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Whites, Japs, & Survivors of Communism have some of the lowest confidence in vaccines

submitted by mememeyou to science 3 yearsAug 27, 2021 20:32:40 ago (+24/-0)     (u.smutty.horse)


White countries targetted with mandates while being the most unwilling to take vaccines

Higher-income nations questioned vaccines the most in a new report
Ukraine is most anti-vax nation
Some of the richest countries have the poorest opinions of vaccines.

France took the strongest anti-vaxx stance in the report. One in three French residents don’t believe that vaccines are safe, and one in 10 don’t think it’s important for children to get vaccinated. And 55% of residents also displayed a distrust of science and technology, believing the two disciplines will reduce the number of jobs.

In fact, the survey reported that people in Western Europe have the lowest confidence in vaccines in the world, with more than one in five (22%) disagreeing that vaccines are safe, followed by 17% of Eastern Europeans saying the same. Only around half of Ukraine residents believe that vaccines work. And about a fifth of people in Europe overall either disagree or are uncertain about whether inoculations are safe.

the U.S. was largely pro-vaccine in this report, falling in 45th place on the scale of vaccine skepticism. About 11% of people didn’t believe vaccines are safe, and 16% neither agreed nor disagreed with vaccination safety and efficacy.

On the flip side, Bangladesh was the most pro-vaccine, with almost 98% of people saying that inoculations are safe and effective, followed by Rwanda. Rwandans also trusted their healthcare system more than any other nation, with 97% giving a positive response, compared to the global average of 76%.

The Wellcome Trust’s head of public engagement Imran Khan told the AFP news agency that the “complacency effect” was probably responsible for reducing wealthier countries’ faith in vaccines, compared to underprivileged areas that have suffered from not having access to them.

“If you look at those countries in our survey which have very high rates of confidence in vaccines, places like Bangladesh and Egypt, these are areas where you do have more infectious diseases [SANITATION, NOGGERS, etc],” Khan said. “Perhaps what you see is the people in those countries can see what happens if you don’t vaccinate.”

2 comments block

[ - ] LoliNeko 3 points 3 yearsAug 28, 2021 07:06:00 ago (+3/-0)

First world countries have the lowest vaccine acceptance, while shithole countries are at the highest. Gee, I wonder what that means...

[ - ] didyouknow 2 points 3 yearsAug 28, 2021 07:09:05 ago (+2/-0)

It couldn't have anything do with IQ right?