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The secret to the Best Banana Bread is...

submitted by Cynabuns to Recipes 3.1 yearsMay 1, 2021 20:55:04 ago (+32/-0)     (Recipes)

...Freezing the fully ripened unpeeled bananas for a day or two, at least, then thaw and add to your recipe. I have stored bananas in my freezer for months and they thaw beautifully. Bonus, something about the freezing releases all those wonderful oils making the bread even more flavorful.

I have this recipe taped to my Red Star bread machine.


Banana Bread

2 medium sized bananas, peeled and mashed
2 eggs
1 Tbs Oil
2 Cups flour
1 tsp Baking Powder
1/2 tsp Baking Soda
1-1/3 Cups Sugar (reserve 1 Tbs to sprinkle on top of dough)

Use the Quick Bread cycle and pull the bread about 12 minutes before the timer shuts off.


I try to have one or two loaves in the freezer at any given time as they make great last minute gifts. It's dangerously delicious :)

36 comments block

i tried your recipe. Baked it in the oven at 350F for about an hour.
it's not that good.