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4 comments block

[ - ] 2Drunk 0 points 2.8 yearsDec 1, 2021 22:31:33 ago (+0/-0)

You misspelled orkland

[ - ] calx 0 points 2.8 yearsNov 29, 2021 22:20:58 ago (+0/-0)

Oakland is a fucking shithole.


[ - ] Empire_of_the_Mind [op] 1 point 2.8 yearsNov 29, 2021 22:34:58 ago (+1/-0)*

this soyboy is kind of a retard. Oakland is far better than a dozen other negro cities. Baltimore, St Louis, Philly, Detroit, Memphis, New Orleans, they are all shit. Oakland just has a certain aesthetic and he's driving around industrial outskirts. There are huge swaths of Oakland that are extremely nice.

edit: I watched more of his video and it's really not at all accurate. those homeless strips are all over California, for what it's worht. He shows a map of where he goes and anyone who knows Oakland would laugh their ass of - he specifically went to like the shittiest part of the city next to a busy freeway, plus downtown. A central area of downtown is and always was full of crazy niggers but most of that area he shows is rather nice and far better than it used to be. Notice much of what he drives by has asian signs - those aren't the people doing shootings and crime and those areas aren't dangerous. Then he drives all over part of "East Oakland" and acts like it is some kind of wasteland while you can see that he's just on a major street and doesn't even turn down any of the residential areas. A small part of East Oakland has shootings/gang crime but most of it is pretty low key, and is better than West Oakland despite what this retard claims.

Finally, the area he highlights is less than half the city. He basically ignores the entire other half of the city, which is the genuinely nice part. I hate to have to defend a California city but this guy thinks he can judge a place by driving down a street under a freeway.

The only really interesting thing to criticize in California now is the rampant homelessness. This is absurd and it's by choice that they don't clean this up, and it's by law essentaily that no new housing gets built, which is why prices are so high. And also, every one of those people in shantytowns is a drug addict. This particular problem is rife in the State and can be resolved in 30 days, they just choose not to, which is why no one feels sorry for them. This doesn't change the fact that the city is not especially dangerous day to day and you don't have to be paranoid going about life there. I have spent considerable time in the area in the past and last summer and am very familiar with it. This guy making his video is just selling clicks.

[ - ] Empire_of_the_Mind [op] 0 points 2.8 yearsNov 29, 2021 21:50:15 ago (+0/-0)

This link has the homicide rate per year, to give you context for the 127 murders so far in 2021
