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Member for: 3.5 years

scp: 467 (+468/-1)
ccp: 131 (+132/-1)
votes given: 459 (+427/-32)
score: 598


Owner of:
TriggerMemes, OldSchoolCool, OSHA, OOO, Alchemy,
Mod of:
Submission statistics

This user has mostly submitted to the following subverses (showing top 5):

14 submissions to OldSchoolCool
7 submissions to Classical_Music
6 submissions to TriggerMemes
5 submissions to Crypto
3 submissions to videos
Voting habits

Submissions: This user has upvoted 296 and downvoted 25 submissions
Comments: This user has upvoted 131 and downvoted 7 comments
Submission ratings

5 highest rated submissions
so satisfying46 points
1919 29 points
never forget23 points
Who crew looks fresh22 points
Huh whu?!22 points
5 lowest rated submissions
Sposa Son Disprezzata-3 points
where is rodentlord?0 points
Not long till 'd' (=0) day Not long till 'd' (=0) day1 points
Satie: 6 Gnossiennes1 points
One Summer's Day - Joe Hisaishi1 points