WHO negotiators fail to draft pandemic treaty     (www.voanews.com)
submitted by dulcima to whatever 3 weeks ago (+21/-0)
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Two years of negotiations ended Friday without a final draft of a global agreement on how to best handle the next pandemic that public health officials say is sure to come.
After the COVID-19 pandemic, the World Health Organization was asked to write an agreement on how to respond to the inevitable next one and avoid the missteps and disparities of the last one.
"We are not where we hoped we would be when we started this process," Roland Driece, co-chair of WHO's negotiating board for the agreement, said Friday.
A final draft treaty was scheduled for presentation at next week’s World Health Assembly, the yearly meeting of health ministers in Geneva.
"This is not a failure," WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in Geneva after the talks ended.

They will try again.
Notice The Subtle Shift In The Meaning Of The Word "Deep Fake"     (www.voanews.com)
submitted by FreeinTX to TellTalk 3 weeks ago (+4/-0)
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Penn president resigns after antisemitism hearing     (www.voanews.com)
submitted by Conspirologist to Universal 6 months ago (+3/-2)
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Russia puts Meta spokesperson on wanted list     (www.voanews.com)
submitted by Conspirologist to Universal 6 months ago (+3/-4)
UN Chief Considering Watchdog Agency for AI     (www.voanews.com)
submitted by Conspirologist to Universal 1 year ago (+2/-4)
UN CUCK: Warns Equality Among the Sexes 300 Years Away     (www.voanews.com)
submitted by knightwarrior41 to whatever 1.3 years ago (+4/-0)
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The United Nations secretary-general warned Monday at the start of a major women’s conference that at the current pace, gender equality is projected to be 300 years away.

“Progress won over decades is vanishing before our eyes,” Antonio Guterres said at the start of the Commission on the Status of Women.

fuck tony guterres and his feminism
US Wasted Billions of Dollars on Afghan Rebuilding Projects     (www.voanews.com)
submitted by ymihere to whatever 3.3 years ago (+6/-0)
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By contrast, the report said, more than $1.2 billion out of the $7.8 billion in U.S.-funded assets were being used as intended, and only $343.2 million worth of assets were “maintained in good condition.”
Try as you might Biden, we'll still round them up!     (www.voanews.com)
submitted by NickOvSiggers to Niggers 3.3 years ago (+5/-0)
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