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Community for : 3.2 years

v/Linux is home to all things related to the Linux Operating System. All goats are welcome, it doesn't matter if you have never used Linux before, or, You are an experienced pro. Please be respectful!

Owner: lord_nougat


Infinite Bash History     (
submitted by v0atmage to Linux 1.1 years ago (+4/-0)

TLDR; Add to your .bashrc or .bash_profile:

#Read this number of lines into history buffer on startup.
export HISTSIZE=1000000

#`HISTFILESIZE` is usually set after bash reads the history file (which is
#done after reading any configs like `.bashrc`). If it is unset at this point,
#it is set to the same value as `HISTSIZE`. Therefore we must set it to `NIL`,
#in which case it isn't "unset", but doesn't have a value either, enabling us
#to keep an unlimited history.
Advanced Bash Scripting - (Yes, it's a pdf),      (
submitted by ParnellsUprising to Linux 1 year ago (+4/-0)
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A Linux Resource Site     (
submitted by iSnark to Linux 2 months ago (+5/-1)
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Tux Machines places great emphasis on covering both GNU and Linux. We occasionally also cover other Free and Open Source operating systems, as well as games, applications, instructional posts, and, very occasionally, relevant proprietary software.
Install DOSBox in Ubuntu to Play Retro Games     (
submitted by ParnellsUprising to Linux 1.2 years ago (+3/-0)
5 comments last comment...
Coding Interviews in Best Korea Be Like...     (
submitted by Master_Foo to Linux 7 months ago (+3/-0)
2 comments last comment...
xz-utils backdoor     (
submitted by VaccineWaters to Linux 1 month ago (+4/-1)
3 comments last comment...
Native Linux Graphic Editor     (
submitted by Kozel to Linux 1 month ago (+3/-0)
8 comments last comment...

I've been using Affinity 1 with Wine, but it was finicky and sometimes crashed. I tried a bunch of other programs and found Lunacy by chance. Its actually pretty good and has tons of free assets. Another good program is BoxySVG.
A little something for Linux Newies: How to Install LibreOffice 7 on Linux (Well explained & Easy to follow)     (
submitted by iSnark to Linux 3 weeks ago (+3/-0)
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We go through the steps to uninstall the previous version of LibreOffice and install the new LibreOffice 7 using Linux Mint. This tutorial likely would apply to Ubuntu and other Ubuntu-based Linux distros as well.

Can be adapted to other recent versions of LibreOffice.
Linux without Microshaft taint     (Linux)
submitted by GenericVoatNameNumber6million to Linux 1.8 years ago (+2/-0)
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I have been out of the I.T. scene for a while. My machine recently died, and I am looking for a flavor of Linux without "improvements" from Microshaft.

Any thoughts on an O.S. that would be more old school Linux than the recent version of Ubuntu?
Tutorial - How to Install LibreWolf Browser on Linux - 04/Aug/2022     (
submitted by charliebrown_au to Linux 1.8 years ago (+2/-0)

Video - Tutorial - How to Install LibreWolf Browser on Linux - 04/Aug/2022 (Charliebrownau)

#LibreWolf #Browser #Linux #Software #Open-source #Privacy #Security #Based #Tutorial
The Bastard Operator From Hell Collection     (
submitted by redgreenpill to Linux 1.2 years ago (+3/-1)
Mint 21 is best Mint     (Linux)
submitted by totalitariat to Linux 1.1 years ago (+2/-0)
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I just upgraded the storage on a ~10 year old Asus laptop from HDD to SSD, and installed Linux Mint 21.1. I had Mint 19 on the old HDD. I was prepared for the ass-pain of trying to get all my stuff reinstalled, but unlike 19 everything I wanted just installed with little fuss and only a little troubleshooting. GQRX-SDR, CHIRP, ProtonVPN, LibreWolf & FileZilla were all included in the software manager so I didn't have to go search on a browser. Didn't have to go hunting for drivers or configurations to connect to the SDR. Even HPLIPfor my also ~10 year old printer installed with no problems, which may possibly be the first time I've had HP software run correctly on first install on Linux or Windows. I had a lot of trouble getting stuff to work on 19, but I also have learned more since then, so I wonder how much of that was just newbie incompetence.

I keep this laptop out in the barn and just leave it there to mess with radios or listen to videos while I work, and I had largely written it off as outdated, but this SSD is fast as hell and it boots and opens things almost just as fast as my new laptop. It's amazing how the only thing that's really progressed in consumer electronics is graphics.
The Universe Doesn't Want Linux 6.8 To Exist      (
submitted by iSnark to Linux 4 months ago (+2/-0)
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Question to all you other Linux-Tards out there...      (Linux)
submitted by iSnark to Linux 2 months ago (+2/-0)
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So, I started with Mint in about 2016, had brief stops at Parrot & Kali, Passed "GO", collected 200 Bucks! Went on to Manjaro, Artix, Garuda, & Endeavor, Then settled on Debian for quite a spell... What would you Autists recommend my next stop be? I'm really impressed with Debian, so I'm looking for something that has that same level of GUI-based performance and durability. This is just tooling around, Daily Drive bullshit... No specific need like running high level databases or anything like that. Eager to hear what you guys come up with. Give your reasoning behind your choices.
Which browsers are viable in 2021?     (Linux)
submitted by Wahaha to Linux 2.8 years ago (+2/-1)
13 comments last comment...
I'm still on Firefox, for lack of anything better. Tried out Brave, but it wouldn't even let you move tabs to the bottom or allow for vertical tabs. Immediately uninstalled that garbage. Also using qutebrowser on the side. It's only downside is that it isn't feature complete, yet. But it is good enough to handle most of my browsing just fine and is philosophically in line with what I expect from a browser.

Firefox with the new proton nonsense has become completely unusable, though, so my plan to hold out until qutebrowser is ready was thwarted. For now I disabled updates, but that's not going to cut it for very long.
One liner to see if your vpn is working on the cli     (Linux)
submitted by ParnellsUprising to Linux 2.8 years ago (+1/-0)
5 comments last comment...
Uninstall Firefox (January 9, 2021)     (
submitted by Wahaha to Linux 2.8 years ago (+2/-1)
2 comments last comment...
Filesystem tree info     (Linux)
submitted by bonghits4jeebus to Linux 11 months ago (+1/-0)
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Is there a filesystem that, given a simple hierarchical layout of files and directories (ignoring links and whatnot), can answer basically instantly the question of the contribution of a subtree to the total FS usage? Say it's an average server root FS of 2TB full.
1     (
submitted by iSnark to Linux 3 months ago (+1/-0)
So true!     (
submitted by iSnark to Linux 3 months ago (+1/-0)
This ZSH Plugin Manager Is Really SUS [19:34] - Brodie Robertson      (
submitted by Love240 to Linux 1 month ago (+1/-0)
How do I load i2c-module and i2c-i801 driver?      (Linux)
submitted by 2Drunk to Linux 3 weeks ago (+1/-0)
10 comments last comment...
I'm using an ASUS Laptop running Mint and Garuda. Haven't decided which OS to keep. I'm trying to run OpenRGB for the laptop and both OS give the same error. I'm not very intelligent so I need basic instructions or link to a write up.

This is the actual error msg:

"One or more I2C/SMBus interfaces failed to initialize.
RGB DRAM modules and some motherboards' onboard RGB lighting will not be available without I2C/SMBus.
On Linux, this is usually because the i2c-dev module is not loaded. You must load the i2c-dev module along with the correct i2c driver for your motherboard. This is usually i2c-piix4 for AMD systems and i2c-i801 for Intel systems."

This might be beyond my comprehension. I'm using a intel system.
Sheepish Goy on Reddit Ask Obvious Question in Linux Forum - Misinformation Ensues     (
submitted by Dingo to Linux 3 weeks ago (+1/-0)
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This is a good example of how the conversation is controlled. Look at the downvotes and crap answers that get all the traction and upvotes. Obvious who the "bots" (accounts run by an "agenda" rather than a "person") are in this case.

The question is about the (((CIA))) control of Linux and the user gives an example. Linux goats must know at this point that systemd, elogind, wayland, and these new package delivery systems (snaps, flatpak) all attack vectors on the linux userspace security. On top of that, who the hell knows what's deep in the kernel code itself (this Rust language for example is another "progressive" hack) and let's not get started about the obvious hardware backdoors.

The Link does not go directly to reddit but another place to obfuscate social media information and tracking.

@Kozel @iSnark
Looking for a new router?     (
submitted by ParnellsUprising to Linux 3 years ago (+0/-0)
11 comments last comment...
Fucking linux desktop original content     (Linux)
submitted by Kozel to Linux 1 year ago (+2/-2)
36 comments last comment...
Trying to get rid of shitdows for the nth time.

Imaged my windoze to VM and another disk just to be safe.

Installed Artix community edition. After reboot it won't boot. Stupid grub keeps trying to use wrong NVME. Found a fix grub command. Now panels keep resetting every restart, display scaling is total shit, arranging displays looks like that old windows bug where the windows tile all over the screen, random things don't work, printer won't work, sound keeps resetting to the wrong output every restart. Dumped it.

Installed devuan because everything works with debian. LiveCD couldn't find my network card. Plugged in a usb ethernet that worked, thought it would install drivers. Didn't install shit. Now I'm running some shit fuzzy resolution on a 4k monitor trying to figure out how to install AMD driver and dumped it. Fuck that.

Try void for 2nd time. New hardware. With previous PC it wouldn't work with my sound card. Forgot these fuckers make you manual partition. Figure it out watching some dude on youtube. Looking really nice. But I can't get many programs to work and scaling is shit and something else made me dump it.

Go for PCLinux. Yay, a WIZARD. I fucking love wizards and do not like manual partitioning in a terminal tool. Press next a few times, stuck on Please wait for 30 minutes. Dump it.

Gentooo lets goooo. Wait wtf their livecd is a fucking terminal and I have to reference a guide to get this motherfucker installed. Dumped it.

Do research. Apparently kde plasma isn't absolute shit at scaling. Install artix plasma as I've gotten furthest with this OS toward a usable system. Half the repos now won't update. Some key mismatch shit. Can't get the apps I want. Spend 2 hours finally find some copy paste about fixing keychains in pacman and reinitializing the fucker. Well now it fucking works like it should have out of the box. What shit is this that so much trouble is necessary to pacman? Got yay to work with arch aur. Installed most of the stuff I want. Now the problem is the fucking printer. I installed it through the control panel and selected the correct driver but it still not working.

I'm afraid I may not have the strength to persevere through this printer installation task.