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Community for : 2.2 years

Report kike behavior

Owner: DonaldJTrump


(((Aryanprime))) is back!      (
submitted by NukeAmerica to ReportKikes 6 months ago (+5/-1)
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Reminder that @BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod is a kike     (ReportKikes)
submitted by SumerBreeze to ReportKikes 9 months ago (+1/-6)
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Dear MaimNazis:     (ReportKikes)
submitted by gaperglory to ReportKikes 11 months ago (+12/-1)
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I ALMOST feel sorry for someone so jealous of the Aryan race, he feels the need to troll them.
If I was a disgusting rat faced hook nose kike, steeped in perversion and blood thick with the proven evil of my ancestors, I'd likely do the same thing.
But remember, mr.maimnazis, your kike antics do not incite the rage you intend. You shine a light only on your own nature. Your race is filth. Every corner of the earth is beginning to smell of smoke which comes from the very fire that is the kike existence.
As noseanne said in her recent interview, "while the holocaust is totally fake, it should have been real. Because jews create all the problems we face today." Go back to your ill gotten israel, and pray to your many sick gods that you can survive in your little corner of the world. How long you think you can keep your tricks under wraps, I do not know. But this much I do know. Your peoples time of evildoing is running out.
Kikes are the most hideous creatures on the planet. You look like the bastard children of nosferatu. Absolutely disgusting. It's likely the reason you wish to destroy the aryans, who exemplify beauty in its purest form, along with being the epitome of intellect and integrity.
Your peoples time of control and prosperity via censorship, media control, and government intervention is coming to an end. Enjoy the trolling while it lasts.
Blueman and Joe McCarthy seem to be working for the same ends     (ReportKikes)
submitted by s23erdctfvyg to ReportKikes 1.9 years ago (+33/-2)
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I've noticed a pattern in their posts. Both appear to be trying to normalize porn and destroy morality in others.
The vector of attack that blueman chooses is to obfuscate the meaning of porn, and try to pass it off as art. He then uses the kike definitions of porn in an attempt to gaslight others into accepting its presence. Of course, the definition he pushes makes porn mean simultaneously everything, and nothing.
The real definition of porn is any sexual degeneracy, ranging from nudity, to sexual acts.

McCarthy uses less wordplay, and instead chooses to try and convince everyone that there is nothing wrong with it. Everything is of course wrong with it. Loose morals, especially those that are sexual in nature, have played a major role in the downfall of every civilization in history. Prudishness is fundamental to keeping a group alive, especially Europeans.
His pushing of degeneracy onto others is clearly an attempt to get men, especially young men, to go down self destructive paths.

Both appear to be working towards normalizing porn and degeneracy. Worse still, both appear to be working towards normalizing pedophilia.
In Blueman's case, it's very obvious that he's doing it. The Mark Ryden "art" he uploads is clearly drawn child pornography.
McCarthy seems to have flown a bit under the radar, probably due to how much porn he uploads and how many news articles he spams. However, a couple of his recent uploads were "barely legal" videos, a trend I expect will continue.

I know McCarthy is a kike, both from his degenerative spam, his methods of deflection when he gets called out, i.e. saying what you're saying makes no sense that you're crazy etc., and his extreme over reaction to being called a kike.
Blueman seems to working for the same ends as McCarthy, and his method of deflection is both to obfuscate and to accuse others of what he is guilty of, i.e. "if you dislike the pedophilic porn I upload, it means you're a pedophile". So I strongly suspect Blueman of not only being a kike, but also working for the same group as McCarthy.

As someone else pointed out, and I'm forgetting who, the combination of pedophilic, to very close to being pedophilic porn, leads me to believe if they can't succeed in pushing degeneracy, they'll opt for taking both Voat and catbox down with real child pornography.

Which leads me to my last point, has anyone contacted the owner of catbox? If not, let me know and I'll write him an email. Given their behavior, I suspect he'll want to keep a close eye on both accounts, if not flat out terminate them.
@Thereunto must be a fucking kike     (ReportKikes)
submitted by DonaldJTrump to ReportKikes 2.2 years ago (+15/-3)
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Never heard of him before and suddenly he's making lists of users to divide Christians from pagans. Sounds like kike work. Many of those users are good men who I have had extended conversations with on philosophy and religion. We disagree on a lot but we agree on this much: blood and soil makes a nation, and kikes die first.