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Life comes at ya fast.

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to tellupgoat_based_edition 2 monthsMar 25, 2024 18:50:54 ago (+17/-0)     (tellupgoat_based_edition)

I work with this chick, and please allow me to set this up so you understand. She's what could be described as country chic. She's about ten years younger, pretty if not for being covered in tattoos, married a guy that makes 300k plus a year. I've seen video evidence of her going into the bar bathroom with other dudes and staying there for about fifteen minutes. Maybe they just went in for a private chat lol. She drives a crazy lifted truck, has two kids, and generally acts like her shit smells like roses.

Got it? Ok let's move on to chapter two.

Yesterday, they were on their way home from the place they hang out on Sundays. It's in the neighborhood, so they usually use a quad of sorts. It's a four seater. Kids are buckled into the back, husband driving, wife passenger in the front. Neither one were buckled.
I don't know what exactly transpired, but they wrecked it. They wrecked it bad. Now both parents are in the hospital. Chick I work with got her face broken, a concussion, and several broken ribs. Her husband has a concussion as well, and maybe a tbi.

In a fuckin instant their lives went from redneck fairy tale to white trash trash fire.

Let me be clear, I was never friends with her, but always friendly. I fuck myself up quite often, and I've broken all my ribs, or had them broken for me. I do have sympathy for the pain they're both going through. The physical pain at least.

Now they stand to lose the kids, lose that 300k/year job. Lose their house, and they've already lost their health for several weeks or months. Ribs take a long time to heal and it ain't pleasant or easy. CPS will be all over this because there was definitely alcohol involved. Husband was/is working as a dentist for children. It doesn't take Bobby Fischer to see checkmate here.

Pride comes before the fall. Literally in this case.

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Karma sometimes comes in painfully large doses.