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7 comments block

[ - ] Qwertytoal 0 points 2 yearsApr 29, 2022 15:18:20 ago (+0/-0)

Zcash.... as in zionism cash??? Now theyre laughing

[ - ] Broc_Liath 0 points 2 yearsApr 28, 2022 22:51:23 ago (+1/-1)

Thanks for the heads up. I've always seen it as a kind of third wheel to Dash and Monero.

[ - ] TankTinker -1 points 2 yearsApr 28, 2022 20:45:21 ago (+0/-1)*

Yr clutching at straws .. digital currency is a scam, don't fall for the bs from those who want yr dough who tell you crypto cash is "as good as gold or money in the bank!" Link.

Bitcoin is a Pyramid Scheme.

The Deep State & the NSA Created Bitcoin.

Financial Times: Bitcoin is a Pyramid Scheme.

Bitcoin Cryptocurrency is Scam Pyramid Scheme.

Bitcoin is More Like a Ponzi or a Pyramid Scheme.
Brazil Central Bank Chief Says Bitcoin is a Pyramid Scheme.

JP Morgan Calls Cryptocurrency Markets Pyramid Schemes.

"BitCoin is and always has been worthless, it is backed by nothing and has no legal legs to stand on, the only money you can take out of bitcoin is money other people have put in, it is a pyramid scheme by definition and every dollar won is a dollar lost, like all similar schemes it is designed to send the investor broke and to make bundles of cash for whomsoever is at the top." Voat.

Bitcoin is there to separate you from your money .. you can tell ppl they don't want to believe you, the pyramiders got virtually every penny in Albania thru the 1990s, while the government gave the movers and shakers behind the overall scheme every encouragement .. don't think you are too smart to fall for it yr not.

Look where you can spend Bitcoin - If you want to open an account on a video site they will only accept payment in Bitcoin, except as soon as you enter yr banking details on the BC site they have their talons into you and yr financial doom is assured.

Ok say you do invest hard currency in BC, to make a profit you need to find someone who will willingly buy it from you at a higher price than you paid similarly with "hard currency" .. testimony from those who have attempted to turn their BC back into hard cash say it is virtually impossible.

As well Snowden is a double agent ..

Edward Snowden Manufactured Hero.

The Story on Snowden and the NSA Doesn't Add Up!

Edward Snowden 2009, "Leakers should be shot in the balls!"

Edward Snowden, Exposed as NSA, CIA, Special Forces Trained Agent!

Zionist Jews are Behind ISIS Terror Group.

Julian Assange like Wikileaks, Edward Snowden and Chelsey Manning are CIA/NSA Operatives, they have used since day one under their Mkultra and Project Mockingbird, to control the masses with "controlled opposition" just like Alex Jones, David Icke, Mark Dice, Jessie Ventura & Joe Rogan.

Wikileaks is a CIA operation using NSA ops like Edward Snowden and military assets like Bradley Manning to push bullcrap stories to the public, and create an "underground truth movement" which the government controls. The Fake Truth Movement.

[ - ] Broc_Liath -1 points 2 yearsApr 28, 2022 22:49:08 ago (+0/-1)

"BitCoin is and always has been worthless, it is backed by nothing and has no legal legs to stand on, the only money you can take out of bitcoin is money other people have put in, it is a pyramid scheme by definition and every dollar won is a dollar lost, like all similar schemes it is designed to send the investor broke and to make bundles of cash for whomsoever is at the top." Voat.

Well if "voat" says so then it must be true...

Tell me, if cryptocurrencies are worth nothing despite the people buying them saying otherwise, how should we calculate their value?

I think you'll find it's difficult to come up with an answer which doesn't leave gold and dollars "worth" nothing.

[ - ] Spaceman84 0 points 2 yearsApr 28, 2022 20:16:40 ago (+0/-0)

Converting all of my shitcoins to Zcash immediately

[ - ] TankTinker -1 points 2 yearsApr 28, 2022 21:10:11 ago (+0/-1)*

You have other options y' know .. get all the destitute druggies and alcos in yr neighborhood together and throw the mother of all parties, or head to Vegas and blow the lot on hookers and games of chance, or write out a cheque and mail it directly to the ADL .. I would prefer the first option myself hi-ho.

[ - ] Broc_Liath 0 points 2 yearsApr 28, 2022 22:50:30 ago (+1/-1)

I recognise you now, you're that self-confessed pedophile who posted here asking for help about how to download porn videos.