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Book written by a fellow goat - light fantasy

submitted by cyclops1771 to books 2.5 yearsDec 2, 2021 05:27:41 ago (+7/-0)     (www.amazon.com)


Written by a true blue, old voat goat. Add to your stocking stuffer list!

Light fantasy about a clan of small rodent like creatures living in a world of men and elves and magic.

6 comments block

[ - ] ShitsInHoneypots 2 points 2.5 yearsDec 2, 2021 07:29:24 ago (+2/-0)*

When someone you know says "I wrote a book!" you think, "Okay, I'll buy it and pretend it's not bad."

Turned out to be fucking awesome and extremely well written.
Grubgrub is my hero. I wanna have a spider on a stick just like him when I grow up.

[ - ] MasterAce 0 points 2.5 yearsDec 12, 2021 21:08:55 ago (+0/-0)

The book showed up today,
I read the first page and seems like a good read, you can send a thanks to whoever the goat that wrote it was from me.

[ - ] cyclops1771 [op] 1 point 2.5 yearsDec 12, 2021 23:32:27 ago (+1/-0)

I read it when it was still unedited and in MS Word format back in 2020, and am now on the last chapter of the physical book. SHould finish it off tonight before bed.

One really interesting thing I liked that I have never come across before - duirng "action" sequences, the action is there, but the story focuses so much on the charcter's emotions and fears and thoughts, it truly makes it seem like you are there and can feel the tension and fear and threat yourself.

[ - ] MasterAce 0 points 2.5 yearsDec 13, 2021 21:26:44 ago (+0/-0)

Sweet it’ll probably take me ages to get through but I used to like those books with drzzzt and Cattie Brie or breunor battlhammer probably spelled all those wrong but anyway I like these kind of fantasy books, so thanks for putting me on to it.

[ - ] cyclops1771 [op] 1 point 2.5 yearsDec 14, 2021 01:02:31 ago (+1/-0)

You bet. I actually ONLY read those Drizzt and Cattie-Brie books in the past 3 years, even though they were written when i was big into D&D in the 80ss. Weird.

I finished it up, and I rally liked the ending. The first 40 pages in any world you aren't familiar with are always rough, getting to know the characters, their environs, etc.

[ - ] MasterAce 0 points 2.5 yearsDec 14, 2021 14:24:43 ago (+0/-0)

It’s funny to me that you knew what I was talking about.
Probably 20 years ago in my savage partying years I had this broad that was like we should watch these lord of the rings movies and i was so laughing at that idea.like wtf watch some faggot fantasy shit let’s go out.
Anyway I ended up living with her at some point and she had the hobbit book, so at some point I picked it up as a shitter reader.which then left the bathroom and I couldn’t put it down.ok ok I said let’s watch these lotr movies.
And was like jeezuz these are fucking deadly.so she ended up getting me a couple of those drzzt books and I went ham on those books for years.haven’t picked one up in probably 10 years now, but I put my bro onto them and between us we got quite a few now.when my little one is old enough I’ll put him onto them.
This will be a good addition to my library.
Later dude.