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Owner: MrGoat


26 Barges on the Ohio River "break loose"? Flooding blamed.     (
submitted by RobertJHarsh to terrorism 2 months ago (+10/-0)
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Just Joe McCarthy Doing His Job     (
submitted by beece to terrorism 2 months ago (+4/-1)
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So ISIS-K carried out the attack in Moscow? Yeah. These fuckers look like Slavs, not sand niggers.     (
submitted by RobertJHarsh to terrorism 2 months ago (+6/-2)
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St. Breivik, Pray For Us.     (
submitted by BulletStopper to terrorism 6 months ago (+6/-1)
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The suspect had already been sentenced to four years in prison in 2016 for planning another attack, French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin revealed.

How long before even the Euro-boomers start begging for a return of the guillotine?
Pro-Palestine Terrorism In The UK. Unspeakable Horror     (
submitted by Panic to terrorism 7 months ago (+2/-0)
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A video posted on social media on Monday showed customers at a McDonald’s restaurant jumping in shock as mice dyed in the colours of the Palestinian flag scurried near their feet.

Pro-Palestinian activists have called for protests against McDonald’s after a restaurant in Israel donated meals to Israeli soldiers and security workers, according to reports.

Cannot make this shit up.
World Citizen     (
submitted by UncleDoug to terrorism 1.6 years ago (+5/-0)
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Karachi plays the Uno Reverse card.
Only fans bribed meta employees to put their own porn models on the terrorism watch list to trap them at only fans! A real pimp move!!     (
submitted by GeneralDisarray to terrorism 1.9 years ago (+22/-0)
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This story shows that an ngo started blacklisting people for profit!

The social media giants all put people on it and shadow ban the hell out of them based on unsubstantiated slander and nothing else.

You can't get your name off it or get your file with the accusations made against you and by whom.

This is the blacklisting company meta, instagram and twitter are using.

This is how people are being flagged for fusion Center's to gangstalk people too. This is how psychopaths attack people and trap them in an exploitative situation.

Only fans could be accused of human sex slavery doing this.

They created a situation where the porn models couldn't get the views on other sites and had to stay on only fans as their only means of getting a bigger audience and more money for them and only fans.

This allowed OF to grow and dominate the cam hoe market by manipulation and slander.

They could have gotten some of these girls killed by gangstalking programs falsely targeting them as legitimate terrorists to be destroyed. Killing them like a jealous pimp.

This should be a lot more serious than just a law suit. He should have been arrested by now and the company shuttered.
The Most Important Terror Attack You’ve Never Heard Of     (
submitted by SilentByAssociation to terrorism 2 years ago (+15/-1)
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The post links to Twitter; here's the ThreadReaderApp link:

Biggest takeaway:

A group of unskilled actors could easily disabled a majority of the US grid.

What's your terrorism score?     (
submitted by WittyUserName to terrorism 3 years ago (+4/-0)
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The Active PRP law blog published a list of 72 categories the US government considers to be potential terrorists. It's got everything from opposing abortions to voting for Ron Paul.

So, how many boxes would they check off about you?

I got 33 out of 72.
Situation Update, May 20th, 2021 - VACCINE DEEP STATE is spreading spike protein like a bioterrorist     (
submitted by christianmusicreleases to terrorism 3 years ago (+1/-0)
Situation Update, April 7th: ALERT – The CDC will release biowarfare PATHOGENS in Texas and Florida to punish states that refuse vaccine passports     (
submitted by christianmusicreleases to terrorism 3.2 years ago (+8/-3)
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