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submitted by CHIRO to whatever 2.5 yearsNov 30, 2021 09:45:13 ago (+5/-0)     (whatever)

I remember the anger at Voat back in 2015-2016. It was still angry in 2018, in 2019, and remained angry when Voat closed its doors. New Voat was angry 8 months ago, and I see - after a time away - that it is still angry now. New posts, identical patterns of reaction/response. "My anger at the Jew grows by the day." "Fuck, I'm so mad." "The only solution is final." Year after fucking year.

I find myself reading the same comments today as I did six years ago. The world has been fundamentally altered even in just the past 1.5-2 years, irrevocably. Most people didn't know it while it was happening, and they didn't want to know. The world changed irrevocably in 2 years, but the same pattern has existed within this community for three times as long (and longer, since I was not around for the earliest period of Voat).

If what I have said is true, then can you answer what this place represents besides a place to merely vent? Perhaps you say, "Yeah, maybe it is. But it is doing myself and others some good to be able to interact with likeminded individuals."

I ask only because, if the activity of gathering and 'spreading' this information has not stopped the world from changing negatively, and you repeat the same patterns over and over again, finding yourself angered each time you enter this space, consuming content that will only increase your anger and develop an addictive cycle of requiring that magnitude of stimulus just to meet the emotional agitation which tells you that you're properly informed...would you not be objectively better off to simply stop? I mean, if it's all going to be what it is anyway (and our 'effectiveness' in the world has supported the fact that it will), hanging around forums like this feels like filming your foot being cut off with a saw so that you can watch the re-run of your foot being cut off while it's being cut off - rather than just looking at anything else. It's as if you want to say that seeing your foot being cut off in place where others can also see it and complain about it with you (along with their own leg amputation) is somehow doing something to stop the ongoing severance of your actual foot. It's either that, or you say it makes the pain slightly more bearable to share it with others.

Now, what if you found out that the emotional states you realize from watching the recording of this were connected by some interface to a machine, the very machine that was pulling the saw through your leg? In other words, that your psycho-physical changes were fueling the sawing machine.

Your experience of all of this, as despair, fear, fury...is the point. The same thing is happening on the other side of the so-called fence. We're cutting off our own feet. As you become angry according to one value-framework, that becomes the very substrate for angering the other side, which then feeds back to anger the first side more, as they both push each other right across the line that had been planned for them initially. Only, when anybody realizes, after a time, how far they've been displaced, the explanation can only be that politicians/elites/activism of the opposite persuasion were/are/is the explanation.

Am I wrong? If I'm wrong, tell me why. I'm not even giving advice here; I'm making an observation. If this place has value other than your self-perceived "privilege" to vent, then what is it? And if you were to realize that your ability to vent in this echo chamber was part of what caused a phenomenon of radically bad communication to spill out from here (the point of concentration) into other more public forms of social media, taking forms that will only add fuel to the fire on the other side of the fence, do you think you'd stop? You see, this follows the principles of physical pressure. At a space like Voat or others like it, you have a gas - we're all gassed up. But the volume is bigger; the walls here aren't as close. At the same time, there's less people looking at it. As we feel more and more isolated the pressure starts to build, the walls start to compress the gas, until we finally are forced out to other places to release the pressure. But we know such processes are violent, and if directed they can cause things to take the form of a projectile (this has nothing to do with bullet; it's a metaphor for a kind of communication). This is like the pressure release by which we take our agitation to other places, where character counts are smaller, everything is lower resolution, and so our points spew out like pepper spray. They can't help but inflame the very people we'd be better off to communicate properly with.

And yet it feels as if that ideal communication is made impossible by the very platforms that market themselves as services for connection.

I don't know what the answer is, but it simply occurs to me that the more we even participate in the digital landscape where this is taking place, it actually advances whatever the third party's agenda is, unavoidably. So does our need to cope in this place, while serving us individually, actually worsen the group situation? Again, if I'm wrong tell me why.

22 comments block

[ - ] FacelessOne 0 points 2.5 yearsNov 30, 2021 10:27:07 ago (+1/-1)

Niggerfaggot Kike

[ - ] Not_a_redfugee 0 points 2.5 yearsNov 30, 2021 14:31:56 ago (+1/-1)



[ - ] thebearfromstartrack4 0 points 2.5 yearsNov 30, 2021 14:41:42 ago (+0/-0)

OUtlet for mostly (?) like minded nobodies to go on and on about nothing. FUCK whether it (it does NOT) harms society. It's what WE THINK. Supressing THOUGHT (Totalitarianism) is the GREATER sin. If YOUR point of view (liberalism) cannot WITHSTAND the LOGICAL arguments of opposition, time to CHANGE your point of view.

[ - ] fightknightHERO 0 points 2.5 yearsNov 30, 2021 15:34:56 ago (+0/-0)

well for starters you're a niggerfaggot with terrible contributions to this site
Member for: 8 months

scp: 33 (+34/-1)
ccp: 62 (+63/-1)
votes given: 56 (+53/-3)

second we are actively sharing information (images, guides, videos) and ideas (Stocism, activism, fitness) that bolster activists and improve upon our physical and mental well being

just look at how the kikes slipped up with the vax to the point they EVEN ADMIT they change your DNA while backpeddling literally hours later

i think you're not paying enough attention, voat does change people's lives, and we do pose a risk to the agenda

after all, all links to MSM sites are blocked if you post click them from voat.xyz

so they're definitely afraid of us, they don't mention our name anywhere (so was with voat.co) because they fear people joining our ranks

and it's not just voat, gab (despite being a boomer orientated site it has progressed to full of jew naming system site) is also causing mass kvetching and they fucking know it

the more the censor outlets for social interaction the more indie outlets will rise in their place
though what really suprises me is how impressive our communication has become that even with all the censorship, all the kikery, and all the jewtube tricks

our people have never been more aware of the jew than ever before

[ - ] CHIRO [op] 0 points 2.5 yearsNov 30, 2021 16:20:33 ago (+0/-0)

Do you know how site scores like that happen? They happen when you create a profile 8 months ago, spend approximately a day participating, followed by 8 months without a login.

My days of caring about site scores ended when my highly involved account at Voat went down with that ship. So you can fuck off with your accounting bullshit.

[ - ] fightknightHERO 0 points 2.5 yearsNov 30, 2021 16:27:27 ago (+0/-0)

you either participate as a functional and useful member of the community
or stop complaining

[ - ] CHIRO [op] 0 points 2.5 yearsNov 30, 2021 16:30:18 ago (+0/-0)

I will say whatever the fuck I want to say when I want to say it.

[ - ] fightknightHERO 0 points 2.5 yearsNov 30, 2021 16:47:26 ago (+0/-0)

That goes both ways you whiny kike niggerfaggot

[ - ] CHIRO [op] 0 points 2.5 yearsNov 30, 2021 18:06:04 ago (+0/-0)

Yes, unfortunately it's a rule that applies even to morons. I wish it didn't, but then Voat would lose its fight knight.

[ - ] heygeorge 0 points 2.5 yearsNov 30, 2021 20:48:14 ago (+0/-0)

Well I certainly missed you

[ - ] CHIRO [op] 0 points 2.5 yearsNov 30, 2021 21:07:17 ago (+0/-0)

Holy shit. How are ya? I didn't know you were hanging around here. We're going to have to get ARM to join us once his new phone arrives. PS has a profile here as well, but like me, I don't think he's been back in months.

[ - ] heygeorge 0 points 2.5 yearsNov 30, 2021 23:35:14 ago (+0/-0)

They tried unsuccessfully to get rid of me. So I’m not super attached but it’s not the worst. If ARM were here it would definitely be better.

I’m doing ok. Have a new addition to the family and nobody’s died of covid so I can’t complain. You good?

[ - ] CHIRO [op] 0 points 2.5 yearsNov 30, 2021 23:51:01 ago (+0/-0)

Congratulations, fella. You'll have to fill me in on the hubbub of your near-ban.

I'll try to get his ass over here when I hear back from him. He's actually had a pretty awful week, hence the missing phone.

I can't complain. The holidays are here, and to me it's an enjoyable time of year. I had to laugh because at this time last year the four of us were all shitting on some flat earth thread and making it about the much more interesting Antarctica situation haha.

All I can say is that this place has to be better than Poal.

[ - ] Flabbygasted 2 points 2.5 yearsNov 30, 2021 09:59:31 ago (+2/-0)*

Well, ya see you dumb nigger... there aren't many places online where I can speak my mind and openly call people faggots. Its not this site that causes anger, it's the kikes in the real world.

I'm not sure anyone on here is trying to save the world. Theres what, like 40 of us? Nothing we can do other than enjoy the show.

[ - ] CHIRO [op] 1 point 2.5 yearsNov 30, 2021 10:14:54 ago (+1/-0)

Alright. But what is this site? Isn't it a place where people will select content to show you the things that make you angry? You've just said that you value it because it's a place to speak. So we have two things: you speaking, and content curated to show you the things that make you angry. If that's the situation, then haven't you described a situation for becoming angry with others? By echoing that with the others and continuing to show them the things that will make you both angrier ("Man, if you thought that was bad, wait'll you see this."), what are you accomplishing? I'm serious. What? If you are not going to do anything about it but just watch the digital clip of your foot being cut off, instead of just watching your real foot being cut off, what, do you hope that someday this place will make everyone mad enough that they'll get together and do something?

What level of motivation will that take? I've spent six years observing a group of people looking around at each other like, "When do we go?" And for six years it's only amounted to the repeat of the same pattern: everybody looking around for some sign, like some Greek god to come and give them permission, "It's time." There is a kind of messiah complex I see in this psychology, like waiting for the 'second coming', but instead it's 'waiting for our time'. And six years later, the world has changed, nothing has been done to even slow it down, and people here just repeat the same patterns. "Those damn Jews. They'll get what's coming." As you all wait for the second Aryan coming, for a reincarnate Hitler. And then one day you realize that Hitler made your problem even worse. Jesus Christ came the first time to die, and said he'd be back later, after things got much, much worse. Now look at what we have going on in this little Aryan religion: Hitler came and died, made your world actually worse for the wear, and you all wait for the second coming of Hitler in the Spirit. What form will he take this time!? I don't know, but surely we'll need this Voat-church to identify him! Surely he'll be one of us. Or we'll see him in the right YouTube clip. There! Look! A new hero! We've got him this time. (3 months later: yeah, that guy was a shill; total crypto).

Case in point: Trump.

[ - ] Flabbygasted 3 points 2.5 yearsNov 30, 2021 10:24:56 ago (+3/-0)*

It's not all angry stuff. I see a shit load of animal vids and other lighthearted things.

But it's not just about getting angry. It's a place to sharpen our reasoning skills. Every new retarded, kike-induced problem comes with things to learn and ways to teach others. A lot of the stuff I read on here, I share with others. And have had success at showing regular people the evils of this world.

You say I'm doing nothing other than getting angry on a website. But that's not true. I have been preparing. I'm stocked up on precious metals, ammo, medical supplies, canned foods, etc... And part of that is due to this website.

I dont think people on this site are waiting to go. We know when that time will be...and we know not to broadcast it to all the feds on this site. We know to organize with like minded people in real life too.

trump is a fag, I'm not waiting on anyone to come save us. That's not why I'm on this site. I abandoned all hope long before I got here.

[ - ] CHIRO [op] 2 points 2.5 yearsNov 30, 2021 10:50:28 ago (+2/-0)

This is a good answer. I think that if I'd been hoping to hear a response from all of this, it would be something like this one.

[ - ] Flabbygasted 3 points 2.5 yearsNov 30, 2021 10:57:01 ago (+3/-0)

Well I'm glad we can have a productive conversation. I'd like to believe that's what the essence of this site is. Open communication to figure out the truth.

It's probably just 100% a honeypot so the feds know which locations to chemtrail the shit out of though.

[ - ] Blackpowerwhitepowder 3 points 2.5 yearsNov 30, 2021 11:18:39 ago (+3/-0)

It keeps me feeling sane in an inverted and insane world.

That and I get to laugh

[ - ] shitface9000 3 points 2.5 yearsNov 30, 2021 12:00:30 ago (+3/-0)

I have become resigned to accepting our current situation as spiritual warfare. Therefore I am training myself in that direction, and hope to inspire others as I do. There's no political solution, only a spiritual one.

[ - ] Broc_Liath 3 points 2.5 yearsNov 30, 2021 12:29:13 ago (+3/-0)

This place lets you know that you're not alone and others know the truth too. That in and of itself is valuable and helps prevent the slide into nihilism.

[ - ] patchCodeUnsuccessful 6 points 2.5 yearsNov 30, 2021 11:34:00 ago (+6/-0)

What's the point of this place?

You seem to be trying to think of this as being something beyond what the constraints of the tech are. It's an open communication hub. Open comms are not where you build plans and coordinate people, unless you have a march or something planned, then you go to facebook or crappy place with pawns.

So, what you're left with in communication if you're not coordinating action is sharing ideas. And, that's exactly what we do here. After that it's up to the individual on how they use the info.