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Forget everything the Masonic Kikes taught you about history!

Owner: FacelessOne


Heliosorcery (2022) | Exposing the Occult Origins of Heliocentrism | Full Documentary     (
submitted by FacelessOne to Tartaria 1.2 years ago (+1/-1)
"Because of its origin in the temples of Baal, which were dedicated to both male and female prostitution, Freemasonry has been the unseen force behind the drive to make the United States into a bisexual nation"     (
submitted by Love240 to Tartaria 1.2 years ago (+25/-4)
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The Curse Of Canaan [A Demonology Of History] - Eustace Mullins

Its philosophical director, Albert Pike, makes this plain in his
authoritative book, "Morals and Dogma," p. 849: "Reversing the letters of the ineffable name,
and dividing it, it becomes bisexual" This is pure Kabbalism, and it refers us directly to the cult
of Baal and Ashtoreth. Pike makes the point clearer on page 741, "Masonry is a search after
Light. That search leads us directly back, as you see, to the Kabbala. All truly dogmatic religions
have issued from the Kabbala and return to it; everything grand in the religious dreams of the
Illuminati, Jacob Boehm, Swedenborg, Saint-Martin, and others, is borrowed from the Kabbala;
all the Masonic associations owe to it their secrets and symbols."

This is the most definitive revelation of the true origins and purposes of Freemasonry.
Originating in the Kabbala, it accomplishes its devious purposes through the even more secret
organization of the Illuminati, the inner circle which controls the six million Freemasons of the

P. 29
2/21/2023 -- Giant Submerged City discovered across the WHOLE Florida Keys Ancient fort in swamp [41:05] - dutchsinse      (
submitted by Love240 to Tartaria 1.2 years ago (+4/-1)
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This is amazing news for the people in Florida, an undiscovered multi-MILE WIDE submerged city-fort (1-5 feet under water) .. making up almost the whole of the Florida Keys! Tourists are going to love seeing this, that's for sure.

Fun note: Some people are contacting me, telling me they think this is "Atlantis"... lol.. well, idk about all that.. all I know is that it is impossible to be 'naturally made' by mother nature, and it is miles wide (about 12 miles long out to the edges ... and the rectangle is 5miles x 3 miles exactly) !

Coordinates of the giant submerged city in the Florida Keys here:

25° 3'58.72"N 80°40'17.31"W

Coordinates of the fort found due North of the submerged city in the swamps here:

25°12'24.39"N 80°41'4.54"W

Map of Saint Louis Missouri showing similar (exact match) bastion fort shapes from 1796 George Henri Collot cartographer here:

Details on the discoveries here:

And here:

high resolution pics here:

And here:

My commentary on this from my original social media posts after making the discovery Feb 21, 2023

I just made another HUGE discovery.

Literally in this case.... one of the biggest discoveries in the United States.. and quite by accident! (high resolution versions here

I just found a 5 mile x 3 mile (exactly) rectangular old city which makes up the WHOLE FLORIDA KEYS!.... a city with spider web avenues spreading out from it ... the rectangle is set perfectly N and S .. and the spider web avenues or walls spread out perfectly South, Southeast, and Southwest from the rectangle.

Furthermore the "city" is at least 12miles x 12 miles in size, and makes up the whole of the Northern Florida Keys.

I am 100% on this, that it is man made.

This should be a huge tourist attraction now that it has been discovered. Especially flyovers of it.

Spanish? Idk.. but it is for sure there and it is for sure not natural. I will make a video on this, but I can't have TWO huge discoveries in one day on my channel lol !

In my original picture, I have the keys flipped upside down where S is N and N is S .... you can see it perfectly.

People in Florida.. you can give me a few years free rental down in the Keys as "payment" for finding this, and making it public immediately upon finding it (instead of trying to cash in on this with books and movies haha).

I hope your minds are as equally as blown as mine is right now!

Previous video linked here:
The Adam and Eve Story A History of Cataclysms by Chan Thomas     (
submitted by FacelessOne to Tartaria 1.3 years ago (+11/-0)
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On Secret Societies: Remember the Ichthys     (Tartaria)
submitted by taoV to Tartaria 1.9 years ago (+4/-2)
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TL:DR - In the current climate, the correct response to secretive groups that subverted your culture is to become the next secret group.

Back on Old Voat I had a conversation with a user about The Masons. He said something along the lines of “anything that hides in darkness must be doing something wrong, so I can’t accept it.” I think that’s a pretty standard Christian attitude toward the issue of secret societies. And it make senses, in a way. If your God is the Light, then hiding from that must mean you’re doing something He wouldn’t like. That spiritual attitude also translated directly into a cultural one: when Christianity was the dominant social force, secret societies were probably doing something that culture wouldn’t approve of.

Unfortunately, it’s an outdated attitude. You might have noticed that the culture has changed. Not just for Christians, but everyone. Things that reasonable people would have considered abhorrent are now celebrated. You are no longer the dominant social force. With that loss of power, the attitude of declaring that anything clandestine must be evil creates an axe-sized gap in the armor or well-intentioned people.

Now, I’m not suggesting that a lot of evil hasn’t been perpetrated in scret. In fact I would agree that it had to be. Twenty years ago if they were publicly declaring the right to mind-control your children toward self-mutilation, they would have died socially, if not physically. Now however they face no such risk. Secrecy is a tool of the weak, used until other weapons are available. Those other weapons, such as lawfare and propaganda, are now wielded by the enemy. In fact they wield them so powerfully that we pay the enemy to use them.

Remember this: Secrecy is a TOOL of the weak, UNTIL other weapons are feasible (bearfromstartrack mode activated). Secrecy doesn’t mean you aren’t fighting your enemies. It just means you’re being honest about your current odds. It has nothing to do with morality, the favor of the Gods (generally speaking), or any sort of preordained justice. Rather it stems from a cold, honest measure of what can be done in public and what must be done in secret. Strategy, plain and simple.

If you’re among the people who see themselves as too righteous for secrecy, who considers legitimate strategies to be ordained by the forces above, then please consider this: Every organization contains secret societies within it, from corporations to religions to governments. Sometimes they’re Masons, sometimes they’re The Black Hand. Sometimes, they’re the Sons of Liberty. Each of those groups achieved dramatic change, and each of them operated in shadows until it could cast a light of its own devising. None of them were afraid to do anything necessary to bring that light from the heavens down to hard, material reality.

Secrecy is a tool of the weak, not necessarily the corrupt. And frankly, giving your opponents sole control over such a powerful weapon is stupid. Will you hand every dagger to evil men, then cry out when they stab you?

Here’s something else I read here, much more recently: Never try to be better than your enemies. Be so much worse that they cower in fear (I’m paraphrasing). Sadly, many still prefer to sit back and wait for God do the hard part. The bare fact is that we lose because we let them have all the cards. Your opponents control the dominant culture, and the secret one. They club you with the law by day, and conspire to rape your children at night. Part of the reason that happened was the stubborn refusal to operate in darkness.
Be smart. Build societies, away from the eyes of the evil, until your strength can’t be denied.

And for those Christians mentioned in the beginning: I would remind them that Christianity began as a persecuted minority of common people, gathering strength away from the eyes of an oppressive empire, and using all manner of secrecy to protect itself. In short, remember the Ichthys.

Thanks to the posters paraphrased above whose names I can’t remember.
submitted by shitface9000 to Tartaria 2.1 years ago (+1/-0)
Globe I have.     (
submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to Tartaria 2.2 years ago (+55/-0)
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Not sure where I got it.
No one talks about the 50 meter pyramid in France (a full 1/3 the height of the Great Pyramid in Giza) that was destroyed to make room for a highway.     (
submitted by ShitsInHoneypots to Tartaria 2.2 years ago (+43/-0)
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The Lost History of Earth (4 Hour)     (
submitted by FacelessOne to Tartaria 2.2 years ago (+26/-4)
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Covers a plethora of subjects as a nice intro/primer for the new initiates.
1899-1901: Boxer Rebellion. What are they hiding?     (
submitted by Kozel to Tartaria 2.2 years ago (+16/-1)
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Cymatic Tartaria     (
submitted by VitaminSieg to Tartaria 2.2 years ago (+5/-1)
1 comments last comment...
On Cosmology (3 1/2 hours)     (
submitted by FacelessOne to Tartaria 2.2 years ago (+5/-1)


On Cosmology

Galileo Was Wrong! Full Interview On Cosmology Is Our Perception Of Reality Correct Or Have We Been Swindled? This interview with Robert Sungenis questions several key aspects of the mainstream view of the cosmos. It’s an intro video for those new to this research, in the hope they’ll question the mainstream and begin to study the Earth and Cosmos for themselves. Those who have studied this deeply will know that the earth is flat, static and enclosed as described by the Hebrew Scriptures. The earth is a flat enclosed plane as described in Hebrew cosmology. Thanks for watching. God bless you."