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Jewish MSNBC Guest Says It’s ‘Anti-American’ For Tucker Carlson To Complain About NSA Spying On Him, Worries Reporting May ‘Sow Distrust’ Of The Regime

submitted by John_B_14 to Jews 3.2 yearsJul 8, 2021 19:26:49 ago (+20/-0)     (nationalfile.com)


July 8, 2021

Andrew Weissman, a former DOJ employee who served on Robert Mueller’s failed special counsel investigation into President Donald Trump, made the bizarre claim on MSNBC that Fox News host Tucker Carlson is “anti-American” for being upset that the National Security Agency has unmasked him, spied on his private emails, and then leaked said emails to left-wing journalists.


9 comments block

[ - ] oldblo 5 points 3.2 yearsJul 8, 2021 20:00:25 ago (+5/-0)

People being aware of what the government does makes them distrust it.
Thats the problem.

[ - ] account deleted by user 4 points 3.2 yearsJul 8, 2021 20:37:22 ago (+4/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] deleted 0 points 3.2 yearsJul 8, 2021 20:45:16 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] beece 3 points 3.2 yearsJul 8, 2021 20:35:02 ago (+3/-0)

..He crys out in pain as he strikes you...

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 2 points 3.2 yearsJul 8, 2021 22:51:18 ago (+2/-0)

You can tell who has colonized the govt by who defends it.

[ - ] kishind 1 point 3.2 yearsJul 9, 2021 07:54:35 ago (+1/-0)

If Tucker really wants to maintain his career as controlled opposition and go even deeper, he's got to name the jew. Obviously not categorically, sequentially. Always calling the most relevant jew and linking them to Israel-first policy.

[ - ] kishind 1 point 3.2 yearsJul 9, 2021 07:51:08 ago (+1/-0)

Complaining about oppressive governments is anti-American! But only if you're white.

Equally unAmerican: baseball, apple pie, high-trust white communities, saying "America!" like it's supposed to mean something inspirational.