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They FINALLY shot the stupid balloon down.

submitted by uvulectomy to whatever 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 15:13:30 ago (+50/-2)     (whatever)

And of course it's off the coast of South Carolina, so the "sensor package" will fall into the water, and likely be "unrecoverable." That way they can still claim it "came from China" and nobody can prove any different.

Fucking kikes.

72 comments block

[ - ] ItsBacon 11 points 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 17:12:55 ago (+11/-0)

Shot down with a $50k missile instead of $50 in bullets. And the Pentagon can't find 61% of their assets. Makes sense.

[ - ] uvulectomy [op] 6 points 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 17:28:11 ago (+6/-0)*

It was reported to be at 60,000 feet. That would have meant sending an F-22 up to intercept (service ceiling is 65,000), as the M61A2 cannon only has an effective range of about 2,000ft.

The GAU-8 on the A-10 has an effective range of 4,000ft and a max of 12,000, but the A-10 that carries it only goes up to 45,000ft.

So a missile was probably in the same ballpark cost.

The REAL cheaper option would have just been to use a laser. It wouldn't need to deliver that much heat, and the systems on the YAL-1 were meant to heat through ICBMs, meaning a balloon would be easy.

EDIT: Supposedly they DID send up an F-22 after it? In which case, yeah, why not just use a few bullets.....

[ - ] observation1 5 points 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 21:10:42 ago (+5/-0)

Missles expire so it's a use it or lose it situation. Think of it like all of our ammo is already spent to some degree.

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 2 points 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 23:38:41 ago (+2/-0)

You're not thinking like the pentagon man. They're thinking why not get some practice launching an F-22 and shooting something down (with a missile). I wonder if that counts as a kill for someone. It would be hilarious if you got a tat about it. A little fuckin' balloon.

[ - ] Monica 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 7, 2023 22:25:15 ago (+0/-0)

Son your grandpa was the man who shot down a balloon in 2023.

son: whaaaaaa!!!!!! granpappy why you hate balloons! whhhaaaaa!

But son it was a Chinese balloon.

son: AAnd he hates chineese! you racists!!!

son: I'm going to go burn down a chinken farm!

[ - ] RobertJHarsh 7 points 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 18:16:12 ago (+7/-0)

I bet if the balloon were dropping GDL flyers the fucker would have been shot down way sooner.

[ - ] uvulectomy [op] 5 points 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 18:33:54 ago (+5/-0)

They would have shot it down, recovered the pieces, tracked their origin, and conducted raids/killed dogs before lunch.

[ - ] DoctorK 6 points 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 17:11:32 ago (+6/-0)

Can't shoot it down where Cletus and his govt hating militia can have first looks at it...

[ - ] Anus_Expander 5 points 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 17:23:43 ago (+6/-1)

Who knows what kind of poisons/nanoparticles/viruses/spores that thing released over us?

[ - ] con77 1 point 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 19:10:27 ago (+1/-0)

Zombie outbreak in 3...2...

[ - ] Anus_Expander 1 point 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 19:13:02 ago (+1/-0)

something simple: plutonium dust, or anthrax spores. Released at 60k feet, the wind does the rest. Impossible?

[ - ] TheYiddler 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 22:47:28 ago (+0/-0)

Anthrax exists naturally. A payload that high up would be to dispersed. Plutonium is unlikely due to its immense cost.

[ - ] Anus_Expander 1 point 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 22:49:59 ago (+1/-0)

Cost? The chinks dont fuckn care about cost, they want us weak.

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 23:40:43 ago (+0/-0)

Are you really gonna get that much effect by just sprinkling plutonium?

[ - ] TheYiddler 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 5, 2023 03:51:28 ago (+0/-0)

Probably not. But it can cause fear that lasts generations.

[ - ] Sunman_Omega 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 17:53:10 ago (+0/-0)

Yeah... that's what I was thinking.

[ - ] texasblood -1 points 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 18:41:45 ago (+0/-1)

Lockdown 2.0

[ - ] BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod 3 points 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 19:39:50 ago (+4/-1)

lol u losers are forever falling for whatever the jew press tells u to concentrate on. who gives a f about one mere spy balloon, the US does the same to china all the time and china has 1 million infiltrators on the ground at universities

[ - ] Bottled_Tears 3 points 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 18:37:15 ago (+3/-0)

I couldn't believe people were trying to label this a conspiracy theory. It was becoming the movie don't look up.

[ - ] Bonlio99 3 points 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 18:26:41 ago (+3/-0)

If a regular person sent up a “weather balloon” it would be shot down in minutes

[ - ] BoraxTheFungarian 1 point 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 21:39:18 ago (+1/-0)

What if all sattelites are balloons? And the don’t want you to know…

[ - ] NedsHead 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 21:43:23 ago (+1/-1)

That's some real flatard way of thinking

[ - ] HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 5, 2023 19:48:33 ago (+0/-0)

What balloon? What gay shit did the msm put out now that you gobbled up?

[ - ] Cunt 1 point 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 17:25:13 ago (+1/-0)

I love how every sort of bizarre looking and unnatural looking UFO gets labeled a weather balloon, but this thing that looks exactly like a weather balloon I'm supposed to believe is a SPY balloon. As if china doesn't have better tech for spying.

[ - ] uvulectomy [op] 3 points 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 17:28:54 ago (+3/-0)

Pretty shitty spy device if your enemy knows its there.

[ - ] SilentByAssociation 1 point 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 18:54:43 ago (+1/-0)

As if china doesn't have better tech for spying.

Have you seen the way their buildings and structures fall apart?

[ - ] Cunt 1 point 1.3 yearsFeb 5, 2023 00:51:25 ago (+1/-0)

Yeah, and like all Chinese made stuff they stand up long enough to be sold, so if the balloon was Chinese spyware, they could have just waited for the balloon to fall apart anyway.

But I believe they could make more advanced tech (provided they have something to copy), they might have to make a few to a get a fully functional one but when they do it will last long enough for one job.

I just don't buy this story. It's too weird. Like the radioactive pea sized thing that was super dangerous but not stored in any type of larger lead case and somehow just fell off the back of a truck. Both are weird news stories with more questions then answers.

[ - ] PhantomXLII 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 19:20:48 ago (+0/-0)

Okay, you present a damn good point.

[ - ] Belfuro 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 5, 2023 03:56:59 ago (+0/-0)

You know that the closer you are to what your spying the higher the resolution?

[ - ] HeyJames 1 point 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 17:25:04 ago (+1/-0)

It came from Israel

[ - ] Just_me 2 points 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 19:16:51 ago (+2/-0)

Why would they spy on a country they already own, run, and control all forms of communication in... they have our cell phones under control

[ - ] allAheadFull 1 point 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 16:37:36 ago (+1/-0)

What if the balloon was full of plague? Better drop it in the salt water.

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 23:41:11 ago (+0/-0)

If it was it just dropped it all over.

[ - ] CoronaHoax 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 23:28:58 ago (+0/-0)

I can’t believe you people give a shit about a balloon and let them cow tow your attention like this. It’s embarrassing.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 23:05:11 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] Leveraction 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 22:20:16 ago (+0/-0)

This is so fucking ridiculous! Where the fuck is the military REMOVING THIS TRAITOR!!!?????
W H E R E?????

[ - ] TheGreatWar 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 19:42:16 ago (+0/-0)

They could have dangled a cable with a weak link behind a U2 and just cut the thing in half. No need for a debris field. It could have been done anywhere.

[ - ] mxcviel 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 19:09:26 ago (+1/-1)

I found chinks had some research project back in November last year, with similar balloons

Maybe these balloons were just a lot of fear for nothing, hopefully not preconditioning for some future false flag event.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 5, 2023 12:04:19 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] BoomerChristCuckFinalForm -5 points 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 15:23:41 ago (+1/-6)

Now now now...

This is not the sort of hot potato you just shoot down if you know a goddamn thing about anything.

If I was watching this thing I'd quickly realize it is a spy balloon of some sort and then scramble some AWACS to monitor the shit out of what the hell it is doing and where it is sending it's info.

I get satellite codes, capture the data to analyze the encryption they use and make sure it doesn't go over anything important. I look at the frequencies they are using to transmit and just basically observe this new beast to learn from it... No cost.

Now... If I shoot it down immediately I get nothing but a diplomatic headache with china. Fuck that...

Monitor it... Wait until you have plausible deniability for losing it... And then take it out and very quietly recover it and analyze it.

You don't throw temper tantrums with super powers you silly faggot. You also collect Intel on new weapons if you can.


[ - ] Tallest_Skil 7 points 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 16:11:42 ago (+7/-0)

What super power? What evidence is there that china launched it? What evidence of anything is there whatsoever? Why are you trusting jewish media?

And why do you think it’s okay to allow a foreign power to overfly your nation?

[ - ] uvulectomy [op] 1 point 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 17:01:02 ago (+1/-0)

What evidence is there that china launched it?

"Because we said so, goyim! Too bad nobody will be able to recover the pieces to confirm it, so you'll just have to trust us!"

[ - ] Anus_Expander 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 17:25:35 ago (+0/-0)

China admitted it, Tallest_Shill

[ - ] PostWallHelena 2 points 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 17:48:38 ago (+2/-0)

I agree with Tall, the whole thing seems like fuckery.

[ - ] Anus_Expander 2 points 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 18:27:38 ago (+2/-0)

China ADMITTED it's theirs

[ - ] uvulectomy [op] 2 points 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 18:37:41 ago (+2/-0)

Got a Chinese press release to back that up? Or just kiked US media claiming as much because they want us fighting bugs instead of realizing everything is kiked?

[ - ] Anus_Expander 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 18:45:49 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] Centaurus 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 19:07:59 ago (+0/-0)

[ - ] v0atmage 1 point 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 19:07:09 ago (+1/-0)

So what? They say whatever they think is most favorable for the CCP, and that's usually not the truth.

[ - ] Anus_Expander 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 19:13:56 ago (+0/-0)

We gotta shift those goalposts faster, goyim!

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 22:45:35 ago (+0/-0)

Are they trustworthy? Maybe its Russian.

[ - ] Anus_Expander 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 22:48:52 ago (+0/-0)

The CHINESE FOREIGN MINISTRY had a spokesroastie on TV talkin about it, wtf...they said it's for weather observation.

[ - ] uvulectomy [op] 1 point 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 17:33:19 ago (+1/-0)

Is that an official press release from Xinhua? Or just the US (((media))) claiming China admitted it?

[ - ] Tallest_Skil 1 point 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 17:34:10 ago (+1/-0)

So… no argument and no evidence, got it. Fuck off, coward.

[ - ] Anus_Expander 2 points 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 18:28:50 ago (+2/-0)

Are you drunk? The Chinks were on TV talkin about it, several times, you cornholed coalburning old hag

[ - ] Tallest_Skil 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 5, 2023 11:47:48 ago (+0/-0)

So no argument, got it.

[ - ] Anus_Expander 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 5, 2023 18:34:56 ago (+0/-0)

I think it's time I blocked you, faggot. There is no 'argument', the Chinese Foreign Ministry WENT ON TV TO TALK ABOUT IT.

[ - ] Tallest_Skil 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 5, 2023 22:11:32 ago (+0/-0)

#And. you. take. communist. bugmen. at. their. word?

#And. you. take. western. jewish. media. at. their. word?

God above, no wonder we’re being exterminated.

[ - ] BoomerChristCuckFinalForm -3 points 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 16:13:39 ago (+2/-5)

Gaytard has spoken.

Try having a white person explain the words if they hurt your nigger skull and won't give you information.

[ - ] Tallest_Skil 3 points 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 17:33:54 ago (+4/-1)

Thanks for admitting you can’t answer a single question about your spam narrative. Commit suicide. You have exposed yourself as a fraud and everything you said is the opposite of reality.

[ - ] autotic 3 points 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 15:58:58 ago (+4/-1)

The Ukraine campaign is failing badly. They are at a decision point..exfil or escalate?

This is just to set up Plan B for WW3 depop event. I am confident if we ever find out anything trustworthy on the balloon(s) it will be obvious that BB/Obama III released them.

[ - ] uvulectomy [op] 1 point 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 16:59:37 ago (+1/-0)

There was some faggot "analyst" on (((Fox News))) before the shoot-down talking about how they should "give the pieces to Blinken to give to Xi and tell him that "next time it's an act of war.""

This fucking kike had a jewkraine flag on his lapel.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 3 points 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 17:47:01 ago (+3/-0)

Lol. We dont even have a country anymore.

[ - ] BoomerChristCuckFinalForm -5 points 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 16:05:27 ago (+1/-6)

Wtf are you talking about the house approved even more waste to Ukraine.

This is a money grift.

Don't get all stupid and think this is a conventional war about seizing territory. This is much more complicated and the timing of it is blatant wef fuckery to hide COVIDhoax in the fog of war.
All sides get to dispose of people that could make a difference rapidly by sending them to the frontline...think of it as the WEF garbage disposal.

Putin is in on the grift and his KGB training gives you the sweetest lies you ever desired to hear. But he is still in on the grift.

What Putin does now myopically... Just the battle side... Is use the winter and public opinion as a weapon and energy as a carrot.
🇺🇦🇺🇲🥕 🐴🇩🇪🇫🇮🇳🇴🇪🇺

[ - ] autotic 2 points 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 22:37:21 ago (+2/-0)

Putin isn't going to give them the WW3 they want and he's kicking the shit out of them. They either have to escalate it or wrap it up as shortly their won't be anyone left to fight. They are conscripting 50 yros ffs.

As too the grift, maybe you haven't noticed but between to 100bils we've already and the COVID grift theres no more blood in that stone.

[ - ] Belfuro 2 points 1.3 yearsFeb 5, 2023 03:58:35 ago (+2/-0)

It's remarkable how Nato is losing hard vs Russia. All the flaws in decades of shitty leadership is coming home to roost

[ - ] BoomerChristCuckFinalForm -4 points 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 22:40:05 ago (+0/-4)


[ - ] Thyhorrorcosmic103 1 point 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 15:43:14 ago (+1/-0)

Two words: sky hook.

[ - ] Belrial 1 point 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 16:07:27 ago (+1/-0)

There are E-3 sentries in the air over the US at all times. No need to scramble one.

[ - ] BoomerChristCuckFinalForm 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 16:11:54 ago (+1/-1)

Well they might have eggs on board they can scramble those.

[ - ] GrayDragon -1 points 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 16:11:29 ago (+0/-1)

E-3.2.a sentries.

[ - ] Anus_Expander 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 4, 2023 19:02:16 ago (+0/-0)

Because the balloon couldn't POSSIBLY have been carrying an EMP device to fry our electrical grid, or plutonium, or plague, or or or