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Here we post examples of white men breaking up nigger fights so they can go to heaven.

Owner: HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers


What happened to Texas being beaners and cowboys?      (
submitted by Sector2 to WhiteMenBreakingUpNiggerFights 4 months ago (+6/-0)
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Watch for even more pathetic levels of diversity at 2:47
White teachers successfully earn pass into atheist AND Christian heaven by attempting to deny niggers their desire to kill each other     (
submitted by osomperne to WhiteMenBreakingUpNiggerFights 11 months ago (+1/-1)
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They definitely wasted their time by the looks of this video. I'd say they're getting in.
White pig please god by leaping in to save niggers from their desire to harm each other. H card = earned      (
submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to WhiteMenBreakingUpNiggerFights 1 year ago (+2/-7)
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Want to go to heaven? Find some niggers and sacrifice your well being for them like it says to in the atheist Bible and Christian bible
white woman and white man go to heaven for trying to stop a nigger fight.      (
submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to WhiteMenBreakingUpNiggerFights 1 year ago (+2/-5)
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This is how you do it folks. Sacrifice your well being and cuck the fuck out and you get into heaven.
some white people go to heaven      (
submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to WhiteMenBreakingUpNiggerFights 1 year ago (+2/-6)
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Why do white people do this? Never in my life have I seen niggers fighting and thought I should break that up. It's not even a hate thing, I just see them fighting and it's none of my business. And there is no understanding why they're fighting either, no matter what you think. And the fact that we live in a society where your genocide is underway and you don't even fight for THAT because you have a bread and cirus comforting you - but you'll risk your comfort to stop niggers from clearly think you've "made it" and deserve a bullet to the head on the spot.

And so someone said it you're not going to heaven for breaking up a nigger fight. There is no reward whatsoever in fact. And anyone doing this deserves to get jumped by that pack of niggers
old White man moves in to earn his H card, but nigger fight breaks up first. atheist Jesus is not pleased.      (
submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to WhiteMenBreakingUpNiggerFights 1 year ago (+0/-6)
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Old man will definitely not be going to heaven
more white people go to heaven by denying Africans their right to fight each other      (
submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to WhiteMenBreakingUpNiggerFights 1 year ago (+16/-2)
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Golly folks, how many of you dream of going to heaven when you get your chance?? :D
What would you do if you saw 2 or more niggers fighting?     (WhiteMenBreakingUpNiggerFights)
submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to WhiteMenBreakingUpNiggerFights 1 year ago (+0/-2)
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Breaking up the fight means you go to heaven/atheist heaven.
The pathetic cuckery of Whites not willing to defend a White against a violent nog (video)     (
submitted by oppressed to WhiteMenBreakingUpNiggerFights 1.1 years ago (+28/-0)
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WhiteMenBreakingUpNiggerFights at some store     (
submitted by oppressed to WhiteMenBreakingUpNiggerFights 1.2 years ago (+2/-2)
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Guess who's ascending to heaven in the hour's episode of Breaking Up Nigger Fights To Get To Heaven     (
submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to WhiteMenBreakingUpNiggerFights 1.3 years ago (+2/-3)
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Heaven. All of them.

It is imperative that you do not let these Africans kill each other as they wish to. You must deny them their desires.
reminder that nowhere in the Bible is anything said about worshiping the African black or brown people and doing so does not make you a good person and is paganism, which makes you an infidel      (WhiteMenBreakingUpNiggerFights)
submitted by osomperne to WhiteMenBreakingUpNiggerFights 1.3 years ago (+4/-3)
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white teacher is just trying to earn his pass into heaven by breaking up a nigger fight when nigger horde knocks him down, whales on him and KOs him instead     (
submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to WhiteMenBreakingUpNiggerFights 1.3 years ago (+1/-2)
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How's he supposed to get into heaven if these blacks arent cooperating!! Goddamn niggers!! AMIRITE?

At least he can wear those bruises and concussion as a badge of honor of the Nigger Fight (number 5,777,981) of 2023, a historical day for white people everywhere.

He'll have to earn his only path into heaven another day. For now, he went down trying in his heavenly and patriotic duty to protect the African black wherever he goes!

Remember folks, you're not a good person unless you do as the Jew tells you!

Those 3 white people at the end are going to heaven for sure!! Putting blacks back on the street to attack again baby!!! That's what life is about
White man gets knocked down after being punched several times trying to break up niggers fight, but it will be all worth it once he gets to heaven for doing this     (
submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to WhiteMenBreakingUpNiggerFights 1.3 years ago (+13/-2)
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White men are so smart. They followed the word of Christ when he told them to worship niggers and they go straight to heaven because they're a good person.
white police officers break up a nigger fight instead of letting them kill each other and making the world a better place. (they are going to heaven now of course and can behave like full degenerates the rest of their lives)     (
submitted by osomperne to WhiteMenBreakingUpNiggerFights 1.3 years ago (+0/-3)
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Saves blacks! That's all it takes to get into Christian and atheist heaven! No other requirements. Worshipping Africans makes you a good person.
White police jump at the opportunity to save a nigger life while babysitting all-nigger event     (
submitted by osomperne to WhiteMenBreakingUpNiggerFights 1.3 years ago (+1/-2)
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Wasting their lives, these stupid police officers responded to the scene after 3 gunshots going off. When they arrived on the scene, niggers cleared the path to the nigger shit by a nigger.

And all the white people went to atheist heaven for being good people. The end.
white men gaze eagerly upon nigger fight for their opportunity to do the single thing that can instantly get them into atheist heaven, breaking up a nigger fight     (
submitted by osomperne to WhiteMenBreakingUpNiggerFights 1.3 years ago (+0/-2)
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According the the atheist Bible and Christian Bible, worship of niggers gets you straight to heaven and nothing else.

Unfortunately , these white men will have to sacrifice their genetic material another day.
Nigger starts getting beat up by white women and white men break it up to earn their ticket to heaven      (
submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to WhiteMenBreakingUpNiggerFights 1.4 years ago (+2/-2)
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whites man meditates nigger fight     (
submitted by osomperne to WhiteMenBreakingUpNiggerFights 1.4 years ago (+1/-1)
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No, no it's not ok even for white cops to get involved with a nigger fight until the bodies need to be cleared from the floor     (
submitted by osomperne to WhiteMenBreakingUpNiggerFights 1.4 years ago (+6/-1)
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it's not ok for white security guards to break up a nigger fight     (
submitted by osomperne to WhiteMenBreakingUpNiggerFights 1.4 years ago (+1/-1)
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white man valiantly waits just outside the nigger fight for his opportunity to prove himself to God. bonus white woman also pleases God      (
submitted by osomperne to WhiteMenBreakingUpNiggerFights 1.4 years ago (+1/-2)
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several white men earn their H card by breaking up a nigger fight     (
submitted by osomperne to WhiteMenBreakingUpNiggerFights 1.4 years ago (+0/-1)
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This is what life's about folks. Earning that eternal Bliss
white man ascends to heaven     (
submitted by osomperne to WhiteMenBreakingUpNiggerFights 1.4 years ago (+1/-2)
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He saved those niggers! Just like the Bible says to do