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FOIA release proves Pfizer is intentionally killing children.

submitted by rhy to newz 2.8 yearsNov 18, 2021 00:17:21 ago (+27/-0)     (www.bitchute.com)


My remix of the stew peters show. Not REALLY Original Content

3 comments block

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 2.8 yearsNov 18, 2021 10:55:02 ago (+2/-1)

Im pretty antivaxx. But Ive seen a couple people making some unfounded assertions on the Stew Peters show now. Last time it was eggs being injected with the vaccine. There are no eggs. Maybe some weird unidentified ingredients, but no eggs.

This chick conflated two patent filings. One describe the mRNA molecule for the spike protein in pfizer. The second one appears to be an ingredient used in the lipid nanoparticle platform that delivers the mRNA. The platform can be used to deliver all kinds of things like drugs or bioweapons. It doesn’t appear to be a bioweapon itself.

That doesn’t mean that these polymers used to deliver the mRNA aren’t dangerous. They are causing anaphylaxis in some people and they may have other risks. But I don’t like it when these folks take a complicated document like this out of context and try to make it seem like something it isn’t.

Its clear they are sitting on a mountain of bad data that totally damns these vaccines for safety and effectiveness. They have totally control over data collection and storage. They cherry pick the data they collect and or release. The fact that they don’t want to make all their data public and subject to scrutiny says it all. Its our data.

Heres a video I watched recently (~25 min.) about the harmful effect of the DTP vaccine and how the WHO has surpressed data regarding the increase in mortality due to that vaccine on female children. Its interesting how much some of these risks are gender specific, e.g. the myocarditis in boys. This guy’s argument is that DTP fucks up the innate immune response long term, an assertion Ive heard made about the covid vaccines.


They were never serious about any of these trials. It was just a dog and pony show meant to bolster their forgone conclusion that everyone would get the vax, regardless of efficacy or safety. Hard to imagine a bigger failure than the current covid vaccines— dangerous and useless against the epidemic.

Its a total fucking failure. We just have to hammer over and over in to the normie’s heads that its unsafe, and ineffective. Covid is everywhere. Its not working. Emperor has no clothes. Keep dropping truth bombs.

Edit: what did peak my interest on the comnirty patent was “codon optimization” — they are deviating from the real spike protein from the wuhan database. Its not a perfect copy.

[ - ] rhy [op] 1 point 2.8 yearsNov 19, 2021 22:50:04 ago (+1/-0)

Great comment, great link, and also great username. And apt. <3

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 2.8 yearsNov 19, 2021 23:06:39 ago (+0/-0)

great username.

Lol I beat them to the punch.

Check out Robert Malone’s latest interview on infowars. He is much more measured in his claims. He is totally against children being vaccinated with covid vaxes. He’s promoting a new book too on Tony “the Psychopath” Fauci, Event 201 and some related stuff. https://www.bitchute.com/video/aZ2wcVOx8q5J/