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(((Yagoda))) and (((Berman))) had forcibly sent 6000 deportees to a isolated island called Nazino, they were abandoned with only flour as food, little tools to work with, guards would shoot anyone that would try to escape. This led to widespread violence, terror, disease, starvation and cannibalism.

submitted by didyouknow to Jews 3.1 yearsApr 15, 2021 15:50:29 ago (+16/-0)     (en.wikipedia.org)


1/3 of the people who were sent to the island were criminals and this was intentional to create an atmosphere of terror as was common place with all GULAG territories. The criminals were also treated better, many of the individuals tasked with distributing the flour were criminals and as expected, they would abuse this position. The jew scum went out of their way to create the worst possible horror show on that island. Read the thing, it's incredibly sickening.
An excerpt;

''Order on the island quickly broke down and devolved into chaos: the majority of the population were city dwellers, most of whom knew nothing about basic agricultural practices such as clearing and cultivation that would make the island properly habitable. The sparsity of resources led to gangs forming, who began using violence to dominate the settlers. People were frequently murdered in fights over food and money, and the bodies of those in possession of anything of value such as gold tooth fillings and crowns were often looted. The guards established their own reign of terror, extorting settlers and executing people for minor offences despite being apathetic towards the gangs. The guards were also assigned to keep the settlers in and killed people who attempted to escape. Even the doctors sent to monitor the island's population, who were supposed to have protection, began to fear for their lives. The lack of proper food and the frequency of death by late May led to cannibalism becoming widespread, to the point that settlers eventually began murdering individuals for the sole purpose of consuming them.''

Also another thing I wanted to highlight is this excerpt;

''Many of the deportees were people from Moscow and Leningrad who had been unable to obtain an internal passport''..

And this is why any domestic passport must be resisted.. this is what will eventually happen if you don't have the ''vaccine passport'', you will be considered an ''unreliable element'' that must be dealt with for the sake of ''public health''..

In fact, one of the reasons of why domestic passport was introduced in the Soviet Union was so it could be used against individuals who might be considered a threat to Bolshevik rule.


6 comments block

why i have the name 'casey' berman in my head i have no idea because i have no idea who those people are

maybe its like the baldwins