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Community for : 8 months

A sub dedicated to shining a light on the completely broken voting system in america. 2 party bullshit. 2 leaning towers of garbage ideology holding each other up.

Owner: gaperglory


What would Dale Gribble Do?     (
submitted by gaperglory to VotingIsForRetards 8 months ago (+12/-1)
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R.I.P Johnny Hardwick (Bona Fide Conspiracy Theorist)
Johnny Hardwick was a comedian and "conspiracy theorist" who was initially attracted to the character of dale gribble, because like gribble, Hardwick had a very strong distrust for the federal gov't and a lot of interesting ideas about UFOs and ETs, which at the time of publication were considered to be "crazy".
American democracy summed up in one question.     (VotingIsForRetards)
submitted by gaperglory to VotingIsForRetards 8 months ago (+1/-2)
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Do you prefer oil or water based lube? Its your ass... err, Vote!