black gang fights in chicago cook county jail, all white police force comes in to lock them down     (www.youtube.com)
submitted by oppressed to RaceRealism 2 months ago (+3/-0)
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interesting how at the 8 min mark, a large all white police force enters the pod to stop the brawls. so blacks dont even want to work in police in their own crime infested dump. many blacks side with gangs over law.
also a poor lone white inmate among the sharks. should just stay in cell
Based Franz Ignaz Pruner (1808–1882) was a German physician, ophthalmologist, and anthropologist who studied the racial structure of Negroes in Egypt.     (RaceRealism)
submitted by oppressed to RaceRealism 2 months ago (+4/-0)
Franz Ignaz Pruner
Franz Ignaz Pruner (1808–1882) was a German physician, ophthalmologist, and anthropologist who studied the racial structure of Negroes in Egypt. In a book Pruner wrote in 1846, he claimed that Negro blood had a negative influence on the Egyptian moral character. He published a monograph on Negroes in 1861. He claimed that the main feature of the Negro's skeleton is prognathism, which he claimed was the Negro's relation to the ape. He also claimed that Negroes had brains very similar to those of apes and that Negroes have a shortened big toe, a characteristic, he said, that connected Negroes closely to apes.[66]

The Homo erectus people of the African Mursi tribe     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by oppressed to RaceRealism 3 months ago (+16/-0)
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Negro/Homo erectus DNA makes the poorest countries in the world, logical reasons to racially separate:     (rumble.com)
submitted by oppressed to RaceRealism 3 months ago (+12/-1)
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Blacks in Africa are drinking doodie water due to a persistent lack of the White man's presence and gibs.     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by oppressed to RaceRealism 3 months ago (+34/-1)
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Black rappers as Whites AI video proves race is more than skin deep     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by oppressed to RaceRealism 3 months ago (+2/-2)
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India's Open Defecation Sewage Problem     (rumble.com)
submitted by oppressed to RaceRealism 3 months ago (+13/-0)
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Philippines trash-eater epidemic      (rumble.com)
submitted by oppressed to RaceRealism 3 months ago (+6/-1)
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Philippines trash-eater epidemic. dems some trash-eating mofos. the negative consequences of having non-white dna in a country


The type of society Blacks build, a shantytown in Kenya     (www.youtube.com)
submitted by oppressed to RaceRealism 3 months ago (+4/-0)
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Americans walk through a shantytown
Ethiopian "beauty"/tribal women     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by oppressed to RaceRealism 3 months ago (+19/-2)
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A Close Look Into The Rubbish City that negroes survive on by scavenging through trash. Thank God we live around White people.. | Welcome To Lagos | Part 1 | Documentary Central     (www.youtube.com)
submitted by oppressed to RaceRealism 3 months ago (+0/-0)

Incredible documentary produced by White English people, about a Black city that lives off scavenging through their giant trash dump heap.

The doc has a sympathetic and compassionate English man narrating, with peaceful and happy music, which is quite contrary to the Lagos society he is showing. He is looking at a horrifying society through a brainwashed libtarded White perspective. The doc should have scary music and race realistic narration. But it doesn't at all question whether the Black race is even equal when considering the societies it builds. Racial reality is the elephant in the room the English narrator won't say.

Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKdxCY152Eo

The bottom line is negroes need White people and White welfare checks to have wellbeing, otherwise they should do work at the wise direction of the White man.
examples of murderous negro psychopathy caught on camera     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by oppressed to RaceRealism 4 months ago (+4/-0)
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Jared Taylor explains how Blacks have disparately more psychopathic traits than other races:


destinys child's negress hips show negress hips are more narrow, suitable for smaller-brained negro babies. the whitest hips are widest     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by oppressed to RaceRealism 4 months ago (+1/-1)
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As compared to whites and asians, blacks have, on average, 1) longer legs, 2) narrower hips, 3) lower center of gravity, 4) lower body fat, 5) higher quantity of fast-twitch muscle tissue (useful for short bursts of speed), and 6) higher testosterone levels. With all these advantages, how could they not excel at sprinting?
Further Reading: Richard Lynn and Edward Dutton, Race and Sport: Evolution and Racial Differences in Sporting Ability (2015), is filled with fascinating data on differential performance by race in over fifty types of sporting competition, along with explanations of the patterns. Reviewed by F. Roger Devlin, The Occidental Quarterly, Spring 2016, White Men Can t Jump, Black Men Can t Shot Put.

Reminder: ONLY anti-Whites are allowed on tv. Think about it: there is hardly one famous person that doesn't support White Replacement.

No accurate discussion of negroes has ever been permitted on television, and that's a serious problem for Whites.
submitted by oppressed to RaceRealism 4 months ago (+16/-0)
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blacks as homo habilis     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by oppressed to RaceRealism 4 months ago (+28/-1)
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either that or homo erectus
An olfactory demography of a diverse metropolitan population     (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)
submitted by oppressed to RaceRealism 4 months ago (+4/-0)
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An olfactory demography of a diverse metropolitan population
Andreas Keller,1 Margaret Hempstead,1,2 Iran A Gomez,1,4 Avery N Gilbert,3 and Leslie B Vosshallcorresponding author1,2

This study proves the racial hierarchy of black-brown-white-asian also exists in olfactory senses.

Consistent with earlier reports on differences in olfactory perception between racial groups [33], there were differences in our measure of olfactory acuity between races (median ranks: African-Americans 149; Asians 231; Caucasians 225) (Figure ​(Figure4d),4d), but not between Hispanics (median rank: 186) and Non-Hispanics (median rank: 201) (Figure ​(Figure4e).4e). Other demographic factors such as marital status or education did not correlate with olfactory acuity (data not shown; see the “demographics” tab of Additional file 1 for tabulation of these demographic data).

However, there were some dramatic differences between demographic groups. Statistically significant differences in pleasantness perception are shown in Figure ​Figure8.8. For 18 of the 134 stimuli the pleasantness rating differed significantly between African-American and Caucasian subjects (Figure ​(Figure8a).8a).

We showed that general olfactory acuity correlates with age, gender, smoking habits, body type, and race. In addition we have identified over 100 cases in which sensitivity to a specific odour, or the intensity or pleasantness perception of a specific odour, differed significantly between demographic groups. We also studied in detail how the perceived odour quality of three odours differs between demographic groups.

Interesting points on racial differences listed in Erectus Walks Amongst Us by Richard D. Fuerle     (RaceRealism)
submitted by oppressed to RaceRealism 5 months ago (+18/-1)
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A huge eruption some 73,000 years ago of a volcano now known as Toba on the island of Sumatra sent so much ash into the air that it blocked out the sun and caused a sharp drop in temperature. Evaporating sea water fell as snow that remained on land, and this lowered sea levels. The resulting land bridges made it possible for early man to migrate to areas now cut off by the sea. The sudden drop in temperature also killed many inhabitants of the Northern Hemisphere, especially in Europe, but had much less effect on the tropics. This lead to a considerable boost in the intelligence of the surviving northern populations.

Another ice age that lasted from about 30,000 to 12,000 years ago had a similar effect: opening land bridges and severely winnowing northern populations for intelligence. The effects may not have been so catastrophic as the earlier ice age, however, because by this time humans could control fire and make clothing.

Africans tend to have heavy jaws and exhibit prognathism, which means their jaws protrude forward. This is considered a primitive trait left over from when our most effective weapon was our teeth, which, in order to be effective, had to be able to cut a swath that extended out in front of the face. Apes, for example, have extended jaws that let them meet an enemy with their teeth rather than their faces.

Another racial difference is in the location of the foramen magnum, the large hole in the skull, through which the spinal cord attaches to the brain. Since man walks upright, the hole is at the base of the skull, whereas in animals that go on all fours the hole is at the back. Apes therefore have the foramen magnum farther back in the skull than humans, and in Africans, it is slightly farther back than in Eurasians.

There are important racial differences in soft tissue as well as bone. The three outer layers of the brain are called the supragranular layers, and they increase in thickness from the lower to the higher animals. Mr. Fuerle reports that the supragranular layers are 15 percent thinner in blacks than in whites.

Mr. Fuerle has compiled a tremendous amount of racial/anthropological data but believes there is much more: “Because research on racial differences, except where they are medically important, has been effectively outlawed for at least the last 50 years, there are no doubt thousands of other racial differences that have not been discovered or published.”

Another racial trait that may have been influenced by environment is the willingness to cooperate. In the north, men had to work together to bring down big game and to establish rules for sharing meat. Cooperation and respect for rules were less necessary closer to the equator, and this may explain high rates of crime and sociopathy among Africans.

Bantus, for example, are so genetically distant from East Asians that the Asian father of an Asian/Bantu mulatto would be genetically closer to a random Asian stranger than to his own child. That is to say, he would have more alleles in common with any member of his own people than with his own hybrid child.

Mr. Fuerle makes the provocative argument that if there were no living Africans — only their bones and DNA — scientists would classify them as a separate species from Eurasians.

Mr. Fuerle writes of the unique alleles that have been sorted out among the different races:

[I]t takes only an instant of miscegenation to scramble them up again. The selection of some of those alleles required the suffering and death of hundreds of thousands of people who did not have them, so the creation of racial differences was not without great cost. To destroy this monumental natural creation — us — so thoughtlessly and permanently, is akin to desecrating graves, dynamiting ancient statues, bombing cathedrals, and burning the library at Alexandria. What is the most valuable possession populations have that they can pass on to the next generation? It is not wealth or even knowledge. It is their genome, their ability to reproduce themselves as the unique people that they are. To squander that by miscegenation is the ultimate betrayal of one’s heritage.

“a homeland is so vital to survival that an ethnic group will go to almost any length to have and hold one.” He adds that “if whites do not defend their homelands, they will soon have no homelands, and not long after that, there will be no more whites.”


Erectus Walks Amongst Us
by Richard D. Fuerle

Publication date 2008

Jared Taylor on 6 Cubic Inches of Brain Difference Between Races     (www.bitchute.com)
submitted by oppressed to RaceRealism 5 months ago (+9/-1)
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Arigato Hapa son     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by UncleDoug to RaceRealism 6 months ago (+11/-0)
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That’ll Do It     (youtube.com)
submitted by TheBigGuyFromQueens to RaceRealism 7 months ago (+3/-0)
redditor asks Do black people really have an IQ below the actual mean of 100? - commentors say yes     (www.reddit.com)
submitted by oppressed to RaceRealism 9 months ago (+33/-1)
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asians dont behave like this     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by oppressed to RaceRealism 10 months ago (+29/-2)
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"I went in search for a non-dangerous Black population in America...and got shot from doing so."     (RaceRealism)
submitted by oppressed to RaceRealism 10 months ago (+6/-0)
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a funny quote that reminds me of this rushton video where rushton went in search of a high Iq black population

A Canadian university professor discusses the taboo subject of racial differences (J. Philip Rushton, 2000)

different races     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by boekanier to RaceRealism 10 months ago (+35/-0)
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Democrats openly admitting niggers are too stupid to get into college on merit     (twitter.com)
submitted by NukeAmerica to RaceRealism 11 months ago (+12/-1)
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