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4 comments block

[ - ] a 1 point 3.2 yearsApr 1, 2021 13:13:51 ago (+1/-0)

The US legal system is no longer functional.

Obeying unjust laws is voluntary.

If everyone woke up tomorrow and simply opted out of things like paying taxes, there is absolutely nothing this tyrannical "government" could do about it.

You get the system you deserve when you fail to hold it accountable.


[ - ] Otsu 1 point 3.2 yearsApr 1, 2021 11:45:32 ago (+1/-0)

Lots of fluff in there per usual.

"$10 billion investment for Civilian Climate Corps." this and the Federal procurement funding at $40b are the first two I'd audit.

[ - ] Gramman74 [op] 0 points 3.2 yearsApr 1, 2021 11:52:14 ago (+0/-0)

Most of it is a tremendous waste of America's hard-earned tax dollars. This will never be paid back in our lifetimes. They're going to tax the living shit out of us. When they say they're only going to tax the rich, they're full of shit.

[ - ] Otsu 1 point 3.2 yearsApr 1, 2021 12:13:36 ago (+1/-0)

Seriously, and they make profit / lobbying dollars; American's need to demand a full scale audit of all of their contributions. Planned Parenthood was a huge one. They don't even pay towards the national debt with profits, it's literally a free for all if you're in the club. Inflation won't even touch them.