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Pit Kilns: everything is fire

submitted by SenpaithatFriendzonesyou to VintageStory 1.9 yearsOct 19, 2022 07:23:40 ago (+5/-2)     (files.catbox.moe)


Making refractory bricks for my cementation oven. I make them inside because rain will put them out, and they will also set the grass outside on fire.

2 comments block

[ - ] s23erdctfvyg 0 points 1.9 yearsOct 19, 2022 13:42:38 ago (+0/-0)

Have you ever considered doing this stuff in real life? A lot of people are interested in this stuff, and would either enjoy watching you do it, or enjoy helping you.

[ - ] SenpaithatFriendzonesyou [op] 0 points 1.9 yearsOct 20, 2022 00:13:45 ago (+0/-0)

Multiple issues with that, lack of time to set up. Not a lot of land, and pozzed zoning. If i lived out inawoods that would be one thing.

At the same time, doing this in the game has given me some insight as to how friggen difficult this is in real life. Can you imagine building your own windmill, forging your own iron pulverizer caps, puliverzing bauxite you mined yourself? I have not shown a charcoal pit. This is without real world physics and laws of science.

that's a lot of work. I have not shown the halite deposits, the tannin processing, and the other stuff. Keep in mind that this was made by an Austrian family man, who likes gardening, who wanted to go much farther than what minecraft did. Part of why reddit exploded was: digg being really gay and reddit being the only place that talked about minecraft. the two fed each other.

The game base for VS is much older, and a bit hardcore. Voat is not /pol/, we will have to talk about something other than pol stuff at some point. So i might as well seed the place with some content. If the feds are watching they will now have to piss away resources on monitoring VS servers too, and that will be funny.