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Alternate movie night     (movies)
submitted by x0x7 to movies 2 months ago (+3/-0)
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Hey yall. I'm inviting you all to a movie night. It starts at 8:30, but may start as late as 9:00.
Feel free to come by early to hang out. A few people from a few small forums will be there.

Feel free to get a head start voting:

For upvote:
And if you want to downvote:

I hope to see you there.

I know Broc has MovieGoats but this is a chance to meet people from a few different forums.
Passion of the Bigfoot     (
submitted by UncleDoug to movies 3 months ago (+4/-0)
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Sasquatch Sunset

"Hilarious and dementedly poignant" ~ Indie Wire

"Amazon Studios' New DEI Ruules Will End Creativity in Hollywood" Damn...if only someone...anyone in the world could have seen this coming and used their username to express this basic concept...what a missed opportunity.     (
submitted by we_kill_creativity to movies 3 months ago (+12/-0)
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"Le Manoir du Diable" ("The Haunted Castle") - Georges Méliès, 1896     (
submitted by BulletStopper to movies 3 months ago (+3/-0)
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First threatrical release was on Christmas Eve, 1896, at the Theatre Robert Houdin, 8 boulevard des Italiens, Paris.

Georges Méliès was considered the "father of special effects".

Now imagine an audience unused to visual effects (During a train scene in silent film, in which the train appeared to be coming right at the audience, people were injured when everyone stampeded out of their seats for the edges of the theatre).

Not bad for 128 years old.
Is Road House (2024) a straight movie? I don't see faggots in the trailer     (
submitted by Conspirologist to movies 3 months ago (+2/-2)
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24Hrs of Groundhog Day original content     (
submitted by Robhere to movies 3 months ago (+4/-0)

Thanks MoviesWithGoats for introducing me to cytube
I just watched Point Break after about 25 years and it was so awesomely bad.      (movies)
submitted by dingbat to movies 3 months ago (+22/-2)
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This movie was released in 1991.

Analysis: There were shitskins in it who were “bad guys”. Patrick Swayze was an awesome guy. Busey is a cool nut bag. The acting was horrendous, but somehow made the movie more endearing (???). There was masculinity everywhere without it being an implied reason to dislike the characters, except Lori Petty, who acted and looked like a scrawny guy. There were some really beautiful shots of skydiving. The plot was terrible, yet somehow was 1000 times more watchable and enjoyable than anything I’ve seen in the last 15 years. Lots of eye candy for me too. Did not seem like a huge subversion body slam as most movies become when watching again, minus the part where Swayze called one trashy surfer guy a ‘Nazi’, which is why I will deduct one half a star. 3.5 out of 4 stars. Would watch again.
The Adjustment Bureau (2011) is about MK Ultra     (movies)
submitted by Conspirologist to movies 3 months ago (+4/-2)
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The Adjustment Bureau (2011) is about MK Ultra. Mind controlled people who can't get married, or who are forced to get married. Like many celebrities in Hollywood who mindlessly get married and later get divorced.
Escape From NY Vs Escape from LA     (movies)
submitted by Conspirologist to movies 3 months ago (+5/-3)
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Escape From NY is straight action. Escape from LA is straight satire. Both masterpieces by John Carpenter. What do you prefer?
Kike Kike Abrams is here to fuck up another thing I liked as a child...Krull     (
submitted by RobertJHarsh to movies 3 months ago (+3/-0)
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Now Krull isn't a masterpiece or anything but Kike Kike ruins everything he is involved with.
"Doctor Sleep" Is the official sequel to "The Shining".     (
submitted by CoronaHoax to movies 3 months ago (+2/-2)
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Yes you heard that right. "Doctor Sleep" Is the official sequel to "The Shining". 2019. And it lives up to the legacy.

Important watch if you believe the in adrenochrome.

Watch it without watching the trailer. Enjoy the movie without knowing what is going to happen for once.

It was directed by Mike Flanagan. The director of Oculus. The best scariest movie that was ever created.
Short movie similar to "They Live!"     (
submitted by Panic to movies 4 months ago (+4/-0)
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Jews are monsters. Some movies show monsters, but we know who they mean. This one is short but sweet.
Lame lice watch party for cheezy 1960's film "Girls in the Gold Boots"     (
submitted by Crackinjokes to movies 4 months ago (+0/-0)
One of the Greatest Movie Scenes Ever. I Can’t Stand Alec Baldwin, But He Knocked This Out of the Park     (
submitted by TheBigGuyFromQueens to movies 4 months ago (+3/-3)
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Executive Action (1973) – conspiracy thriller about JFK assassination by insider operatives     (
submitted by shitface9000 to movies 4 months ago (+4/-0)
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Clearly written by the perpetrators, very in-your-face about the operation. Even delves into current year situation:

Foster forecasts the world population in 2000 at seven billion, most of them non-white and "[swarming] out of their breeding grounds into Europe and North America". He sees victory in Vietnam as an opportunity to control the developing world and reduce its population to 550 million, ominously adding "I know; I've seen the data". He also states that the same methods can then be applied to unwanted groups in the United States: Asians, blacks, Latinos, poor whites, etc.

Dalton Trumbo, one of the writers, is a devout commie.
The Right Stuff     (movies)
submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to movies 4 months ago (+6/-0)
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Awesome movie that celebrates masculinity. There's a total of one nigger in the whole movie, and it's only on screen for 30s. Highly recommend.

I had the good fortune to meet Chuck Yeager several years ago. Really cool customer, overall nice guy.

Anyway check it out.
All movies about clones are being downvoted by critics and shill reviewers because it's the best kept secret     (movies)
submitted by Conspirologist to movies 4 months ago (+4/-7)
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All movies about human clones are being downvoted by critics and shill reviewers because it's the best kept secret. If you are not an NPC, go watch these movies and understand that human clones exist. The elite are trying hard to make you avoid thinking about human clones existence.
youtube movie critic wants to watch yet another jew movie      (
submitted by dosvydanya_freedomz to movies 4 months ago (+2/-0)
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Brendan Fraser's "redemption arc" explained (The Whale Movie Analysis)     (
submitted by Dingo to movies 4 months ago (+7/-1)
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This is a follow up to the post about George Carlin, which can be found here:

In this one, Wyat Stagg (youtube) shows what Brendan Fraser and the movie "The Whale" is really about ... death of the west. Hopefully these posts can innoculate some of you from the sorcery.
Did you see the movie Leave the world behind (2023)?     (movies)
submitted by Conspirologist to movies 4 months ago (+3/-3)
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I see many people talking about this movie. They say it's about a conspiracy. Can somebody tell why it's so popular, and why people are saying the ending is stupid?
Wow. I’m Getting Old. Lacy Underall Died.     (
submitted by TheBigGuyFromQueens to movies 4 months ago (+7/-0)
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a Netflix film portrays a nightmare that security experts insist is a very real prospect.How will YOU survive on the day an enemy state switches off the internet?      (
submitted by paul_neri to movies 4 months ago (+1/-4)
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Feel good movie of the year: 1506 the Lisbon Genocide     (
submitted by LiberalsAreMental to movies 4 months ago (+6/-0)
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2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) was written by a pedo faggot     (movies)
submitted by Conspirologist to movies 4 months ago (+2/-5)
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) was written by a pedo faggot. There are only two male crew survivors. The AI HAL 9000 gets jealous of the two astronauts and kills one of them. At the end we see a meaningless scene with a giant newborn. It all would make sense if the two crew survivors were a male and a pregnant female. Also, the author Arthur Clarke was a confirmed gay pedophile. Stanley Kubrick didn't care about all this, because was an obedient Jew.
Idiots don't understand The Game (1997)     (movies)
submitted by Conspirologist to movies 4 months ago (+3/-3)
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The Game (1997) basically shows how Judeo-Satanists are stalking and killing unaware people in a perverted deadly game, because Jews own everything and everybody. If you check the reviews on IMDb, there are idiots who think it to be just a silly fictional movie. The idiots don't know that all fiction in Hollywood is based on reality. I highly recommend this movie in case the Judeo-Satanists would want to do it to you.