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Sure, the clock says this is about ten minutes early, but my heart (and internet connection) say I better open this thread as soon as possible! That's right, it's Friday night, and it's time for the Friday Night Guitar Thread! Come join us! Come make some noise!

submitted by TheRealBuddha to Guitar 1 monthApr 12, 2024 19:46:51 ago (+22/-0)     (Guitar)

Once again, it's time for the FNGT!

If you don't know how this works, click this link. That link will take you to another site to give you some additional information and tell you about some of our off-site features. That's also the site where we will host the weekly guitar threads, should upgoat go down.

NOTE: That site is by invitation only. If you want an invite, ask a regular participant (such as @Sleazy or myself)

If you already know what's going on, you probably don't need to click any of those links. You can still visit to see if any changes have been made, as that's also where we kept the archives and have a second forum.

By the way, we're down to just two of us. If you want to help, let us know.

88 comments block

I dug deep into the archives just for you - and because it was lost from my own personal archives.

COF, and we still miss him, did a beautiful job archiving everything. That made me lax. He's been dead and gone for a while now but I still regularly use his archives.

So, if you peak your head into tonight's thread, you'll get to hear something you've not heard before.