I decline. Do you?     (voxday.net)
submitted by we_kill_creativity to AskUpgoat 5 months ago (+32/-0)
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GenX Critique of Boomer Pride     (voxday.net)
submitted by carnold03 to Boomers 6 months ago (+6/-3)
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In which Spacebunny critiques a list of the Boomer G-g-generation’s 17 proudest achievements.

The baby boomer generation—the 76.4 million of us born between 1946 and 1964—don’t always get the respect we deserve. Especially in recent years, we’ve become the generational scapegoat for just about every cultural problem on the planet. Major magazines claim we “broke America” and are “the worst generation.” But it’s high time to set the record straight. Baby boomers may not have created a utopian society, but we haven’t left the world in worse shape than we found it. In fact, we’re responsible for some pretty remarkable developments that subsequent generations have largely taken for granted.

We made driving safer.
Created a new and intrusive law. Thanks!
We immortalized road trips and travel in general.
(face palm). Jack Kerouac was not a Boomer.
We pioneered rock ‘n’ roll.
We invented the internet.
Debatable, but I’ll let them have it.
We created personal computers.
We ushered in the era of screen time.
Talk about proud of the wrong things.
We launched Saturday Night Live.
World changing? Really?
We turned movies into cultural events.
Sorry, no.
We took volunteering to new heights.
Helping everyone but your own family – brilliant.
We stood up for LGBTQIA+ rights.
For this alone they deserve the pillow that’s coming.
We fought for gender equality.
See above – world changing in the worst way.
We protested war.
And changed nothing.
We kickstarted environmental activism.
(face palm)
We made waves in forensic analysis.
If the 80s were the all time high for serial killers, does this correlate to Boomers being serial killers?
We ended the Cold War.
We reduced the stigma around divorce.
For this alone they deserve the pillow that’s coming. World changing in the worst way.
We increased life expectancy.
Life expectancy is actually falling, but Boomers don’t care about facts.

Now, remember, these are the accomplishments of which the Boomers are proudest. These are the grand achievements of which they boast, against which their poison fruits must be balanced. This is the mark that they themselves believe they have left on society. And what the Boomers simply don’t understand is that even their self-declared accomplishments read like an indictment in the eyes of the younger generations, even if we have produced considerably more damning indictments of their wicked generation.
Remember the Biden.     (voxday.net)
submitted by we_kill_creativity to tellupgoat_based_edition 6 months ago (+4/-1)
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Also remember to no comply with the draft.
"Israel has decided to put off the start of its ground operation against Hamas in Gaza due to adverse weather conditions, the New York Times has claimed."     (voxday.net)
submitted by we_kill_creativity to tellupgoat_based_edition 6 months ago (+14/-0)
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Apparently it's been sunny and dry there all weekend.

EDIT: I think the most important thing here is that their predicted "Day of Terror" never materialized. They were going to use that to "justify" their invasion, but it just never happened. How did that not happen is what's important to me.

Israel Caught Lying     (voxday.net)
submitted by we_kill_creativity to tellupgoat_based_edition 7 months ago (+2/-2)
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I think israel is about to get genocided.     (voxday.net)
submitted by we_kill_creativity to shitisraeldoes 7 months ago (+9/-1)
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I don't think this is simply israel doing a false flag using their hamas clowns to justify them taking out palestine. I think it's the Arabs/Persians, using hamas to get israel to respond to justify taking out israel.

I mean...since the west has already wasted all their arms and money on the Ukraine, just as was intended, what would we even defend israel with?

These people really are stupid...
"Norman Rockwell Paints Clown World" (This might be one of the best things to come from the chans in a few years.)     (voxday.net)
submitted by we_kill_creativity to tellupgoat_based_edition 7 months ago (+4/-0)
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Make sure you click the link in the article.
The Kids are All Right (Sometimes Violence IS the Answer...)     (voxday.net)
submitted by we_kill_creativity to TellUpgoat 7 months ago (+5/-0)
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That's why our pathetic parents always told us "violence is never the answer"...excuse me? Of course it is. Being outraged by the outrageous is not a "MeNtAl IlLnEsS!!!11!!"...in fact, if you should be outraged and you aren't, there's clearly...obviously...something wrong with you.

We're a few generations who were raised by a generation that never had to finish growing up. That's why they're so pathetic and weak. I'm in my early 30s and every single fucking day that goes by it becomes more crystal clear that the older generations, despite being literally in their 70s and 80s, are essentially still in their early 20s in terms of their intellectual maturity.

Mark my fucking words, here in the very near future, us younger people are going to have to do what needs to be done, and what I mean by that is: we'll have to let the older people starve and die.

And you know what...that will be very fucking easy for us to do. My intent is to enjoy it.
The Satanic Morality (No wonder they hate God.)     (voxday.net)
submitted by we_kill_creativity to TheJewishProblem 7 months ago (+11/-0)
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Sex and the City writer, 60, admits she regrets choosing a career over having children as now she is 'truly alone'.     (voxday.net)
submitted by we_kill_creativity to TellTalk 7 months ago (+21/-0)
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Well no fucking shit bitch...

For years I've been calling the women my age (I'm in my 30s) "Sex and the City girls", meaning, they grew up watching that retarded show and took it to heart. Annoyingly, it always seemed like it was the girls that, at least should have been, on the more intelligent/ classy side of things that consumed that show with a passion.

But holy shit lady...I can't believe she admitted it. Can this now decades long shit show of a society finally just start using some common fucking sense now? Have we been doing this retardation long enough yet and get back to just making sense...? Is it finally a new day yet?
Only Cowards Don’t See Color     (voxday.net)
submitted by carnold03 to Boomers 7 months ago (+13/-1)
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A lot of white people, particularly Boomers, proudly proclaim that they “don’t see color”. They seriously believe that’s not a character defect, but a virtue of some kind. The problem is that an unwillingness to recognize racial and ethnic identities is not a virtue, it’s a hideous and cowardly vice.

I wonder if the self-righteous colorblind can manage to see any color here?

A group of blacks attack a white couple in Maryland. These sickening attacks have become more and more common and the media remain tight lipped.

This sort of vibrant attack on a white couple is far from an isolated incident.

White woman tries to save her boyfriend from a black man, and he knocks her out cold. The hostility towards Whites is accelerating.

And they’re not going to end until whites decide that they can, after all, see what everyone else clearly can. Because, ladies and gentlemen, you’re the Indians now.
Conservatardery.     (voxday.net)
submitted by we_kill_creativity to Conservative 8 months ago (+3/-1)
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Everything that's in the blog post, but I'll add this:

Is it not abundantly clear at this point that anyone who it is claimed is "our guy", or "our group", or "our movement", yet is covered by or in the mainstream media AT ALL...is only allowed to be there because it is known by "them", that the individual in question will quite literally never get the job done?

To "them", the point of the game is to just keep playing it, not to win.
/pol/ Celebrates Pillow Day     (voxday.net)
submitted by carnold03 to Boomers 8 months ago (+0/-1)
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On this great day of days, when Boomer icon Jimmy Buffet is no longer wasting away in Margaritaville and has now joined his “lost shaker of salt”, /pol/ summarizes the wicked generation.

Boomers have done it all with clear conscience, they knew they were crippling their own progeny. The system died in 2001 – 20 years ago. Boomers knew and still know this but in their narcissistic hubris it’s a good thing, as the boomer gets to die on top, “the last of the real men”, John Wayne in their own imaginations. The “Me generation” believes castrating their own male children via Cronos-esque child consuming behaviors, was a stroke of brilliance as now their sons could never surpass them, as to boomers such a thing would be “emasculating”. The boomer destroyed their sons and grandsons, and at 65 will saunter into Hooters and disgustingly “flirt” with 19-year-old waitresses. Even in their geriatric years they view young men as sexual competition. These utterly depraved creatures make me sick.

Boomers couldn’t live up to their fathers, so they made sure their sons couldn’t live up to them. Every generation in history shits on the generation that came after them. But the boomers are the only generation that have been hated by two generations before them, and three generations after them.

I suspect it will be considerably more than three. It’s educational to note the change in the average size of funerals over the last 30 years. When my grandfather died, people flew from all over the world to attend his funeral and pay their respects. In my youth, it wasn’t uncommon to see an entire church filled with mourners. Now, Boomers die and it doesn’t even occur to their children or their grandchildren to show up to bury them. Just incinerate and forget, and no worries about the probate since the grasshopper generation leaves nothing behind but a wasteland of debt.

There is no point in Boomers attempting to gaslight the younger generations, particularly GenX. We were there. We saw everything. We know exactly what happened and we observed how everything changed. And the point of repeatedly slamming the Boomer generation is to prevent future generations from making their dyscivic mistakes.

We’re not telling our children to postpone marriage and to pursue college degrees. We’re not telling them that children are a burden. We’re encouraging them to learn from the Boomer failures, and to learn from our failures, and to live better, more fulfilling, more God-fearing lives than we did.

Jimmy Buffett is dead. May the wicked spirit of his generation die with him.
COVID Round 2: They're Doing it Again Because You Didn't Hang Them the Last Time     (voxday.net)
submitted by we_kill_creativity to TellTalk 8 months ago (+52/-5)
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Hopefully this time you listen to me and really try to understand the concept of projection of force. "They" will use every form of media propaganda to project out to the masses that "they" can force you to lockdown/get jabbed. They cannot. Undoubtedly some percentage of actual people will not understand this and go along with it. This still doesn't mean "they" can force you to lockdown/get jabbed. It just means that some percentage of the population thinks they can...

Please try to understand that, just because you're going to see their projection of force working on those around you that it does not equate to them actually being able to force anyone to do anything. This is not a distinction without a difference, it is, in fact, the entire fucking point of all this.

There is a big "G" God. This reality is not allowed to harm you UNLESS YOU CONSENT TO IT. The devil can't actually harm you, it can only trick you into thinking it can. It's your decision to go along with it or not.

Their Children Write Their Epitaphs     (voxday.net)
submitted by carnold03 to Boomers 8 months ago (+0/-0)

“It wasn’t until I had children of my own that I realized how utterly self centered and oblivious the boomer gen was.”

This is a very common GenX experience. And it’s all too typical that they call us “helicopter parents” because we don’t need the television to remind us that we have children at 10 PM every night. It’s also remarkable to see how little attention the Boomers pay their grandchildren, compared to how devoted our grandparents were to us.

A number of GenXers responded to this. A few samples:

- My Greatest Gen Grandmother was frugal to the end and made sure to leave something behind, she took each of us Grandkids to Disney World when it was our turn. She would drive the two hours every year for our birthdays. When she died, the boomer children squabbled over and squandered the inheritance in a few years. My Boomer Father has seen my 3 yr old son (I’m a late gen X and didn’t have kids until my early 40s) once in real life but goes to St Martin once or twice a year.. “spending the inheritance”. Guess which generation I strive to emulate?

- This has been my experience 100%. I let myself into an empty house from the time I was six years old, made myself something to eat, did my laundry, ironed my clothes (when I was a little older), and spent weeks alone starting at the age of eleven. I didn’t know I was being neglected, it was just my life. When my first daughter was born, I looked at her and felt overwhelming love and an awesome weight of responsibility. Over time, I came to realize the decisions that my boomer parents made. I decided to make different decisions. Not perfect ones always but as I get ready to send that daughter off to college, she knows that she is loved and will be supported by me and my wife of 28 years. I just told her today that she will graduate college with no debt and that my wife and I will be a support for her until we die. My kids barely know my parents (long-divorced) and my boomer in-laws are basically no help (with their golfing, vacations, active social lives etc.) They spend more than they make on two pensions and social security and with the complete lack of estate planning they have done, their three properties will no doubt have to be liquidated to pay their estate taxes. I used to be of the mindset of: “Generational labels were created to divide us.” That may be true in some ways, but the Boomer meme is real. And devastatingly accurate.

- “Helicopter parents” Translation: Seeing your children as valuable, worthy of protection and mentoring while not seeing your children as an anchor holding you back from more happy hour drinks, your next fling and getting your corvette stingray fully restored. My sister and I ironically or not got a small inheritance from my grandparents ( Greatest gen) and a bill for cremation from our parents (Boomers of course.) Although I was expecting nothing from anyone, it was a real blessing to know the grandparents were thinking of us long before they were gone.

Some Boomers responded as well, with all of the introspection and openness to criticism for which their g-g-generation is so well known.

- Boo-fucking hoo!! Let us all cry a fucking river of blood!😂Your world pass 18 is your responsibility. You think your life is hard because mean’ol boomer parents didn’t give you your way or no matter what they did you complain anyway? 😂😂😂 What pussy-asses we have in here. Let’s hear the scope of resentment towards me laughing at you fucking pussy-asses…. Come on pussies…. Let’s hear your weak ass responses and abomination of me.. If you complain, you’re a lazy fuck that depends on sympathy. 😂😂😂 I’m going to enjoy this…. Waiting.

- I believe your data was a result of limited sample size, because I’m a so-called, Baby Boomer, and I’m exactly the complete opposite of what you’re falsely claiming as fact and all the rest of the Baby Boomer’s I know are like me also. Your conclusion is nothing more than 🐴💩‼️

- In league with the enemy this fake issue is price for staying afloat, eh? The statues of men better than you being torn down because they were “bad men” is par to a non-existent division among our kind.
It is Good to Hate the Boomer     (voxday.net)
submitted by carnold03 to Boomers 9 months ago (+6/-9)
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Has there ever been a generation more collectively wicked in the recorded history of Man? Has there ever been a generation that cared less about humanity, society, and its own descendants? As Neon Revolt observes, it’s enough to increase one’s desire for the Day of the Pillow a thousandfold.


Those who claim that Boomer hate leads to generational division are operating under the false assumption that it is possible to divide that which was previously divided. The Boomers first divided themselves from their parents, then from their children, and then again from their grandchildren. They never, ever, cared about anyone but themselves.

Were the Boomers egged on and tempted by others? Of course they were! And not every individual born during the Boomer years fell for the various temptations on offer. But it’s not as if other generations were never subject to temptation and “the Devil made me do it” has never been accepted as an excuse or obviated an individual’s responsibility for his actions.

Even if it is true that the Devil, or the Jews, or the cultural Marxists, or the communists made you do it, that doesn’t get you off the hook for your generation’s decades-long destruction of one of the greatest societies of all kind, Boomer.

You’re still the one who ate the seed corn. You’re still the one who raised latchkey children. You’re still the one who got divorced. You’re still the one who encouraged your children to take on massive school debt. You’re still the one who ignores your grandchildren in favor of ocean cruises and European vacations and other attempts to fill the void where your soul should be.

You’re still the one who sold the family farm that had been in the family for five generations. You’re still the one who owned four cars and three homes, but will leave nothing to your descendants.

And the conclusive observation, the most damning indictment, is that even now, even in your dotage, even with the grave beckoning and death approaching, you still deny that everything you ever did could ever possibly have been your fault.

UPDATE: Based on the responses from Boomers on Gab, one would have to conclude that Boomers are literally retarded and it was child’s play to manipulate them into destroying their society.
FBI 1, Boomerwaffen 0     (voxday.net)
submitted by carnold03 to Boomers 9 months ago (+12/-2)
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Not a great start for the Gadsden Flag crowd. Fedposting has consequences, so don’t advocate revolution and violence against the US government unless you’re actually prepared for the FBI to show up at your door with guns blazing. Neon Revolt is skeptical that the Boomers will learn any more from the execution of Craig Robertson than they did from Waco, 9/11, Ruby Ridge, Oklahoma City, and every other exercise of executive branch action.

The FBI summarily executing a mobility-scooter Boomer for his angry Facebook rantings just goes to highlight this one fact: The America that Boomers think exists does not exist any more and they may not truly understand what was lost under their watch until the Rainbow Bolsheviks roll up to their homes and shoot them dead in the face for wrongthink.

It would be nice to think he was wrong, but there simply isn’t any evidence that he is. The fact is that the FBI showed up at an old man’s door because he was expressing himself on Facebook, then shot and killed him. That’s not America. That’s the exact opposite of America as its ideals are expressed in the words, actions, and documents of its Founding Fathers.
Of All the Boomers Who Ever Boomed     (voxday.net)
submitted by carnold03 to Boomers 9 months ago (+4/-4)
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These may have been the boomerest. From SocialGalactic:

Late 80s high school friend attended a state retreat for gifted kids. They chose a theme song at the end, Alphaville’s “Forever Young”.

The Boomers in charge overrode with “Imagine”.

I don’t know that anything summarizes the awfulness of the Wicked Generation better or more succinctly than that. It’s all right there, the generational solipsism, the entitlement, the inexplicable abuse of power, the Beatles, and most of all, the total lack of regard for their children and grandchildren.

It’s not just that the Boomers abused their power and privilege, as they observably did, but the weird and foolish ways they chose to do so.

It’s ironic from a musical perspective too, because Forever Young is a much better and much more epic song than Imagine. Based on the streaming statistics, the younger generations would even appear to agree.
The Capital That Was Lost     (voxday.net)
submitted by carnold03 to Boomers 9 months ago (+2/-1)
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A commenter on Gab observes how the societal changes throughout the United States have significantly reduced its human capital:

I like to relate to my experience growing up in a small town, once a modest but prosperous mining community. By the 80s and through the 90s, the mine was long closed and economic opportunities were scant. By the 2000s, generational welfare recipients were common, except now the last vestiges of culture disappear as crime and drugs increase.

The town now serves mostly as a retirement/ bedroom community with a base of unfortunates.

I always thought that if a big employer showed up nearby, there would be a huge line for the much needed jobs. What I didn’t understand until recent years is what had really been lost: Human capital.

Now employers are hungry for people and you can’t get anyone to show up. New generations seem incapable of managing getting to work on time or at all. That’s what was lost, the culture that reinforced family, work ethic, social values. That’s human capital. Once it’s gone, it’s very hard to get back.

This is where Generation X can, despite its tendency toward nihilism and apathy, make a real difference and give its successors an advantage. Because we don’t care about the mainstream narrative, we can reinforce the traditional family, work ethic, and social values that enhance human capital. We have the ability to teach them how to be in the society, but not of it.

Just yesterday, I explained the way business communications hierarchy worked to several members of the younger generation, and assigned them to watch this scene from The Godfather in order to help them understand how it works. Notice in particular the way the two senior subordinates, the hit man and the lawyer, as well as the rival family capo, understand immediately the major faux pas that has been committed by the undisciplined son.

“I have a sentimental weakness for my children, and I spoil them, as you can see. They talk when they should listen.” This is the key phrase from this scene, and not the more famous “Never tell anybody outside the Family what you’re thinking again.” But they are both significant concepts that are part of what was the human capital of the time.

Our children and grandchildren will not pick up these things via osmosis from the mainstream culture the way we did, which is why it falls for us to preserve it by teaching them wisely and well.
Tell Me You’re a Boomer     (voxday.net)
submitted by carnold03 to Boomers 9 months ago (+2/-7)
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Without actually telling me you’re a Boomer:

I would like to add a song to Randy L’s list that should be banned from being played in public. The Backstreet Boys “I want it that way” should be on it. There are a few boy band songs that are probably worse but I’ll admit this one is personal for me.

The New York Mets used to play Billy Joel’s “Piano Man” in the middle of the 8th inning at every home game which is a great choice because it’s a classic and Billy Joel is from Long Island. This year they allow the fans to choose from three different songs, Piano Man and I Want It That Way are two of the choices.

I have been to three home games and the Backstreet Boys have won every time, all by very narrow margins which makes me think the voting is rigged because there is no way this should happen in New York. To add insult to injury, the scoreboard then finds every millennial and gen z guy who is lip-singing and posing as if they are making a boy band video.

The whole thing is nauseating to me but I am hoping that one day reason will prevail and Piano Man will be returned to the 8th inning where it belongs.

Billy Joel’s “Piano Man” was released in 1973. So, it wasn’t enough for the Boomers to force their music on Generation X. Now they’re actually offended that their music is finally being replaced by the generations that came after the one that came after them. Because how can their music be the best there ever was if people who were born 40 years after it was released aren’t as captivated by it as they were?

So obnoxious. The Day of the Pillow can’t come soon enough.
David Brooks, celebrated columnist at the new york times, begins to contemplate if perhaps, maybe, THEY are the bad guys. (I'm not even kidding...)     (voxday.net)
submitted by we_kill_creativity to TellTalk 9 months ago (+20/-1)
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The Great Noticing continues.

EDIT: After contemplating the amazing example of stupidity that this article is, I believe it's time we start defining the treason that's occurred here, and also what we will actually do about it. For instance, what is the proper punishment for a traitor?
There is a control system, and fame is only given to those who go along with it.     (voxday.net)
submitted by we_kill_creativity to TellTalk 9 months ago (+13/-0)
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Stop waiting for "our side's" Brad Pitt/name your famous person to appear...just like they will never televise the revolution, they will also never let that person on TV.
The Ticket's Not Free.     (voxday.net)
submitted by we_kill_creativity to TellTalk 9 months ago (+5/-0)
A Word to the Fearful     (voxday.net)
submitted by carnold03 to TraditionalMen 9 months ago (+0/-0)
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#A Word to the Fearful - Vox Popoli

Far too many young men are terrified to get married, but their fears are misplaced. I wrote this eight years ago in response to a piece by Rollo, but it’s every bit as relevant today, as it addresses why men have literally nothing to fear from divorce:

You can only control your own behavior. No one else’s. If your wife is unhappy about the choice she made, if her children and friends and family and fun are her priorities and she wants out, then by all means, let her walk! Show her to the door with a smile!

There is a saying: if you love someone, set them free. You can’t control her actions, much less her desires. You can’t control the legal system. You can’t control your feelings. You can’t control anything except your own actions.

Ironically, the more willing you are to let her go, the less likely she is to actually continue down that road. With what is she actually threatening you anyhow? Doing whatever you want to do all the time instead of what she wants you to do? Being able to follow up on any indications of interest expressed by women who are half her age whenever you’re so inclined? Do you genuinely think you’re going to be able to spend LESS of your future income on things you want if she only gets HALF of it?

Do the math. Whether women control 73 percent or 85 percent of the household spending (depending upon which survey you prefer to credit), keeping only half your income amounts to an effective raise between 46 to 70 percent. Effectively tax-free too!

It suddenly doesn’t sound so awful when you put it that way, does it. Remember, most men come out of the divorces that their wives sought happier and better off than they were before. Being around a miserable person who despises you and blames you for their various disappointments in life isn’t a desirable state of being.

Addendom 2023: While it is surely a terrible shock to the system for a man to be informed that his wife has decided to leave him – it’s happened twice in the last year to men with whom I am acquainted – in every single case that I’ve observed over the last 20 years, the abandoned man is a) happier, b) more energized, and c) going on dates with women at least 10 years younger than his ex-wife-to-be within six months of her breaking the news to him.

And let’s face it. In most cases, a woman’s decision to leave her husband is less than a complete surprise to anyone who is paying attention. Angry, unhappy, dissatisfied middle-aged women aren’t exactly famous for their stoicism or keeping their feelings to themselves. It’s not as if the Karen meme appeared on social media ex nihilo.

Divorce is also less common than it was during Peak Boomer. From one-half of ALL marriages, it’s now declined to one-third of ALL marriages, which means that a first marriage now has about a five in six chance of not ending in divorce. Throw in the reduced life expectancy of widespread vaccination, and the odds of staying married until death do you part is probably closer to nine in ten now.

Other than its generally unpleasant nature, the waste of time and money it entails, and the inevitably deleterious effect on the children, divorce really isn’t anything for the average man to fear. So, if you’re a young man who is afraid of marriage due to the perceived dangers of divorce, be aware that you risk missing out on one of the greatest and most important experiences of your life because you’re jumping at shadows.
Simple greed does not explain what is going on in the world anymore.      (voxday.net)
submitted by we_kill_creativity to TellTalk 9 months ago (+4/-0)
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