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How Apple can collude with bigger companies to fuck over smaller apps     (Rants)
submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to Rants 4 days ago (+18/-0)
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I always wondered why there aren't new apps for dating, AI, etc. Sure enough, the app store system expresly forbids entire sloths of apps such as dating, gambling, etc. Per their own words, you can't build an app that could be considered "spam". Except the definition of spam used by Apple is so expansively broad, it may as well be a catch all to ensure the bigger companies stay afloat, at the expense of more novel, better apps. God forbid these massive, jewish companies actually be innovative, easier to fuck the goy every step of the way
History isn't written by the winners, it's written by the writers. It's being written right now.     (Rants)
submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to Rants 3 days ago (+12/-0)
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Think about this shit for a minute. It's a cliche that history is written by the winners, and I don't think that's fuckin true. The last Russian that fired a shot in anger in Berlin isn't the same guy that wrote the history books, even though he was arguably one of the winners of WW2. Nope, the history was largely written based off what the mainstream media was writing about it at the time. An argument could be made that since kikes won WW2, and kikes were overwhelmingly the journalists at the time that there's no significant difference, kikes won that war right? Hindsight is 20/20 and I want you fuckers to look at the present.

America isn't at war right now, so by definition there can't be any winners or losers. There's still writers. Today's News story is tomorrow's history. That's what it's going to be based on. That's the other edge of this bullshit news. It's literally changing history in real time by virtue of being mainstream. Twenty years from now there's going to be books written about the present, and the sources they'll use will come from the mainstream media.

This may seem like common sense, but the more I think about it the more I think it's important to talk about it. The kikes at CNN and MSNBC aren't winners, they're unchallenged writers, and they are writing history as future generations will know it.