Naked man nabbed by police after ‘cannonball' plunge into giant aquarium at Bass Pro Shop in Alabama     (www.nbcdfw.com)
submitted by Steelerfish to whatever 4 months ago (+19/-1)
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Oh,so it's bad when somebody cuts down a nigger statue. Hahaha     (www.nbcdfw.com)
submitted by Panic to TodayInNiggerNews 4 months ago (+16/-0)
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Texas attorney sentenced to 180 days in jail for drugging wife’s drinks to induce an abortion     (www.nbcdfw.com)
submitted by Conspirologist to WTF 3 months ago (+13/-1)
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Taco nigger tries to break up fight & ends up killing his own mother.     (www.nbcdfw.com)
submitted by DirectPressure to news 3 years ago (+12/-0)
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Fort Worth Jews Howl "AntiSemitism," Citing 2100 [Alleged] Acts of Assault Vandalism & Harassment a 12% Increase - Despite we say their clams are illusory, since Jews attacked the US on 911 AntiSemitism is a patriotic duty and moral responsibility .. true patriots call for their arrest under US Law     (www.nbcdfw.com)
submitted by MartinTimothy to Jews 2.2 years ago (+8/-0)

i]Whoever owing allegiance to the United States levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death.[/i] [18 USC Ch. 115, §2381.

No Plane at Shanksville.
Guided Missile at the WTC.
Cruise Missile at the Pentagon on 911.
Celebrating Jews Filming as the Twin Towers Went Down.
Thousands of Jews Absent From the WTC on the Day.
Warnings to Stay Away Came Via Telephone Messages..
From the Pulpit of NY Synagogues the Friday Before..
And From the Odigo Hebrew Language Messaging Service.

There were no hijackers the planes that struck the WTC Towers were piloted by remote control, using hardware developed by Rabbi Dov Zakheim, who with Zionists Jerome Hauer and Michael Chertoff engineered the whole project.


60,000 Jews were absent from the WTC Towers on 911, that means they wished their fellow [non-Jew] workers a fine farewell after work on Monday Sept. 10, 2001, then stayed away the next day aware the attacks were to occur and watched their immolation on live television .. that is a good enough reason to hate Jews.