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[ - ] PostWallHelena 2 points 2.3 yearsFeb 14, 2022 21:07:20 ago (+2/-0)*

I didn’t watch the whole thing,

Im kind of interested in this subject.

I would hesitate to make proclamations like “whites were the first native americans.” Because todays whites are a mix of several older groups and our ancestor who were hunter gatherers wouldnt necessarily have looked or acted like modern whites.

But I do think there is a real possibility that X2 mtDNA haplogroup common in some native american groupd could have been associated with a clovis culture with origins in the western eurasia Solutrean culture which might have crossed the atlantic ice sheet 20 kya.

A problem with the establishment model is that artifact from clovis culture predate when the mongoloid Beringians from asia could have crossed in to N. America. Theory goes that the ancestors of modern native americans hung out on the Beringian land bridge for thousands of years and went nowhere because they were blocked by the LGM ice sheet. In this theory (The Beringian Standstill theory) the ice sheet melts 13 kya and native americans/beringians book it down to mexico and south america in a few centuries. But clovis culture predates, by thousands of years, the big melt and it seems to spread from east to west.

Kennewick man and others (including the Windover bog people, which I dont think were covered) do have some physiological traits typical to western eurasians. So do the Ainu, but I don’t think its right to say the ainu are caucasian. They predate east asians who are bradychephalic but that does not mean all dolicephalics are related to irishman, you know?

The documentary is right that native groups seem to be trying to cock-block scientific inquiry in to the genetics and origins of these fossils. What do they have to hide? Oh I know , the fact that they have no moral high ground as colonized people as they too were invaders and genociders.

There is absolutely a ban of research that might confirm some alternative hypotheses to the older mongoloid theory. At the begining of alot of these sorts of papers, the authors insert some sort of politically correct litany that acknowleges some mandatory establishment espoused narrative. Its really creepy. I suspect these researchers get told to put this shit in in the peer review process or they don’t get published. The peer review process has gone way fucking wrong in just about every field.

This video does not discuss that some native american Y haplogroups in the north east of north america are R1a and R1b. These groups are established to have predated modern european colonization with a fair degree of certainty. These haplogroups are not found in east asians or ainu. Where did they come from?

There was a very old set of remains found in siberia from about 25 kya called Mal’ta boy. This child’s DNA is a very close match to modern white people’s dna. When they analyzed native american dna against Mal’ta, they found that it is consistant with roughly 1/3 of their DNA. This is DNA which is not consistent with mongoloid groups. So the question is, did Mal’ta’s people cross the atlantic over the ice sheet? Or did the cross in to Beringia and then expand south and east, perhaps before other native american groups? Or did Mal’ta’s people mix with mongoloids while still in asia and then populate the americas all at once. The establishment narrative is the latter.

There is a huge amount of variation within native americans which seems to undermine the notion that they were once a single small homogeneous hybrid group that populated the americas all at once. Some seem to still be pushing this narrative in a general way though.

We have pretty airtight evidence that polynesians landed along the west coast of the americas in the middle ages and contributed to the genetics there and also brought chickens. There seems to be less push back on that narrative because polynesians are brown (only white is evil).

There seems to be weird pockets of denisovan and neanderthal DNA in some native americans populations but not others. Im not sure whether that could be from polynesians or caucasians. Some have even suggested that neanderthals/denisovans could have colonized the americas before any homo sapien groups.

What is clear from newer genetic analysis is that the peopling of the americas was way more complicated than was originally thought and involved multiple waves of people who were not necessarily closely related and may have come from multiple routes. Im trying to understand the subject better and hopefully new discoveries will make it more clear what happened

[ - ] Master_Foo 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 15, 2022 00:19:24 ago (+0/-0)

OP's shit's retarded.
The first Whites where the Battle Axe Culture. So, we are looking at 5,000 years.
This is basically the same kind of shit @fightknightHero would spout, and we all know what he turned out to be.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 15, 2022 00:24:23 ago (+0/-0)

I don’t really think that’s fair. Theres no precise point at which you can say “whites have arrived”

[ - ] Master_Foo 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 15, 2022 00:50:31 ago (+0/-0)

It's not about a precise point to say "whites have arrived".
But, there's another metric I call the "Family Reunion Test". It goes like this.

You are planning a family reunion. You want to have a big family reunion and invite as many people as you can. Problem is, you don't know everyone in your family. So, you just send out an invite to everyone in the world and turn away people you don't think belong.

So, at what point do you say: "You are not my people!"?

Some nice people show up they have white skin, blue eyes, blonde hair, and they brought a pitcher of milk for everyone to enjoy, because whites are lactose tolerant.
So... Do we let them in? Yes, because they are White. They belong in the family reunion.

OK, now, some brown people from India show up. They swear they belong because they are Vedics. Vedics are Indo-Euopeans, so, they count as White right? No, if you invite them in, you'll have shit all over the street.

The purpose of being White is to create a future race of Übermensch. So, if your genetics are strong enough that you'd be allowed into that gene pool, you are White.
The first time that happened in the same time/place was the Battle Axe Culture. The Battle Axe culture is a time when good strong genes started to compound in a single group of people.

It's a matter of probability. Certain people are more probable to have good genes than others. We call these people with good genes "Whites".

[ - ] Kikeslayer1488fuckn1ggers 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 15, 2022 10:01:46 ago (+0/-0)

Whites are much older than 5000 years old. Cromagnon remains from 28kya that are physiologically white. And by that I mean their form and not just their skin color. WHG were european caucasians even if they had tan skin.

[ - ] Kikeslayer1488fuckn1ggers 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 15, 2022 10:00:24 ago (+0/-0)

There’s much more hybridization in anrthropoligy (through rape not “multiculturalism) than western modern anthros would ever admit. The out of africa bullshit about niggers moving out of africa 65kya, killing off all other hominids on earth while mixing and then staying in one spot until they all just mutated into mordern races is all debunked and retarded. And modern whites are mainly 3 different descendants of cromagnon that had distinct groups that came back and merged in europe (WHG EHG yanmaya).

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 15, 2022 14:50:11 ago (+0/-0)

There’s much more hybridization in anrthropoligy (through rape not “multiculturalism)

More common than rape is voluntary defection by women to men with more wealth. Do you not see it everywhere? Women who get raped are just going to kill the baby alot of the time. This is the purpose of acquiring great wealth through warlording. What good is great wealth anyway? The incentive of prodigious wealth is prodigious reproduction.

Yamnaya are a very late group composed of ANE, CHG, WHG and EHG. Whites also tend to have a healthy dose of EEF which in turn has some basal eurasian in it. I would assume that cro-mags are more consistent with WHG whereas yamnaya is more asian.

I have a theory about OOA that neanderthals are at the root of the Y haplogroup tree 200 kya because they migrated in to africa to fuck L0 whores. But if you want to call me a jew all day thats fine too.

[ - ] Boyakasha -1 points 2.3 yearsFeb 14, 2022 21:09:38 ago (+0/-1)


[ - ] Ironcrusader88 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 14, 2022 21:18:50 ago (+0/-0)

The solutreans were descendants of refugees from the sinking of Atlantis as was the aryans that came about in north of the Caucasus at the Black Sea and the 12 tribes of Israel

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 2.3 yearsFeb 14, 2022 21:40:14 ago (+1/-0)

Probably not.

[ - ] Kikeslayer1488fuckn1ggers -1 points 2.3 yearsFeb 15, 2022 10:02:58 ago (+0/-1)

Lol muh atlantis and muh white jews. Anything to deny you worship a jew.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 15, 2022 12:00:04 ago (+0/-0)

What the fuck are you talking about?