The US Marine Corps is looking to drop "Sir" and "Ma'am"     (notthebee.com)
submitted by Conspirologist to Universal 1.4 years ago (+4/-1)
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The European Union spent $400,000 on a metaverse party which attracted a total of six people     (notthebee.com)
submitted by fritz_maurentod to ClownWorld 1.5 years ago (+15/-0)
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Chinese armed robodogs deployed by drones     (notthebee.com)
submitted by shitface9000 to China 1.7 years ago (+20/-0)
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Google bans apps that help you quit porn     (notthebee.com)
submitted by Conspirologist to technology 1.7 years ago (+9/-0)
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Irish coffee shop got an electric bill of nearly 10,000 Euros     (notthebee.com)
submitted by Conspirologist to WTF 1.8 years ago (+2/-1)
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Grab your popcorn…….. “LGB drop the T” keeps trending on Twitter as gay activists turn on transgender activists     (notthebee.com)
submitted by Steelerfish to LGBTQNPZ 1.8 years ago (+49/-0)
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James Lindsay banned by Twitter for tweeting "Ok groomer"     (notthebee.com)
submitted by Conspirologist to MeanwhileOnTwitter 1.9 years ago (+8/-0)
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When you request a flyby but the pattern is full so you gotta buzz the tower--     (notthebee.com)
submitted by Steelerfish to videos 2 years ago (+5/-0)
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North Carolina PRESCHOOL Used LGBT Flashcards To Teach Colors, Including One With A Pregnant Man     (notthebee.com)
submitted by Steelerfish to whatever 2 years ago (+22/-0)
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Susan Collins, Who Voted “No” On Amy Coney Barrett, Says She Will Vote To Confirm Ketanji Brown Jackson     (notthebee.com)
submitted by beece to USPolitics 2.2 years ago (+20/-1)
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Parents beware: One of the nation's most prestigious pediatric hospitals is advising little boys how to tape their genitals and telling kids how to visit local sex shops     (notthebee.com)
submitted by carnold03 to America 2.2 years ago (+41/-1)
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Italians Disenfranchised in the Wake of Draconian Covid Restrictions & PM Mario Draghi's Declaration "Unvaccinated Are Not Part of Society" - Anticipating around a half million Italians aged over 50 yrs will be suspended from work and left without a salary     (notthebee.com)
submitted by MartinTimothy to WorldNews 2.3 years ago (+8/-0)
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Italian MP's over 50 who are not "triple vaccinated" are no longer allowed into the Parliament preventing them from voting against the decree that established this vulnus, no similar measures have been taken in the western world .. let everyone know what Draghi is doing here. Twitter.
Here's Disney Jr.'s new series on "microaggressions" to teach your kids how racist they are     (notthebee.com)
submitted by Rob3122 to whatever 2.3 years ago (+8/-0)
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That New LeBron James "Clown World" mural     (notthebee.com)
submitted by beece to whatever 2.8 years ago (+2/-0)
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EU issues report on how "far-right extremists" use humor and they say "it's not funny anymore" 😬      (notthebee.com)
submitted by TFS to ClownWorld 2.8 years ago (+14/-3)
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The Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN) recently published an 18-page report through the European Union (EU) titled: "It's Not Funny Anymore. Far-Right Extremists' Use of Humour."

The purpose of the report is to "[scrutinize] how humour functions as a potential factor in terms of influencing far-right extremist violence."

"As extremists disseminate their ideology as transgressive pranks, they offer new incentives to act on behalf of nation and 'race', thereby communicating violence against minorities as an act of fun," the report reads.

"Yet, these jokes are not funny anymore. The violent fantasies that are woven into these witty narratives may function as serious accelerants of mass violence that need to be countered as such."

On the one hand, the report is completely one-sided because the only groups mentioned are those of the "Far-Right." But, on the other hand, this means the report implies what we all know to be the case: leftists don't have a sense of humor (or "humour," for that matter).

"Humour has become a central weapon of extremist movements to subvert open societies and to lower the threshold towards violence," the report reads.

"Especially within the context of a recent wave of far-right terrorist attacks, we witness 'playful' ways in communicating racist ideologies. As far-right extremists strategically merge with online cultures, their approach changes fundamentally."

"'Far-right extremism' is understood as an umbrella concept, which comprises both the radical and the extreme right," the report reads. "Far-right extremism encompasses a range of different ideologies, which may include elements of cultural, ethnic, and/or racial nationalism."

That's right. We have official, academic reports issued to an entire continent to explain who Wojak, Doge, and Pepe the Frog are.

What a time to be alive.
The Jewish Owned NY Times Runs Piece by Jewish "Journalist" explaining why Jews being beaten in the streets is actually great for those evil conservatives     (notthebee.com)
submitted by beece to LyingNewsMedia 3 years ago (+4/-0)
These people lost their dog and when it returned later in the day it was wearing a ribbon it won at a dog show     (notthebee.com)
submitted by Steelerfish to dogs 1.9 years ago (+3/-1)
Jewgle's Gemini AI is fake and gay     (notthebee.com)
submitted by v0atmage to AI 3 months ago (+5/-0)
Two sides     (notthebee.com)
submitted by Cantaloupe to whatever 3 weeks ago (+3/-0)