanic, Graphics by Jaco Grobbelaar & William Neff - April 14, 1912 RMS Titanic with over 2200 souls aboard for the ship's maiden voyage to the United States struck an iceberg 400 nautical miles east of Newfoundland, Canada and sank 2hrs 40 minutes later .. only 705 survived

submitted by RoxannaHardbutt to History 1.3 yearsMar 6, 2023 17:50:20 ago (+4/-0)     (flingup.com)


Titanic's collision with the iceberg created six holes in the ship's hull causing rivets to pop and the brittle high sulphur steel plates to rupture, Titanic was the biggest most luxurious passenger ship the world had ever seen, the ads proclaimed it to be unsinkable. Most of the Titanic survivors were allegedly Jews, while the ones in the lifeboats some of which were mostly empty are known to have fended swimmers away with boathooks.

It was bravado on the part of the Captain to allow his ship to get so close to the iceberg, allegedly for the titillation of the upper class passengers that caused the sinking, not a Bomb, JP Morgan nor the Mummy's Curse .. some say RMS Californian under the command of Captain Stanley Lord could have done more in response to Titanic's distress rockets, claims refuted at BBC News.

Not all of the ones who went onto the lifeboats were saved .. on May 13, 1912 nearly a month after the sinking crew from RMS Oceanic spotted one of Titanic's wooden lifeboats, identified as Collapsible A believed to be the last craft to leave the ship at around 2.15 am on the morning of the sinking, drifting in the Atlantic some 200 miles from the wreck site it had three decomposing bodies on board.

Witness describe pandemonium on the boat decks, as shots were fired allegedly killing around twelve steerage passengers who were attempting to access the lifeboats.

Charles Lightoller Titanic's 38yo Second Officer is alleged to have let some of the lifeboats go nearly empty rather than allow men to occupy the seats, and to have in company with a passenger with US Military antecedents, fired upon those steerage passengers attempting to access the boat deck during the sinking to the tune of around twelve dead .. he survived.

The night Titanic hit the iceberg there was a big party going on, Chief Officer William McMaster Murdoch was out cold from the wine he had consumed at a celebration for his captain, while Captain Smith could not be aroused from sleep," the officer of the watch was asleep and quite possibly drunk at the rear of the pilothouse. Murdoch who is alleged to have ordered 3rd class access blocked is said to have shot two dead then to have suicided with the same gun. Links.

6 comments block

[ - ] Doglegwarrior 3 points 1.3 yearsMar 6, 2023 18:32:11 ago (+3/-0)

The titanic rabbit hole is deep it was the first big deep state false flag. They killed the 3 people opposed to the federal reserve.

The coal bins were on fire before it left it was doomed iceberg or not.

Go down the rabbit hole it's deep and dark

[ - ] Belfuro 0 points 1.3 yearsMar 7, 2023 00:45:54 ago (+0/-0)

Same as the assassination of Franz Ferdinand.

Taking out of key players with catastrophic results

[ - ] localsal 1 point 1.3 yearsMar 6, 2023 17:56:55 ago (+1/-0)

What an interesting parallel to the West today:

Charles Lightoller Titanic's 38yo Second Officer is alleged to have let some of the lifeboats go nearly empty rather than allow men to occupy the seats, and to have in company with a passenger with US Military antecedents, fired upon those steerage passengers attempting to access the boat deck during the sinking to the tune of around twelve dead .. he survived.

Lightoller is a very good analog to the zogbots of today.
The nigger and invader problem could be easily solved by the native inhabitants of any country, but the filthy kike trained zogbots are quick to kill and arrest any that even attempt to restore law and order - not to mention human rights.

It is a Natural Human Right to have free speech, yet an autistic boy - a child - is charged with a hate crime because some uppity sand niggers think their filthy book is "holy" and can't be marred, or that teacher that was fired for showing an illustration of mohammad (he can suck shit) - yet these sand niggers name every other kid mohammad.... what sense does that make???

The West has already hit the iceberg - the only question now is will the men kill Lightoller and save their future generations, will we all perish.

[ - ] RoxannaHardbutt [op] 0 points 1.3 yearsMar 6, 2023 18:25:34 ago (+0/-0)

I know where you are coming from mate .. thanx for the reply.

[ - ] Inward 0 points 1.3 yearsMar 6, 2023 17:55:03 ago (+1/-1)

That number has been revised. 6 gorillion jews died that night. Do not question this, you bigoted, racist antisemite