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Community for : 3 years

This subverse is dedicated to proving the name of the subverse, that through out the entirety of the jews existence, they've always behaved the same and they've always engaged in the same type of criminality as they are today. This is to document historical crimes and shenanigans committed by jews through out the millennia.

Owner: didyouknow


I can't believe I'm saying this but, based Google!      (
submitted by NukeAmerica to TheEternalJew 7 months ago (+3/-0)
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As the number of refugees around the world continues to grow, it is absolutely crucial that jews demand welcoming at least 135,000 refugees next year     (
submitted by mxcviel to TheEternalJew 8 months ago (+3/-0)
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If you wonder why migrant flow to Europe and America is so similar... here is one interesting humanitarian organization from Silver Spring, Maryland, USA:

Today's reminder ☝️ As the number of refugees around the world continues to grow, it is absolutely crucial that we demand potus commit to welcoming at least 135,000 refugees next year.
Solomon Friedman, an ordained rabbi, is on a mission to save Pornhub     (
submitted by NukeAmerica to TheEternalJew 8 months ago (+1/-0)
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As a young man, Friedman travelled a conservative path. He moved to Israel at 18, studied Talmudic law for three years, and was ordained by the Rabbinical Court of Jerusalem.
Jewish post of the week. Nothing will top this!      (
submitted by NukeAmerica to TheEternalJew 9 months ago (+4/-0)
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Russian Anti-jewish Propaganda (1906-08)     (
submitted by didyouknow to TheEternalJew 9 months ago (+13/-0)
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Social Influencer Control      (
submitted by Wolfspider to TheEternalJew 9 months ago (+36/-1)
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Demonic jewess physiognomy     (
submitted by NationalSocialism to TheEternalJew 10 months ago (+29/-3)
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Your average 'team Conspirologist' data mining poll     (TheEternalJew)
submitted by UncleDoug to TheEternalJew 1 year ago (+13/-3)
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Sounds familiar?      (
submitted by didyouknow to TheEternalJew 1 year ago (+59/-1)
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Replica Holocaust cattle car set up in Times Square     (
submitted by Spaceman84 to TheEternalJew 1 year ago (+4/-0)
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How medieval Spain dealth with (((bankers)))     (
submitted by UncleDoug to TheEternalJew 1.1 years ago (+56/-0)
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Get woke, go broke     (
submitted by mxcviel to TheEternalJew 1.2 years ago (+8/-1)
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One of those on picture said he took his personal account's money to pay his employees at the end of the week.

Pics taken from YT videos about people standing in front of shuttered Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) headquarters on March 10, 2023
(((Columbus)))     (
submitted by didyouknow to TheEternalJew 1.2 years ago (+8/-1)
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Excerpt of 19th century district judge of Georgia, Emory Speer's jew ass-kissing speech at the B'nai Birth convention in 1893.      (
submitted by didyouknow to TheEternalJew 1.2 years ago (+1/-0)
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1996 - Michael Jackson's "Jew Me Sue Me...Kike Me" Infuriates jews [3:19]     (
submitted by Name to TheEternalJew 1.3 years ago (+17/-0)
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This vid is getting hard to find. bitchute and odysee won't show it in searches, worldtruth is down today. Goyim TV didn't have it. Had to pull it from poal. had to pull it from vid 8. What other vid sources are there.
the jew will tell you that he was petrified on the notion of Bolsheviks losing control over Russia but won't tell you the real reason for it      (
submitted by didyouknow to TheEternalJew 1.3 years ago (+55/-0)
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As you can see with this jewish article, anti-Semitism being illegal predated the law implemented by Stalin.
Zhidlensky and Big Israel     (
submitted by Kozel to TheEternalJew 1.4 years ago (+31/-2)
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A familiar historical pattern. The biggest mass murderers of history always seem to murder as many Gentiles as possible while at the same time they will treat the jews with kindness and in return jews paint these mass murderers of Gentiles in a favorable light in their legends.      (
submitted by didyouknow to TheEternalJew 1.4 years ago (+24/-0)
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Jews using Jesus to get christians to support Israel     (
submitted by NukeAmerica to TheEternalJew 1.4 years ago (+3/-1)
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This reminds me of those ads telling goyim to donate to broke kikes in Israel. Lmao
How circumcision is a jewish weapon against Gentiles     (TheEternalJew)
submitted by didyouknow to TheEternalJew 1.4 years ago (+5/-1)
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Here is a list of WHY jews push for circumcision and how it's a warfare tactic with the purpose of destroying Gentile societies from within:

1.To cause psychological damage to males brain causing them to develop undesirable traits as they grow older, these include anxiety, altered pain sensitivity, attention problems, symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder, depression, anger and intimacy problems. Men with these kind of issues will possess less of a problem against the jews power structure because these traits will make these men easier to control and easier to exploit.

The reason for this damage is because during circumcision, the baby goes through huge amounts of trauma and pain which causes abnormal amount of stress to the baby, this stress will produce the hormone cortisol which in turn will cause hormonal imbalance which will cause some issues for normal development of the baby which will increase the likelihood of the baby developing all types of psychological issues later on life,

Because infants have fully functioning pain sensors at birth and the pain of the surgery is severe and long-lasting, circumcision will also have an affect on how the baby will respond to being breastfed. Numerous studies have shown that circumcision causes changes in infant brain function and behavior, some of theses studies are Marshall el al. (1982) ( and Howard et al (1994) ( which observed how the effect of the pain, stress, and trauma of baby circumcision would affect feeding behavior. They discovered that male circumcision disrupts feeding behavior, In some cases the infant is returned to the mother in such an exhausted and weak state were the baby is unable to manage the task of latching-on and feeding. It's well documented that breastfeeding provides healthy and developmental benefits to the infant and not breastfeeding could pose health risks for both the infant and the mother.

2.To make maintaining monogamous relationships harder and to increase the likelihood of a man into turning into a degenerate and a homosexual.

Circumcision will negatively affect a males sex life. Because the penis is less sensitive when its circumcised, sex will became less enjoyable for the circumcised man as the nerves from the foreskin are lost, they will have more trouble reaching orgasm and also the female partner will more likely feel vaginal pain because of the circumcised penis. The foreskin provides mechanical functions and elasticity which gives the penis so called gliding action that greatly reduces friction and vaginal dryness during penetration, this of course can cause trouble for a couples sex life.

12th century physician and Rabbi Moses Maimonides who advocated for circumcision stated that the purpose of circumcision is to reduce the sexual pleasure and desire of men without preventing the functions necessary for reproductions. Maimonides stated that the removal of the foreskin reduced a mans lustful thoughts and made sex less pleasurable. He also stated that it was very hard for a woman to give up a lover who was uncircumcised.

This is a quote from Maimonides;

The bodily injury caused to that organ is exactly that which is desired; it does not interrupt any vital function, nor does it destroy the power of generation. Circumcision simply counteracts excessive lust; for there is no doubt that circumcision weakens the power of sexual excitement, and sometimes lessens the natural enjoyment: the organ necessarily becomes weak when it loses blood and is deprived of its covering from the beginning. Our Sages (Beresh. Rabba, c. 80) say distinctly: It is hard for a woman, with whom an uncircumcised had sexual intercourse, to separate from him. This is, as I believe, the best reason for the commandment concerning circumcision

This is backed up by modern studies, A study by K.O’Hara and J.O ‘Hara (1999) ( showed that women felt more intimate with men who were uncircumcised and also that women felt more sexual pleasure with men who were uncircumcised.

According to the Danish study, Morten Frisch et al. (2011) ( circumcised men were more likely to have >10 sexual partners compared to uncircumcised men. This means circumcised men have more issues maintaining a monogamous relationship.

This goes perfectly along with the jewish agenda of destroying the natural relationship between men and women and to brake down the family.

A study by Laumann et al. (1997) ( observed that circumcised men are more likely to engage in homosexual acts and other degenerate sexual acts such as anal compared to uncircumcised men, circumcised men also masturbate more frequently compared to uncircumcised which can also cause issues to a man such as decreased sexual sensitivity and this could also mean that circumcised men are more prone to become addicted to porn if they masturbate more than uncircumcised men.

The British National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (2000) reported that circumcised males were more likely to report having a homosexual partner and more likely to have partners from abroad as compared with normal intact males.

''Relative to uncircumcised men, circumcised men were more likely to report having had homosexual partner(s) (7.5% v 5.3%, p =0.012) and partners from abroad (19.7% v 13.1%, p...0.001).''

3. Circumcision to induce psychopathic traits?

An experiment made by Dr. Paul D. Tinari had compared the brain data of a baby before and after circumcision and the result showed that due to the significant trauma of circumcision, it had caused changes to the baby's brain, most noticeably changes in the amygdala and in the frontal and temporal lobes

''The baby was kept in the machine for several minutes to generate baseline data of the normal metabolic activity in the brain. This was used to compare to the data gathered during and after the surgery. Analysis of the MRI data indicated that the surgery subjected the infant to significant trauma. The greatest changes occurred in the limbic system concentrating in the amygdala and in the frontal and temporal lobes.''

This study concludes that damage to the frontal lobe is linked to psychopathic traits;
''This research paper presents an analysis of the functions of the frontal lobe and how damage to the frontal lobe correlates to psychopathy.''

A neuroscientist explains how damage to the temporal lobe and frontal lobe can be linked to certain psychopathic symptoms, he also goes through specifically the amygdala and how damage to the amygdala is involved in certain psychopathy traits;
''In addition to regions of the frontal cortex, regions in the temporal lobe may be linked to some symptoms of psychopathy. Damage to the medial temporal lobe in general (Kluever and Bucy, 1938, 1939), and neural tracts that pass through the amygdala in particular (Aggleton, 1992), have long been associated with emotional and behavioral changes in monkeys. These changes include an unnatural propensity for approach behavior or fearlessness and unusual tameness''

4. Circumcision of gentiles symbolizes jewish ownership over gentile bodies.

''For the generations to come every male among you who is eight days old must be circumcised, including those born in your household or bought with money from a foreigner--those who are not your offspring''- Genesis 17:12

Jews forcibly circumcised all their gentile slaves to signify that their bodies belonged to their jewish masters.

According Steven Weitzman in his article ”Forced Circumcision and the Shifting Role of Gentiles in Hasmonean Ideology”(1999) in the time of antiquity, circumcision on gentiles could’ve been a way to show jewish power and domination over gentile bodies.

Examples of jews forcing Gentiles to circumcise after beating them in battle; From the historian Ptolemy (1st century BCE) starting with Hasmonean King Hyrcanus I and with his successor continuing the practice ;

Maccabees 2:46-47;

”They forcibly circumcised all the uncircumcised boys that they found within the borders of Israel”

After the victory of the Maccabees over the Seleucid Empire in which the jews managed to gain sovereignty over Judea. Mattathias forcibly circumcised both jews and non-jews found within the borders of Israel. Prior to this during the rule of Antiochus IV of the Seleucid Empire, circumcision was forbidden and punishable by death which was one of the reasons for the Maccabean Revolt. Hellenes at this time were known for criticizing circumcision viewing it and rightfully so, as genital mutilation..

In Pagan Rome, Judaism was considered a cold religion viewing circumcision as barbarous.

Emperor Hadrian of the Roman Empire viewed circumcision as evil as castration and had made circumcision illegal and punishable by death but under his successor Antoninus Pius, it was allowed again but only for jews and not gentiles.

Source: ”The Jewish Quarterly Review, Vol. 59, No. 2 (Oct., 1968), pp. 93-117”

According to Visigoth canon, the jews were not allowed to hold any public office or have any authority over Christians and one of the main reasons for this was the pure malice jews had over Christians (or just gentiles). They were seen as a greater threat than pagans and heretics.

During the Visigoth Kingdom, we learn that jews bought pagan slaves and proceeded to circumcise them with ''daring audacity''.

During the Visigoth Kingdom, circumcision was not only viewed as a barbaric act but also a means by jews to show ownership over their gentile slaves.

Visigoths knew this by seeing how jews barbarically treated their gentile slaves, one of the barbaric acts cited by Visigoth canons was; forced circumcision.

Source: ”Jews in Early Christian Law: Byzantium and the Latin West, 6th-11th centuries”- John Tolan et al. Oct 2011

Visigoths detested circumcision so much that they forbade circumcision to all jews. During the reign of Recceswinth he forbade circumcision to all jews, no matter if they were baptized or not, and if they did not comply they would receive the death penalty by being stoned to death or burned at the stake, however if circumcised man was a gentile slave, her would receive his freedom but if the slave was jewish he would receive the death penalty anyway. During the rule king Erwig discouraged the evil practiced through confiscation of possessions and the amputation of the male organ. Other kings of the Visigoths had taken similar actions to stop circumcision.

Source; The Visigoths: Studies in Culture and Society p.132 by Alberto Ferreiro.

5. Circumcision helps jews to hide their identity. There is no need to explain this further, it's pretty obvious.


The push for circumcision as ''medical treatment'' started when the father of routine circumcision emerged around the same time as jews were allowed admission into medical institutions in England and who also claimed that the Hebrew penis was superior to the penis of the non-jew.

Proof god doesn't exist      (
submitted by NukeAmerica to TheEternalJew 1.4 years ago (+26/-4)
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(((Harley Pasternak))) threatens to humiliate, drug and institutionalize Kanye     (
submitted by UncleDoug to TheEternalJew 1.4 years ago (+25/-0)
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Kikes award themselves best film of all time, supplanting Hitchcock's 'Vertigo' and Welles' 'Citizen Kane'      (
submitted by Spaceman84 to TheEternalJew 1.4 years ago (+10/-0)
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A (((conspiracy))) enacted to get Germany into further debt to jewish bankers.     (
submitted by didyouknow to TheEternalJew 1.5 years ago (+23/-0)
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Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump may have reported Trump to the FBI - says Michael Cohen     (
submitted by mxcviel to TheEternalJew 1.5 years ago (+3/-0)
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In August, dozens of classified documents were seized in an FBI raid on Trump's Florida home Mar-a-Lago, according to The New York Times.
Now the former attorney for Trump Michael Cohen claims that Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump were "potentially" moles who informed the Justice Department about classified documents being held at Donald Trump's Mar-a-Logo compound.