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Uniparty earmark fest

submitted by obvious to Truth 1.5 yearsDec 21, 2022 12:33:42 ago (+3/-0)     (www.anonymousconservative.com)


Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) requested at least 19 earmarks totaling over $60 million in the $1.7 trillion, 4,155-page omnibus bill.
Outgoing Senate Appropriations Committee Vice Chair Richard Shelby (R-AL) slipped $656 million worth of earmarks into the $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill.
Retiring Jim Inhofe slips $511 million into $1.7 trillion Omnibus.
Democratic California Rep. Zoe Lofgren earmarked $2 million in federal taxpayer money for the renovation and relocation of a Planned Parenthood clinic in the omnibus spending bill.
Ousted Liz Cheney granted earmarks worth over $5 million for pet projects in Omnibus Bill.
Omnibus bill gives DOJ $212.1 million in increased budget to prosecute January 6 prisoners.

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