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32 year old infection cured in 2 hours with a rife machine

submitted by I_am_baal to lymedisease 2 yearsApr 20, 2022 19:06:39 ago (+29/-1)     (www.researchgate.net)


"In the thirties, in the USA, Royal Raymond Rife reported the killing of bacteria by means of the radiation of a plasma tube. So, it was decided to try a compassionate treatment using Bare/Rife system (photo 3). The radiation was produced by a plasma tube filled with argon (80%) and neon (20%) gas at a pressure of 50 mm of mercury. The tube lighting was accomplished using a highly (>300 %) over modulated, AM type, radiofrequency electronic discharge. By using the square wave generated frequencies for modulation, along with overmodulation of the carrier wave, a pulsed emission was achieved. Treatment was done successively with the following modulation low frequencies : 723 to 730 Hz (Staphylococcus aureus), 877 to 884 Hz (Streptococcus pyogenes), 749 to 755 Hz (Proteus vulgaris), 756 to 761 Hz (Enterococcus faecalis), 764 to 771 Hz (Proteus mirabilis), 800 to 807 Hz (Escherichia coli). The session took place on the 4th of February 2005 at the rate of 3 minutes per frequency (135 minutes for the set) and ended at 16 o’clock. At night the fever had disappeared with a body temperature at 37°C. Four days later, suddenly, Mrs R. spat out a stinking, putty-like substance coming from the left side of her throat. Laboratory analysis revealed a pile of polymorphous bacteria mixed with fungus filaments."

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Shot in the face!