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1 comments block

[ - ] UncleDoug 0 points 2.5 yearsDec 20, 2021 20:09:11 ago (+0/-0)

How do you even get a type of flu in QLD when the temperature is all year around hot or very hot?

It's the same reason Newcastle is having a surge, not because of Omicron strain, but because of low vaccination uptake. Don't mistake it for vaccine efficacy, its all about pharma quotas.

All these businesses will fold and be bought up by the state and leased out to multi-national corporations or foreign franchises, I've been saying it for a year now.

They are not conspiracy theories if they keep coming true every several months.

The owner of Bar Wunder getting a 7K fine for having a staff member unvaccinated, aka never been sick from the rona is ludicrous.

If the vaccine worked you wouldn't need boosters and you'd have protection anyway. Also when QLD hit 95% vax like Sydney and soon Melbourne it wont matter what your status is and they'll be onto strain 7 by then.