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Community for : 2.9 years

I (and hopefully other ladies of Voat) will share meaningful posts about taking care of our man, family, home, and community.

Owner: NeedleStack


Broken family     (
submitted by Motorweed to TraditionalWives 2.9 years ago (+26/-0)
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Dusting hacks to make cleaning easier     (
submitted by NeedleStack to TraditionalWives 2.9 years ago (+5/-0)
11 Ways to Show Respect to Your Husband     (
submitted by NeedleStack to TraditionalWives 2.9 years ago (+4/-0)
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My wife is not the most trad     (TraditionalWives)
submitted by Yargiyankooli to TraditionalWives 2.9 years ago (+56/-0)
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But, she tends to get criticized for not falling in line with the holocough from her “friends” who seem to think I, as her husband, am forcing her to not wear a mask or get vaxxed.

I said to her I thought it was rude that they would think she can't even think for her self, she replied "what is wrong with me just wanting to follow my husband anyway?"
15 Life-Changing Homemaking Secrets from The Little House on the Prairie Books     (
submitted by NeedleStack to TraditionalWives 2.9 years ago (+8/-0)
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Traditional Wives booklet [PDF]     (
submitted by NeedleStack to TraditionalWives 2.9 years ago (+63/-0)
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This was the original document compiled and distributed on the original Voat.
50s housewife checklist     (TraditionalWives)
submitted by NeedleStack to TraditionalWives 2.9 years ago (+25/-0)
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I found this checklist on a blog a few years ago.

The list was taken from a 50s book dedicated to new wives.


1. Throw back the covers
2. Open up the blinds and windows
3. Freshen up
4. Make and serve breakfast
5. Clean up breakfast
6. Complete a 10-minute exercise regime
7. Shower, do hair and make-up, get dressed
8. Gather a basket for tidying. As the rooms of the home are tackled, pick up items that aren’t where they belong and place them in a basket. Redistribute them where they should be as you enter a new room
9. Straighten up the living and dining room, including picking up potential clutter, light dusting, fluffing / straightening pillows, and watering plants or flowers
10. Make the beds
11. Tidy the bedroom, including light dusting
12. Hang up any clothes that may be about or ensure dirty ones are in the hamper
13. Do a light tidy of the bathroom including removing and replacing used towels, refilling toilet paper and soap (if needed) and cleaning the sink and basin area including soap dishes
14. Review the menu for the current day and the next and compare it to what’s currently available in the home. Make note of anything that needs to be prepared ahead of time or marketing (shopping) that needs to get done
15. Begin long-advance preparations for dinner (such as making dessert)
16. Wipe down kitchen work surfaces and inside the fridge
17. Dispose of garbage
18. Rinse dish cloths and hang to dry
19. Sweep or mop the kitchen floor
20. Handle errands that might take you out of the home (such as marketing, volunteering, going to the post office, getting an item fixed, etc), bookkeeping, correspondence, or indulge in a hobby
21. If returning from the grocery store, wash vegetables, wrap them and put them away. Place rest of groceries or purchases in their proper place
22. Have a quick lunch.
23. Start advance food conditioning like crisping vegetables or thawing frozen foods
24. Handle weekly chore for the day
25. Set the table for dinner
26. Arrange the living room for evening enjoyment (such as your man’s newspaper or book)
27. Do a quick sweep of the floors and ensure entrance ways are clear
28. Prepare a special dish for dinner
29. Freshen up before the husband returns from work. Consider changing into something more festive if the day dress is plain
30. Set out a tray with equipment for making cocktails, should your man want to serve drinks before dinner
31. Greet husband “gayly”
32. Serve dinner
33. Clear table and wash dishes
34. Pour boiling water down the sink to ensure pipes are flushed
35. If necessary, pack the husband’s lunch for the next day. Set aside a lunch tray in the refrigerator for yourself if having leftovers
36. Set table for breakfast
37. Ensure breakfast foods are available and do any make-ahead preparations for it
38. Enjoy an evening of relaxation

Once-a-week chores:

• Use metal polish on bathroom fixtures
• Clean and disinfect all kitchen appliances
• Scald and disinfect bread boxes and garbage pails and bins
• Replace flowers with fresh bouquets

In addition, laundry should be done at least twice a week (including bedding) and floors should be mopped / vacuumed on a similar schedule.

There is also a recommendation in there to try to squeeze a 10 – 30 minute nap in the afternoon (if not because you’re actually tired but to “look more refreshed” for your man when he gets home).

Cleaning products should include baking soda, vinegar, lemon, castile soap and borax – not to mention a good deal of elbow grease. Use things like cheese cloth, rags and old newspapers instead of paper towels.

A husband shouldn’t expect to be waited on hand and foot. He is fully capable of putting away his coat when he arrives home, fetching and putting away the objects he uses and properly hanging and / or putting his clothes away after undressing. Extras like helping with the dishes after dinner are considered "courteous contributions."
How to grow a victory garden (to feed your family)     (
submitted by NeedleStack to TraditionalWives 2.9 years ago (+16/-0)
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3 LIES HOMEMAKERS HAVE BEEN TOLD / criticized for being traditional / homemaker     (
submitted by NeedleStack to TraditionalWives 2.9 years ago (+8/-0)
Beating the Breakfast Rush Hour (tips on preparing breakfast items in advance)     (
submitted by NeedleStack to TraditionalWives 2.9 years ago (+8/-1)