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Covid narrative starts to crumble in Australia

submitted by dulcima to Australia 2.3 yearsFeb 16, 2022 05:34:11 ago (+30/-0)     (nitter.net)


Betting not a single politician, MSM hack, petty official or public servant will pay for their crimes.

8 comments block

[ - ] i_scream_trucks 5 points 2.3 yearsFeb 16, 2022 05:39:47 ago (+5/-0)

Head of SAPOL this morning - we stood down 150 police members last year for excersizing their right to not have a treatment, now weve had to stand down 400 due to ill health.

cant remember the exact quotes here so im paraphrasing but said being in covid hotels and policing qr codes and all that is not their job, and keeping people locked in nursing homes is illegal

in South Australia, the absolute head of any state of emergency is the Police Commissioner, not the government like everywhere else, and as far as i can work out, that suspends any government ability to change legislation in the state.

I can tell you from multiple friends currently in SA, air borders were never checked, because all security guards were told 'You cant ask, its illegal' - south australia, it seems, it was all made voluntary on the businesses themselves, so in that state, their government and police may very well have sidestepped the noose, and put the business owners themselves right in it.

but yeah... this aint lasting much longer now.

[ - ] dulcima [op] 4 points 2.3 yearsFeb 16, 2022 05:43:10 ago (+4/-0)

I still hope to make South Australia my home one day. SA and Tassie were the only two states that didn't go the full retard.

My potato famine ancestors made their home in Victoria. It really does break my heart what this state has become.

[ - ] i_scream_trucks 3 points 2.3 yearsFeb 16, 2022 05:57:32 ago (+3/-0)

yeah it really is an awesome place when the assholes arent in charge but its slowly been going communist for a long time, theres jobs no one gives a single solitary fuck about behind the scenes that have been directly hit by the bullshit.

last time i visited adelaide was for the last Grand Prix there so its been a while but my mate over there got in touch and was buttering me up to go over there and rent a house with him, hes not had a single problem since heading back to SA from here late last year. hell his mum said ive got a job and a room there at least if i head over.

i dont know when but im going on the belief we are getting everything back soon. i picked up another absolute shite job i started yesterday, the entire company is anti-jab and anti-mask, got me as a sub contractor only because their accountant flat out said hes not doing cash in hand any more. i made the comment 'i dont think we are going to have to worry about the ATO for much longer' and this lady was 'Yeah weve actually just had that exact same conversation in the office here'

so we are going to see businesses going fuck that, and that dumb bastard andrews shot himself in the foot again this morning with the whole 'Parents banned from entering school grounds unless triple jabbed' being walked back within 45 minutes.

We are winning. Without f'ing guns. But ill be the first to sign a right to bear arms petition. and id probably prefer that to be limited to the jabbed cos we about to see a massive increase in neurological disease. These zombies are going to start getting early onset alzheimers and all those sorts of things happening. basically dying of old age without having the age behind it.

And i keep writing bloody text walls too. Sorry.

[ - ] dulcima [op] 1 point 2.3 yearsFeb 16, 2022 06:57:05 ago (+1/-0)

I don't mind your text walls! I do hope you're right and we see heads roll. Literally even.

[ - ] KikesOnSpikes 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 16, 2022 14:44:23 ago (+0/-0)

The main disappointment here in SA was seeing the mass adoption of mask wearing etc so late into this bullshit. This state didn't go full retard in as many way as others but I still wont be able to look at the general populous the same again after that. I'll still be the main person in any shopping center not wearing that shit.

[ - ] dulcima [op] 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 16, 2022 23:42:32 ago (+0/-0)

All states went retarded, just that Tassie and SA didn't go as retarded as the others. WA is neck-and-neck with Victoria for the Most Retarded in Australia.

[ - ] dominus_stercae 1 point 2.3 yearsFeb 16, 2022 17:47:07 ago (+1/-0)

With the extreme overreach by various Australian governments over the years, culminating in literal concentration camps incarcerating those exposed to COVID (never mind if they even had it), I've lost all desire to visit the country.

By all accounts it's beautiful, and I know the people are interesting and friendly. But their government, no.

Rhyming in name, but across the world, Austria's lost to me too for similar reasons.

[ - ] AnmanIndustries 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 17, 2022 17:02:28 ago (+0/-0)

When big media starts saying it, it must be worse than we thought.