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27 comments block

[ - ] yesiknow 3 points 1.5 yearsDec 16, 2022 03:56:47 ago (+3/-0)

I think the ADL just signed the federal reserve's death warrant.

When the people have had enough and kill their tyrants, the tyrants are the only ones surprised, and apparently they're always surprised no matter how many death threats and rotten tomatoes they rack up.

The ADL has one foot on the guillotine platform and think their opinion isn't a bad example to everyone else now.

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy -5 points 1.5 yearsDec 16, 2022 05:17:04 ago (+1/-6)*

I've never seen convincing evidence Jews control the Fed. What I have seen is sociological data indicating Jews are overrepresented in finance.

But the relevant Jew in your OP was Paul Warburg. Nelson Aldrich, A. Piatt Andrew, Henry Davison, Arthur Shelton, Frank Vanderlip and Paul Warburg were the guys that met at the secretive Jeckyll Island meeting that laid the groundwork for the Federal Reserve system. Warburg was probably the most skilled banker of the bunch but was seen as something of an outsider with his foreign accent. It should surprise no one that such a gathering at that date was dominated by WASPs. J.P. Morgan was even anti-Semitic - like most such old stock patricians.

What is beyond dispute is that the Fed is in some sense privately owned and is not subject to audit. This Jew stuff largely serves to obfuscate real problems that should be addressed.

[ - ] SumerBreeze 4 points 1.5 yearsDec 16, 2022 05:28:16 ago (+4/-0)

JP Morgan and other kikes were EXPLICITLY antisemitic during those crucial early days to blow off the trail of them being kike lackeys for Rothschild interests - who had already successfully took control over British banking investment firms.

You fuckin jews always sprinkle a little bit of truth to obfuscate the real problem of parasitic jews destroying everything they get their greedy handwringing shekel-grabbers on.

[ - ] prototype 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 16, 2022 18:35:10 ago (+0/-0)

Rothschild interests

When you figure out who funded the rothchilds, you'll shit a fucking brick.

[ - ] SumerBreeze 1 point 1.5 yearsDec 17, 2022 05:06:12 ago (+1/-0)

British nobility and other shekel grubbers?

In any case, Rothschild made his fortune through a stock scam.

[ - ] prototype 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 17, 2022 07:00:21 ago (+0/-0)

British nobility and other shekel grubbers?

I can't give you any clues. You'll know you got it right when you make a post about the name and bad things happen to you and yours. Sadly I'm not even joking.

[ - ] SumerBreeze -1 points 1.3 yearsFeb 18, 2023 02:49:28 ago (+0/-1)

[ - ] prototype 0 points 1.3 yearsFeb 19, 2023 19:10:25 ago (+0/-0)

Funny video, but theres a specific surname that I'm not talking about, and won't reference.

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy -4 points 1.5 yearsDec 16, 2022 06:20:33 ago (+0/-4)

When you say blatantly stupid things like strongly implying Morgan was a Jew you just lose all credibility. Why should anyone with a brain pay attention to you if you can't even get the basics right?

[ - ] usedoilanalysis 3 points 1.5 yearsDec 16, 2022 08:09:35 ago (+3/-0)

How hard is it for someone to convert religions to obfuscate their ethnicity?

[ - ] SumerBreeze 2 points 1.5 yearsDec 16, 2022 08:43:26 ago (+2/-0)

In any case, you stupid jew McCarthy, I said JP Morgan, Benjamin Strong, et al., were KIKE LACKEYS for Rothschild, not jews. I called Rothschild a jew.

You don’t have to be jewish in order to be either a kike OR a zionist. Kike is a slur for anyone anti-Jesus. Zionist is a simple way to say jewish supremacist.

Run along now, stupid jew.

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy -2 points 1.5 yearsDec 16, 2022 09:55:59 ago (+0/-2)

You referred to "JP Morgan and other kikes" in going over the usual, slightly less retarded talking points your type is obsessed over. If you didn't mean to imply Morgan was himself Jewish you need to learn to write English. You don't get to call me stupid.

[ - ] SumerBreeze 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 16, 2022 10:01:22 ago (+0/-0)

You still don’t understand that kike doesn’t mean jew, you stupid jew?

All jews are kikes, but not all kikes are jews. I bet you failed geometry with that lackluster theorem understanding…

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy -1 points 1.5 yearsDec 16, 2022 10:06:13 ago (+0/-1)

"Kike doesn't mean jew".

I swear, feds get paid to make nutzis look even dumber than they already are.

[ - ] SumerBreeze 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 16, 2022 15:25:38 ago (+0/-0)

Over 140,000 SS soldiers were ethnically jewish.

But the word kikel means circle in yiddish, you stupid jew - anyone caught using a circle instead of an X in replacement of their signature was called a kike. Although it was more likely a stupid illiterate jew who was using the circle, anyone who is anti-Jesus (enough to avoid making a cross, in this case) is considered a kike.

Today you learned something. Fucking kike jew.

[ - ] zr855 1 point 1.5 yearsDec 16, 2022 09:57:25 ago (+1/-0)

There used to be a website showing that over 70% of federal reserve chairs were jewish. By the way, the way to fix it is to just use bitcoin.

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy -1 points 1.5 yearsDec 16, 2022 10:17:52 ago (+0/-1)*

That over 70% figure looks obviously wrong just with a cursory glance. More like 25% or so with Jews leading it for decades recently.


And with the current head being a Catholic where does that leave us? The typical claim is that these guys are merely frontmen for the Rothschilds and other Jewish bankers that own the stock anyway. This was a claim made by a few people but by Eustace Mullins most notably. And that claim seems to me dubious.


Mostly you need a system not obviously under the control of business interests. As it stands that ensures policies are geared toward screwing over the little guy.

[ - ] zr855 3 points 1.5 yearsDec 16, 2022 10:36:59 ago (+3/-0)


Shit, just looking at a lot of them I can tell they are kikes that used to hide with goyim names. One guy says he's a mormon polygamist but he has the most jewish rat face, like your kike ass. Yeah, THAT is a kike.

[ - ] zr855 2 points 1.5 yearsDec 16, 2022 10:25:00 ago (+2/-0)

Your cursory glance is wrong. That website was scrubbed by the ADL. If you're going to make bogus claims HERE about jews NOT running things like the kike you are, you'd better back it up completely.

CLEARLY jews, once again, are GREATLY over represented.

Fuck your kike us dollar fake money. Just use bitcoin and all their power disappears.

If you are going to try to defend your position, which I doubt, make sure you include their spouses. The spouse of a jew may as well be a jew. It's like saying Trump's family isn't chock full of jewish interests.

Fuck off kike.

[ - ] zr855 2 points 1.5 yearsDec 16, 2022 10:30:59 ago (+2/-0)

Hell, my cursory glance tells me that for as long as I can remember it's been jew controlled,

Eugene Meyer- Fucking kike
Volcker--Pursued jewish interest if not a crypto kike himself
Greenspan- Fucking kike
Bernanke- Fucking kike
Yellen- Fucking kike
Powell- Kike cover

[ - ] zr855 2 points 1.5 yearsDec 16, 2022 10:40:04 ago (+2/-0)

Burns was born in Stanislau (now Ivano-Frankivsk), Austrian Poland (Galicia), a province of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, in 1904 to Polish-Jewish parents,

He tricks dumb asses like yourself into thinking, oh look at that non-Jew name. Of course you're not dumb are you? You're just a lying fucking kike.

[ - ] zr855 2 points 1.5 yearsDec 16, 2022 10:44:24 ago (+2/-0)

This guy is a kike. I don't give two shits what Wikipedia says. If you can't just look at this kike and tell what he is, your jewdar is beyond fucking broken.


[ - ] Joe_McCarthy 1 point 1.5 yearsDec 16, 2022 10:56:36 ago (+1/-0)

Eh, a dude born in Utah to polygamists in 1890 probably wasn't Jewish!

My count is 5 out of 16. Counting Burns. I had forgotten about him. That's a summary count but I'm not far off. Pretty typical Jewish overrepresentation. Not over 70%. Not even a majority. Unless you're a kook with these SS nose tests on Mormons that died in Salt Lake.

[ - ] zr855 2 points 1.5 yearsDec 16, 2022 11:18:35 ago (+2/-0)

That motherfucker is jewish. Look at the hook nose, the beady eyes, the spare upper lip. Clearly they will change their names in a heart beat--I guess that's a kook thing too.

Guaranteed if you look into the rest of them hard enough, if you don't find direct jew lineage, you'll find massive jewish influence. They probably were ALL zionists.

Of course, it won't be long before Wikipedia scrubs even the remotest jewish ties so your kin burns there will get away with it and kikes like you will point and say, SEE HE'S NOT JEWISH--that's crazy talk.

Fucking kikes. Use bitcoin people. If you use your enemy's money, you will only die. It's that simple. Don't invest in bitcoin. USE IT. Use it to buy, sell and trade.

[ - ] HonkyMcNiggerSpic 4 points 1.5 yearsDec 16, 2022 12:00:58 ago (+4/-0)

I love watching jews say that jews aren't responsible for usury.

[ - ] NedsHead 3 points 1.5 yearsDec 16, 2022 22:37:54 ago (+3/-0)

We gotta stop calling it the "federal reserve" and call it what it is, the private reserve, jew reserve, usury reserve etc.

[ - ] TheNoticing 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 16, 2022 23:24:43 ago (+0/-0)

You just can't make this shit up.