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2 comments block

[ - ] MuricaPersonified 1 point 1.9 yearsOct 27, 2022 01:29:42 ago (+1/-0)

All I know is a chipped a tooth in half as a kid, and I had to keep recapping that tooth every so often. Eventually developed nerve damage and a lot of pain.

Having a root canal performed on it provided instant relief. No regrets.

[ - ] Hobama 0 points 1.8 yearsDec 2, 2022 14:33:06 ago (+0/-0)

A root canal leaves a dead bone in your body that is susceptible to all sorts of infection. Usually when peoples breath smells quite pungent and distinct because of a root canal which inevitably gets infected. Its a stupid procedure. You are always better off getting a dead/dying tooth extracted. You wouldnt leave chunks of bone fragments anywhere else in your body.