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We get it

submitted by deleted to Jews 2.8 yearsAug 16, 2021 09:58:41 ago (+55/-0)     (Jews)


30 comments block

[ - ] Splooge 13 points 2.8 yearsAug 16, 2021 11:45:00 ago (+13/-0)

Textbook pilpul. The term literally means “endless hair-splitting,” which is what we see here — “W-wait goyim! What about all the factions?? What about muh left jew versus right jew? You’re generalizing!”

This is how jews make their points, they always try to gaslight you first, and if that doesn’t work, they’ll try to win by attrition. They’ll pilpul on and on, bringing up increasingly granular categories and subcategories until the opposition gives up.

Never give up.

[ - ] aleleopathic 6 points 2.8 yearsAug 16, 2021 12:10:27 ago (+6/-0)

Never give up.

It's already worked. For one example, our Voat community is now fractured across some 5 sites or so. It's also part of why balkanization would be the end of us.

In any case, thanks for teaching me the etymology of 'pilpul'.

[ - ] jewsbadnews 4 points 2.8 yearsAug 16, 2021 19:13:24 ago (+4/-0)

I remember the good ol' days of the internet(pre-2017) when all i had to go to was twitter and youtube to see all my favorite natzees. Now I have to go to 20 different websites and remember the pass/usernames for them all and scroll through them all taking up hours of my day.

[ - ] fightknightHERO 3 points 2.8 yearsAug 16, 2021 20:08:10 ago (+3/-0)

the struggle never ends

[ - ] Ninjatacos 4 points 2.8 yearsAug 16, 2021 12:43:06 ago (+4/-0)

Devin Stack is pretty good. Idk why he wastes time with pedo apologists like 'ralph retort'.

[ - ] Puller_of_Noses 3 points 2.8 yearsAug 16, 2021 15:29:03 ago (+3/-0)

Devon Stack is the best.

He's a middle-aged gamer who obviously can read the writing on the wall.

[ - ] Lordbananafist 0 points 2.8 yearsAug 16, 2021 18:19:20 ago (+0/-0)

Like how they’ll attack us from their homeland even if we let them leave?

[ - ] fightknightHERO 3 points 2.8 yearsAug 16, 2021 20:09:57 ago (+3/-0)

i always wondered why the jews don't want to be around their own "people"
but after you realize the jew, in his nature--is a parasite
it makes perfect sense why

[ - ] wyrmblut 1 point 2.8 yearsAug 17, 2021 01:04:14 ago (+1/-0)

jews know jews jew jews when just jews jew

[ - ] account deleted by user 1 point 2.8 yearsAug 16, 2021 11:28:15 ago (+1/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] account deleted by user 2 points 2.8 yearsAug 16, 2021 12:34:09 ago (+2/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] PostWallHelena 3 points 2.8 yearsAug 16, 2021 15:40:36 ago (+3/-0)

They are the ultimate colonizers.

[ - ] Lordbananafist 1 point 2.8 yearsAug 16, 2021 18:19:59 ago (+1/-0)

Like they can’t blackmail your senator from Israel.

[ - ] Hermes -4 points 2.8 yearsAug 16, 2021 11:20:29 ago (+3/-7)

Jesus was Jewish..........jews can still leave their religion and racial background

[ - ] 13does50 7 points 2.8 yearsAug 16, 2021 11:54:20 ago (+7/-0)

But they can't escape their nature. I have a niece who is a quarter jewish, has been raised by White parents with White morals and that shit still comes through. She'll consistently try to talk younger kids out of their treats, gifts or whatever with 'deals' that completely benefit her. She argues the exact same way as described by @splooge.

It's been crazy to see over the years.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 2 points 2.8 yearsAug 16, 2021 15:22:30 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] Splooge 0 points 2.8 yearsAug 20, 2021 05:24:15 ago (+0/-0)

Genetics influence behavior.

[ - ] Rotteuxx 3 points 2.8 yearsAug 16, 2021 11:55:18 ago (+3/-0)

No he wasn't

[ - ] PostWallHelena 3 points 2.8 yearsAug 16, 2021 15:28:14 ago (+3/-0)

Tolerate / forgive prostitutes, taxpayers, prodigal sons, samaritans.. .because they can change their nature.

But they generally can’t. You can’t run a country that way.

In a way the christian revolution which took over (destroyed?) the Roman empire lets bad actors off the hook.

I can’t help making comparisons with the current revolution.

[ - ] Broc_Liath 1 point 2.8 yearsAug 16, 2021 15:53:03 ago (+1/-0)

The caesars had already destroyed rome, or at least broke the camel's back. The moment rome became a gibs factory and ceased to be a coalition of farmer-soldiers it was doomed to globalism and hyperinflation.

[ - ] Rotteuxx 0 points 2.8 yearsAug 16, 2021 15:54:43 ago (+0/-0)

Freedom of speech is a comparable double edged sword...

[ - ] TheLastStraightMan -1 points 2.8 yearsAug 16, 2021 17:06:21 ago (+0/-1)

Interesting where in the bible can I see where it says to run a country like that?

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 2.8 yearsAug 16, 2021 19:56:45 ago (+2/-1)

Religion is the basis of the rule system for any culturally cohesive society. Separation of church and state, at least the modern interpretation of it is ridiculous. The purpose of religion is to inform the rules of behavior for a society of interdependent individuals. That’s why it evolved. A “just” government must be informed by the values of the people and those are the religious values.

Religion = how you run your country.

Jews think you run your country based on whatever a pack of jew lawyers say. Thats how we got in to this mess. Im not even a christian but I know that you need some kind of religious or ideological doctrine to unite a people and it can never work with a patchwork of christians and buddhists and confucians and muzzies.

European countries have been united under the ideals of christendom for 2000 years. The christian church has had a massive influence over the affairs of our countries that entire time. Luckily they didn’t take that “forgive prostitutes” shit too literally.

[ - ] TheLastStraightMan 0 points 2.8 yearsAug 16, 2021 20:51:08 ago (+1/-1)

So no verses

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 2.8 yearsAug 16, 2021 21:26:34 ago (+1/-1)

Sure I can do verse:

Religion is the basis of your rules,
Don’t let your country be run by the jews.
A society’s survivall strategy,
Is the basis of its religious ideology.

Ya like it? Its rough.

If a religion doesn’t inform you on how to run your country, what good is it? That’s the entire point of religion.

Otherwise its just a yoga class.

[ - ] TheLastStraightMan 0 points 2.8 yearsAug 16, 2021 22:45:23 ago (+0/-0)

Cool I just wanted to make sure you were full of shit

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 2.8 yearsAug 16, 2021 22:58:43 ago (+0/-0)

But why am I full of shit? The stories in your book are not factual. You imply that your book is some sort of authority on the purpose of religion. It is not an authoritative source for me. That Jesus or the Bible say or don’t say what religion is for doesn’t matter. They didn’t understand evolution when it was written.

[ - ] TheLastStraightMan 0 points 2.8 yearsAug 17, 2021 00:28:16 ago (+0/-0)

None of that has anything to with it.

You said

Tolerate / forgive prostitutes, taxpayers, prodigal sons, samaritans.. .because they can change their nature. But they generally can’t. You can’t run a country that way. In a way the christian revolution which took over (destroyed?) the Roman empire lets bad actors off the hook.

I want to know where in the bible it says a government should tolerate evil people. I already know you're going to make a huge stink about me saying "evil people" but it's the best interpretation of your list I could come up with. You included tax payers?

You said Christianity teaches forgiveness because people can change. Where in the bible is that?

[ - ] PostWallHelena 2 points 2.8 yearsAug 16, 2021 15:40:03 ago (+2/-0)

In one sense, I think jewishness is a strategy to infiltrate and exploit host nations.

In another sense I think is a collection of genes that, when expressed in humans, give them behavior traits that make them good at that exploitive strategy. Whether or not a jew has a few or a lot of those genes for exploitation, and which ones he/she has, is somewhat random. So there are some jews that do not have a predisposition for exploitation. But most do and some do to a great extent.

I don’t really think people can overcome their nature. But then, I don’t really believe in free will. If you were an atheist you could take the position that Jesus didn’t really have too many “bad” jewish genes, maybe because he was part gentile.

But you’re probably not an atheist.