Petition EN4670 - Royal Commission and AHRC Inquiry into Australia’s Covid-19 Response     (www.aph.gov.au)
submitted by UncleDoug to Australia 1.2 years ago (+1/-0)
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Petition Request

We therefore ask the House to invoke the Hon Governor-General to establish a Commonwealth Royal Commission into the Covid-19 Pandemic response in Australia by issuing a Letters Patent under the Royal Commissions Act 1902 (Cth) and initiate an AHRC inquiry into the violation of human rights, on a federal, territory and state basis.
Sign the "No Mandatory Covid-19 Vaccination" Australian Parliament House Petition     (www.aph.gov.au)
submitted by Cunt to Australia 2.8 years ago (+2/-0)
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Petition Reason
Experimental vaccines being tested for the Covid-19 virus Is going against the Nuremberg Code if made mandatory.

Petition Request
We therefore ask the House to uphold the Nuremburg Code and not make Covid-19 vaccinations mandatory .

Signature count: 150664
Closing date for signatures: 14 July 2021 11:59 PM (AEST)
Australian gov needs to be told NO to vax passport     (www.aph.gov.au)
submitted by HillarysBalls to whatever 2.9 years ago (+3/-0)
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In achieving good health to avoid Covid 19 or other illness, we have the right to select from several practices and vaccination may not necessarily be included. Vaccination, and by extension, the passport may be described as non-compulsory but such is a misnomer when the passport would ultimately be required for most aspects of civil life including travel, banking, supermarkets, medical centres, sport and social events. It would be come a Licence to Live. A vaccination passport has no place in a free society. It would become a Licence to Live. A vaccination passport has no place in a free society.

Petition Request
We therefore ask the House to campaign and vote AGAINST any legislation; regulation or rule which may lead to a 'vaccination passport' being introduced.