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This movie made in 1997 is the most important movie that you haven't seen if you haven't seen it.. it shows how they will manipulate the public to believe anything even with the technology in 1997. Learn something. If you haven't seen it be amazed. Take notes. Be ready when they do it again

submitted by Crackinjokes to History 1 monthApr 19, 2024 11:45:03 ago (+14/-1)     (www.bitchute.com)


This movie made in 1997 is the most important movie that you haven't seen if you haven't seen it.. it shows how they will manipulate the public to believe anything even with the technology in 1997. Learn something. If you haven't seen it be amazed. Take notes. Be ready when they do it again.

Oh in the movies very entertaining and take note of who's in it.

And what happened to some of them

Oh and bonus points if you catch the line "the Anne Frank sirens"

They know. They've always known it's all fake. That's one of the most popular Jewish actors in the world at the time saying that line. And the whole movie was written by a bunch of jews.

25 comments block

That’s movie is exactly what’s going on these days.
I’m not sure there is a war going on in Ukraine.