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26 comments block

[ - ] o0shad0o 5 points 2.5 yearsMar 23, 2022 09:57:05 ago (+5/-0)

Does anyone here understand how they're getting from the base data near the beginning of the article to the graphs below?

[ - ] GlowNiggerDick 4 points 2.5 yearsMar 23, 2022 10:05:38 ago (+5/-1)

There is a link to that in the areticle.


I cant find the data the article refers to though. According to the charts on there, if you total up the partially to fully vaxxed and extra boosted, the unvaxxed appear to be more likely to die. Nothing in the source refers to AIDS. The devil is often in the details and I dont care to read the full report. All that data is provided by people that have been caught lying without repercussions in the past. But still their source material can be valuable if someone can point to something specifically shocking in their own data.

As it sits if you made the claim the title is making, then sent the source material to someone your trying to convince of something, youll look stupid pretty quickly, unless I missed something in the link.

[ - ] Ragnar 1 point 2.5 yearsMar 23, 2022 10:11:31 ago (+2/-1)

Thank you for actually reading the source! I was about to send the link to someone but I was saved the humiliation of my own stupidity by reading your comment.

[ - ] SparklingWiggle 1 point 2.5 yearsMar 23, 2022 13:49:59 ago (+1/-0)

The thing that is misleading is that the data being referred is from the beginning of the vaxx campaign so people couldn’t even get vaxxed, so all the low hanging fruit was reaped compared to healthy individuals dying now.

[ - ] Hobama 1 point 2.5 yearsMar 23, 2022 15:32:05 ago (+1/-0)

Misleading data released by the government yes. This article argument is based on that premise and they use weekly data over a month to derive more accurate data.

[ - ] dassar 0 points 2.5 yearsMar 23, 2022 17:53:00 ago (+0/-0)

Snapshot data (derived from a single month) is utterly useless and many times entirely misleading when attempting Real World assessments or predictions.

[ - ] SparklingWiggle 0 points 2.5 yearsMar 23, 2022 18:11:57 ago (+0/-0)

Where did they get the damaged immune system data?

[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.5 yearsMar 23, 2022 15:45:00 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] Goatslayer -6 points 2.5 yearsMar 23, 2022 11:14:47 ago (+0/-6)

So a conservative lied and passed off bullshit as "science." What else is new?

[ - ] deleted 5 points 2.5 yearsMar 23, 2022 11:31:16 ago (+5/-0)


[ - ] Teefinyomouf 0 points 2.5 yearsMar 23, 2022 19:52:12 ago (+0/-0)

Hey, why does your antics flag have the same colors as the Nazi flag?

[ - ] Hobama 4 points 2.5 yearsMar 23, 2022 15:01:41 ago (+4/-0)

Yes. They show you the data broken down by week. Every week tabulate the new cases, deaths, and hospitalizations that occurred vs the next week in each category (vax unvax 3vax 1vax). So week 1 to week 2 you see unvaxxed has 200 new cases, vaxxed had 230 (not real numbers just an example). They take a few weeks like this and chart the data.

[ - ] o0shad0o 2 points 2.5 yearsMar 23, 2022 15:46:04 ago (+2/-0)

Okay! I understand now. Durp.

I wouldn't call this conclusive without examining the age ranges of the vaccine, hospitalization and death statistics. I'd expect the oldest people to be the most likely to get the 3rd jab and also to be the most likely to get seriously ill or die from any viral disease. That'd be enough to skew the results - though it'd definitely take a hell of a skew to match these stats.

I will say that in any case it demonstrates the ineffectiveness of the vaccine against whatever new strains are running around now.

[ - ] Hobama 0 points 2.5 yearsMar 24, 2022 01:47:33 ago (+0/-0)

Yeah nothing conclusive. I would want this same data analysis performed for a few months at the minimum.

[ - ] Hobama 1 point 2.5 yearsMar 23, 2022 15:28:11 ago (+1/-0)

Yes. They show you the data broken down by week. Every week tabulate the new cases, deaths, and hospitalizations that occurred vs the next week in each category (vax unvax 3vax 1vax). So week 1 to week 2 you see unvaxxed has 200 new cases, vaxxed had 230 (not real numbers just an example). They take a few weeks like this and chart the data.

[ - ] o0shad0o 0 points 2.5 yearsMar 23, 2022 15:46:44 ago (+0/-0)

How'd you make a double-post a half hour apart? :-)

[ - ] Hobama 0 points 2.5 yearsMar 23, 2022 23:40:45 ago (+0/-0)

Fuck if i know

[ - ] SparklingWiggle 0 points 2.5 yearsMar 23, 2022 13:48:15 ago (+0/-0)

Not really. The problem with the study linked in the article is that it is from the beginning of the vaccine campaign, so it unfairly skews the data compared to cases from recent dates. If two reports were compared the older data could be screened out.

[ - ] Leveraction 1 point 2.5 yearsMar 23, 2022 11:03:15 ago (+1/-0)

Is there ANYONE out there who still thinks the clot shot is a good idea??? I would love to hear your argument.

[ - ] Belrick 2 points 2.5 yearsMar 23, 2022 13:30:08 ago (+2/-0)

Ask goatfuker in this thread

[ - ] Fascinus 0 points 2.5 yearsMar 23, 2022 12:00:31 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] SparklingWiggle 5 points 2.5 yearsMar 23, 2022 13:46:24 ago (+5/-0)

Where is the author getting their data? It is not in the report. The data could be extracted by comparing to an previous report, but something seems off.

[ - ] germ22 3 points 2.5 yearsMar 23, 2022 18:19:18 ago (+3/-0)

Something does seem off. It seems the author is adding more data than necessary and making too many calculations to get to the desired result. And it seem like some of the data just appears out of nowhere with no clear link to where it is gathered from.
I'm going to have to read the article again and redo my math, because what i got now (which might be wrong) is that 0.11% of the partially and fully vaxed died, vs. .18% of the unvaxed.

[ - ] account deleted by user 0 points 2.5 yearsMar 23, 2022 15:05:17 ago (+0/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] RMGoetbbels 0 points 2.5 yearsMar 23, 2022 17:17:46 ago (+0/-0)

Well that doesn't sound good. Who wants to spread some covid cheer around?

[ - ] insanitea 0 points 2.5 yearsMar 23, 2022 17:17:55 ago (+0/-0)

Translation: The triple vaxxed are dying from the vaccine and COVID-19 doesn't exist. This boogeyman virus narrative is tiring.