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Men find women with higher estrogen more attractive. What are some attributes of high estrogen? Finer facial features, smaller nose, smaller jaw, pointed chin, narrow shoulders, smooth skin and less body hair

submitted by Garrett to science 2.2 yearsMar 30, 2022 22:29:13 ago (+25/-0)     (archive.ph)


Maternal tendencies in women are associated with estrogen levels and facial femininity: https://booksc.org/book/17377575/5d5dc7

Human beauty standards reflect our evolutionary distant
and recent past and emphasize the role of health assessment in mate choice as reflected by analyses of the
attractiveness of visual characters of the face and the body, but also of vocal and olfactory signals:


19 comments block

[ - ] Fascinus 5 points 2.2 yearsMar 30, 2022 22:42:05 ago (+5/-0)

If you're attuned to the smell of a healthy woman, not what she's anointed with, but the scent of her body (i.e. her pheromones), it's perfectly sublime, absolutely intoxicating.

Like a flower made of meat.

As the saying goes, "If God made anything better, he kept it for himself".

[ - ] deleted 3 points 2.2 yearsMar 31, 2022 00:17:24 ago (+3/-0)


[ - ] Rob3122 0 points 2.2 yearsMar 30, 2022 23:25:01 ago (+0/-0)

Google image search the author of that article. She has all the features described and yet she herself is fucking hideous.

[ - ] Garrett [op] 0 points 2.2 yearsMar 30, 2022 23:25:44 ago (+0/-0)

I provided another source as well. perhaps shes an outlier

[ - ] Rob3122 0 points 2.2 yearsMar 30, 2022 23:40:47 ago (+1/-1)

Gman, I hope you're not one of those "master race" guys who thinks everyone should be blonde with blue eyes.

[ - ] Garrett [op] 2 points 2.2 yearsMar 30, 2022 23:41:47 ago (+2/-0)

i see nothing wrong with promoting blonde hair and blue eyes as much as possible

[ - ] Rob3122 -1 points 2.2 yearsMar 30, 2022 23:53:48 ago (+1/-2)

Promoting...are you selling something? What's wrong with brown hair and brown eyes? This is why the jews have already won. White people like you won't except other whites like me because I don't fit your preferred vision of how white should be. Tell me why I should feel any other way towards people like you then to simply say Fuck you you're on your own, blondie?

[ - ] Garrett [op] 2 points 2.2 yearsMar 30, 2022 23:55:58 ago (+2/-0)

I have brown hair and brown eyes. Ofc im going to promote recessive traits such as blonde hair and blue eyes that are disappearing more with every decade.

Also its not about race. Norwegians and French are part of the same genetic group despite French having way less blondes


[ - ] Rob3122 0 points 2.2 yearsMar 31, 2022 00:09:27 ago (+0/-0)

If Hitler failed at "promoting" that master race blonde hair blue eyed bullshit then you are simply wasting your time.

I don't give a shit about norwegians and I especially don't give a shit about those french cowards. I don't give a shit about Ukrainians nor the rapist caucasian niggers known as Russians. White Americans are the only people who matter to me...no matter blonde or brunette or what color their eyes are.

[ - ] Garrett [op] 1 point 2.2 yearsMar 31, 2022 00:14:47 ago (+1/-0)

Well in order to overthrow the jews, we will need as many White people on our side as possible. So we cant be prejudice. Also I never said I preferred blonde hair/ blue eyes over other traits. But I think you can agree that brown eyes/ brown hair are a lot more common

[ - ] Rob3122 0 points 2.2 yearsMar 31, 2022 00:39:14 ago (+0/-0)

If it were to happen you know damn well the white Americans will have to do most if not all of it. None of those other white countries matter if America isn't in a position to lead...which right now appears hopeless.

The jews ruined Russia over 100 years ago. A Russian just like a nigger will shoot you in the face for accidentally stepping on their fucking shoe. They are animals who don't value human life even though they are "white".

Germany...hell I can easily admit that you know far more about Germany than I do. Therefore I don't even need to explain how that country has been ruined. Hell, what European country isn't ruined at this point?

Then we look north America. Canada...lol
Then our country the divided states of jewmerica. They control every facet of our way of life. I ask myself what can I realistically do? Maybe pop a few elves and spend the rest of my life in a prison cell realizing in the end ...I didn't accomplish anything. The only thing that I can think of is organization but pretty much everyone is too afraid to attempt it.

I don't know what to do.

[ - ] Garrett [op] 0 points 2.2 yearsMar 31, 2022 00:49:48 ago (+0/-0)

Russians are genetically basically the same as finnish people and criminals are less intelligent on average so I dont know how that would work


The best thing you can do is spread the truth and not divide Whites. Jews love when Whites fight each other. Thats why they funded both sides of the 30 years war which killed 8 million Whites.What was the main dispute? Religion.


Source: Central European Jewry during the Thirty Years' War- Jonathan I. Israel, Central European History, Vol. 16, No. 1 (Mar., 1983), pp. 3-30


[ - ] paul_neri 1 point 2.2 yearsMar 31, 2022 00:06:45 ago (+1/-0)

Just find a photo of dangus!

[ - ] Paradoxical003 0 points 2.2 yearsMar 31, 2022 00:19:33 ago (+1/-1)

White and yellow women are the two most popular races of women to look at by a long shot.

This is true whether you talk about men or other women, and it's true regardless of the race of the beholder.

And this is true for a very good reason.

The perfect woman (in terms of attractiveness) would have the best traits of the women of both races, combined into a single package that maximizes all the different ways we appreciate female appearances - sexiness, beauty, cuteness, etc.

In theory, that is.

Instead what you get from ricemixing in reality is daughters who get some of the worst traits of each racial background, or some nightmare in-betweeen the good and bad traits.

Miscegenation always produces inferiority to the standard of the superior (white) race.

[ - ] Garrett [op] 2 points 2.2 yearsMar 31, 2022 00:25:49 ago (+2/-0)

I dont know why anyone would purposely want to have a kid with less pale skin and smaller eyes

Whites have fairest skin tone: https://archive.ph/gNxO4

[ - ] Redhairin 2 points 2.2 yearsMar 31, 2022 01:54:19 ago (+2/-0)

In other words, not a bulldyke?

[ - ] QuasiVoat 0 points 2.2 yearsMar 31, 2022 13:08:35 ago (+0/-0)

Interesting, thanks.