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The state of nursing: I'd rather die     (Rants)
submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to Rants 2 days ago (+33/-0)
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I mean, practically both ways you'll be dead but still. One of the nurses had to come back to the hospital and had to do something basic: take blood pressure. This nurse forgot how to do the test so badly, my cousin had to REMIND her how to do it. She ended up having to google the procedure, because she couldn't remember how it was done. She then failed to understand how blood pressure works since she forgot that blood pressure can be done on the legs or arms, but will give different readings. She was very ... confused why this was.

These are the same retards doing surgery and complex operations. We are so fucked as a country
the war on meat     (Rants)
submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to Rants 4 days ago (+19/-0)
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I never realized just HOW much misinformation there is out there on meat. I come from farmer land and angus land, so we always had our fair share of delicious red meat around. My healthiest I ate a strictly carnivore, almost 90% meat diet with some vegetables and butter. My parents decided I should try a non meat, vegetarian diet. I instantly gained weight and felt like absolute dog shit. Biologically speaking it makes sense, my body isn't used to the lack of proteins coming from alternative food sources. Really, I end up eating 4 times more since my body cant find the nturients it needs in the alternative foods.

If you think about it from a jewish asshole perspective, banning or severely restricting meat is a great way to force people to pay 4 times more for inferior products. On top of that, you end up paying 5 times more for meat. You get screwed any which way. AND you lose any ability to build muscle mass. You become a malnourished subject of the state.

So I looked up the results on google, and sure enough, every article is anti meat, using very deceptive, jew written language. They never outright admit its bad, just that it "could" cause problems, it "might" give you cancer. This way when people see the article is full of shit, the jew can immediately state that the weasel language makes them innocent.
NYC is literally a hollow shell of l iberal retardation     (Rants)
submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to Rants 3 days ago (+14/-1)
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I like to analyze the liberal ideology a lot since its so .. messed up. The common NPC will say these people are smart, but i think they just keep throwing shit on the wall hoping something sticks. Attributing rational thought to a nigger or a woman as if they can think like a White man would drive anyone crazy. Ocam's razor surmises that these people are insanely stupid, BUT the smart people on top are using the stupidity of their diversity pets to confuse everyone. It's akin to having a concrete plan, but its double blind since neither the manipulator or those being manipulated have a clue what happens next.

I've noticed that compared to what you saw in movies (Really my only reference point for how NYC was prior), the place is just hollow. Everything is boarded up, people are leaving in droves. The only people stupid enough to stay around are me, and gov employees. I decided to look up the solution to the CRE implosion, and as I envisioned, the solution is to tax the people who own the property even more. Because when something isn't selling, making it even MORE expensive is definitely the solution!

People leaving due to things getting too expensive? Just tax the shit out of the people who are stupid enough to stay. Someone living in Florida who'se no longer a resident? Make them file a stupid form and force them to pay taxes cause fuck you (this is apparently a thing in NYC, if you leave and become a resident somewhere else, NYC will audit you for leaving and make you pay fines). NYC and NY see themselves as above the law, they are the law, and they can use the law any way they want.

Watching women and niggers run NYC and NY is proof neither should be in charge of anything. Dont like Trump? Just indict him on bullshit charges and literally REWRITE your entire legal system to go after him. Doesnt live in the state? Fuck it, well do it live! These assholes banned guns to the nth degree, and yet the crime is through the roof. They import third world criminals, than act surprised that third world criminal problems occur. But they sit comfy in their ivory towers, away from the problems. Wouldn't be surprised if Mayor Adams isn't even a NYC resident and defected to Florida or something.

Medical supression is real     (Rants)
submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to Rants 2 days ago (+2/-1)
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I had a favorite calculator i used for certain metrics for the bodies. I went back to it today and ... its gone. They deleted the page and the calculator no longer shows up. Instead you get bullshit articles about the metrics. They had tons of calculators and they shitcanned most of them. Cant have the goy doing their own analysis of their body metrics, best to indebt them with thousands of dollars instead
i swear we live in nonsense land part 1     (Rants)
submitted by DoYouEvenShit to Rants 12 hours ago (+2/-4)
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I was driving around yesterday and I noticed (again) that each and every single person I saw driving an SUV was in it by themselves and they weren't hauling anything.

I rode in my friend's SUV today and he doesn't even have any items in the fucking vehicle nor would he ever haul anything nor would he ever have more than 1 other person in the vehicle or transport anything inside of it. And on top of all this he doesn't even have money to spare to drive that gas hog around. Why. The. Fuck. Do people buy these vehicles? Do I even need to say anything about women? God, the only time I ever saw a woman "use" an SUV is when they were riding in the passenger seat and there were kids in the car. Every other time I see a woman in an SUV she's driving it alone and I don't remember 1 instance where they had kids that were* with them, except my sister (who is a terrible mother and almost the epitome of the dark state of western culture minus apparent sexual degeneracy, thank fuck)

I went out to eat for the first time in a long time and yep, people are tipping 30-50 fucking percent with the common 100-200% tip thrown in. I knew this is where tipping was going and this is why I've always hated it. I was traveling about a year ago and INSTANTLY - first restaurant - I'm with some clown I met out and about, and he's harassing me into leaving a 200% tip at a place that doesn't even have tipping. Of course it was an American. These people need a beating and to be robbed afterwards just to send a message. And it needs to happen as many times as needed until they die or get the message.

Next rant will be on the professional field and how it is not the "honor" it was pitched as. No time to keep writing now